Is Putin a chad or not?

Is Putin a chad or not?

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>loudmouth manlet that's never been in a real fight

I'm gonna say no.

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>never been in a real fight
He was in KGB.

>never been in a real fight
what are you mumbling there, Aussie?

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pick one

So he manned a desk. Dude, whoa...

>169 cm


would absolutely HEEM this shortarse git if I met him irl

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>never been in a real fight
How the fck do you know?

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Always has been

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wew, i'd fuck young Lyudmila

Because homosexuals don't get into fights.

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It's okay to be gay

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What about autistic?

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I think that only shithole countries's leaders have to show their power in magnificent&alpha photos

She was beautiful but she aged like milk

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Putin's probably the Chaddest Chad in existence. Don't think the hierarchy of men goes much higher than him.

I hate Russians so much. Why are they so retarded and in the stone age? Stupid people, stupid country.

He worked for the KGB as a functionary, a paper-pushing bureaucrat. He wasn't out there ripping out fingernails and whatnot. He's a manlet and a sniveling little thief. I don't understand why anyone would buy into the cult-of-personality horseshit, Putin is no one to look up to.

But that article says he is not autistic

I think you are the autist here if you can't tell the difference between a bromance and a homosexual relationship

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>President for life (essentially a monarch)
>Probably richest man in the world
>Made billionaires his bitch
>Jails and kills even the pettiest of opponents with no fucks given

He's about as "Chad" as you get

The guys who ripped out fingernails have since retired with a measly pension of $1000/month and are probably farming chicken to get by.

Meanwhile Putin is up there on top of his throne. Don't get the mental gymnastics that you are having to make just to try to imply that he isn't the ultimate boss.

Young Putin was so ugly and weird, he had that typical Russian clown face, old Putin looks more professional.

>Swede gets triggered by masculinity
Who would have thought

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old men always look more professional and's in our nature to trust in the wisdom of old men

ivans are retarded

They have zero sense of future planning

>Stupid people, stupid country.

That's the west, the US, the Netherlands, your country, Sweden, most countries in the west. Southern Europe is the exception. It is well known that if a guy doesn't look physically imposing, he stands no chance in our politics. We are the cavemen. Russians elected a guy who is not even 170cm for two decades in a row.


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Why do you think that their empire (Soviet Union) collapsed? Zero ability to plan ahead, just a primal "lmao lets plunder and repress the growth of all our communist allies around us because this is the very first thing that came to our mind YEAH that will surely make communism spread everywhere". Meanwhile, the civilized USA spent the minimum amount of thought required and realized that doing the opposite and actually cultivating Western Europe's economies would benefit them in the long-term. Well look at where Russia is right now compared to the USA

He's an embezzler, nothing more. He got started as a civil servant in SPB stealing aid money during the 90's crisis, and has since moved on to stealing at a national level. It's nothing to respect.

Of course he would say that.

> brexitain
> post

Looks like sminem

He’s chort

excuse me but here is the real version of that image

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yeah, like, you know.

He's rather like a tsar. He does not need to own something as everithing is his, he own whole Russia in his mind. As tsar he owns and responsible for it.