BTFO’ing pro-choice arguments with science and logic

>Pro-Choice Argument #1: A fetus isn’t a life. It’s just a blob of tissue, a parasite, etc.

If a single celled organism were discovered on another planet the entire scientific community would hail it as extraterrestrial life, but if it’s a multi-celled organism inside one human being with the sole purpose of producing another human being… it’s not life?

>Pro-Choice Argument #2: Ok, well it’s life but it’s not VIABLE life as it cannot survive without the support of its host.

Infants, toddlers, and many elderly & infirmed cannot survive without the physical support of others as well. By this logic, all should be legal to kill.

>Pro-Choice Argument #3: Bodily autonomy! You/government have no right to tell someone what they can/can’t do with their own bodies!

Is that so? Then why can’t I sell my organs? Engage in prostitution? Procure any and all illicit substances for my own personal use?

>Pro-Choice Argument #4: The unborn are not a protected class!

Then why do we charge someone who beats a pregnant woman and causes her to miscarry with homicide?

>Pro-Choice Argument #5: Because the SCOTUS says it’s legal so FUCK YOU!

Everything Mengele did was legal too. Until it wasn’t.

What else you baby killers got?

Other urls found in this thread:

You step on ants without thinking twice, correct?

>pro choice argument #6

there would be less bastard children that grow up to commit crime if abortion was encouraged.

Are you actually trying to equate a human being to an ant?

>a parasite isnt life

Pro-Life is Pro-Nigger

Bull. Abortion is rampant and all the remaining nigger teenagers are still shooting eachother.

The nigger problem could be solved easily.

1) Cancel any and all social welfare programs to people who won't work.
2) Offer voluntary sterilization services.

Not only should abortion be allowed, the women that use it should at the same time be sterilised.

Why would you want retards that can't plan for the future, that can't protect themselves, that are promiscuous, that don't care about killing their own child, WHY WOULD YOU WANT SUBHUMANS TO REPRODUCE


Abortion should be allowed when it would put a burden on the woman, e.g. a financial or emotional burden.


Because the child will become a criminal if the home it is brought up in can not support it, or it will become a parasite on society.

You pro-lifers are the same people that hate people on welfare, and people that take advantage of other government funded programs, if you thought logically, you'd realize that abortion can stop these people who become parasites from ever existing.

Pro-lifers are shooting themselves in the fucking foot by trying to take away the one weapon we have against creating more of these parasites.

We will never have an ideal society until we thin the heard, hell, I'd even support disallowing people with low income from having children entirely.

The only way you can morally argue against making abortion an option, esp for low income people, is if you're some religious nut or something.

I agree with you, but get 1 or 2 done before you ban abortion then, I'll be waiting.

I don't go as far as this, as I think that people can change and they should have the option to have a child in the future if they're ever able to plan for and support it.

but basically, this. Why would you want someone who wants an abortion to have a child and further dilute the population?

>cancel welfare
>people homeless in your cities
>"look at these fucking niggers in the street"
You can't make this shit up. Which is it, conservfags?

If abortion was more socially acceptable we would have far less problems in the world..

Imo having a child should be illegal unless it's been government approved via an interview process that includes financial checks, proof of gainful employment, no evidence of substance abuse.. similar to a job interview.. then after this has been approved the couple is allowed to have a child. Not stopping people from reproducing, just making sure they can be responsible for their actions and support a child to adult life without assistance.

If they don't pass the background checks... welp sorry guys you're not allowed a child yet. Come back when you've sorted out your lives a bit better.

If they don't go through this process welp sorry guys gonna have to have an abortion or face jail time.

Sterilization solves this. Pay the patient to do it for fucks sake. How many of these dindus do you think would line up for a fucking $50 KFC gift certificate?

We're already dealing with it, numbnuts.


Blacks will always have a home in prison

I find it strange these kind of shitposting threads never argue the 3 month rule. You know, that rule that is based on the time when the fetus starts to form the brain?

The brain starts to form at 16 days. Try again.

Eh, not in the mood unless someone actually starts to argue the 3 month rule.

Of course you're not in the mood, because your whole "brain forms at 3 months" bullshit was just shot out the window.

With a fucking cannon.

Well my man, you can latch on to your beliefs as long as you want. Having children is incetivized for the poor.

And I already stated how we can fix that.

I'm with you on welfare reform. I will argue that you have provided no science and that I have no reason to believe you have an educattion in logic.

I know you're probably trolling, but I'll humor you.

Typically when you say life in the context of abortion, we're talking about conscious life. Single celled organisms are not conscious. A cell from your liver is not conscious. A fetus is not conscious life.

When you scratch your nose, you're removing skin cells that have the potential to be cloned to create life under the right conditions in a lab. If we considered abortion murder, then this(not to mention masturbation and basically anything else) would be an act of genocide.

No. Infants, the elderly, etc. are conscious agents that can experience states of well-being and suffering. This is not the same as a fetus.

I would agree with you on this point and most people I've spoken with who actually care about these issues are equally consistent. Drugs and prostitution at least should be legal but regulated.


Again, this is a legal argument not a philosophical or ethical argument. There's no checkmate here, just inconsistency on the part of our lawmakers. Personally, I think it should be punished similarly but homicide is clearly not the correct term.

Ok. You don't have to appeal to authority to argue that abortion is an ethically and morally neutral act if you aren't religious, as I've demonstrated here. Have a nice day and, as always, stay mad.

So more of them will help right?

The entire abortion debate boils down to this.

Some people think abortion is bad because they consider the fetus a human, other people think abortion isn't bad because the fetus is not human.
It's just opinions. You can have whatever opinion you want. It doesn't matter what your opinion is.

What matters is what you're going to do about it?
Are you saying that the government should step in? This isn't about being left wing or right wing, this is about authoritarianism versus libertarianism.

I don't like abortion in later stages of pregnancy and I consider it baby killing, but I do not want the government to tell you what you can and can't do with it. I don't want the government to collect taxes to fund abortions either.

>Some people think abortion is bad because they consider the fetus a human, other people think abortion isn't bad because the fetus is not human.
It's just opinions. You can have whatever opinion you want. It doesn't matter what your opinion is.

Wrong. If you check the DNA of a fetus it will register as a human being. Not a fucking tomato plant.

Stop pretending to be retarded.
You know what they mean.

I think the generic response from them would be ''skin has DNA too, but chopped off forsekin isn't a human''.

Stop pretending to be retarded. For fuck's sake. This is about authoritarianism versus libertarianism, not you pretending to be retarded.

1) So you define life as being "conscious" eh? Comatose patients are not conscious. We should kill them all then, right?

2) Unborn children dream, move, and react to external stimuli. If that's not consciousness, what is?

4) Bullshit. It has everything to do with ethics. Ethics are the whole reason murder is illegal to begin with.

5) Wrong again, chucko. Whether you believe in religion or not human beings are designed to procreate. Willful and intentional termination of a successful pregnancy is detrimental to the species.

Skin is just is just one component of a human being you fool. When you have an abortion you're destroying the entire life form.

No shit, retard. Are you going to keep pretending to be retarded or are you simply retarded?

Life has no value.

Well then feel free to off yourself.

I don't even know what the fuck you're arguing with me about. Your posts are going in circles.

That's because you're a low IQ American.
You're so stupid you can't even understand when someone is on your side.

Maybe you should try speaking clearly rather than sputtering on about like a 6 year old calling everyone retards.

Doesn't really bother me to be honest. My girlfriend got pregnant a year back, and we used contraception. We don't want a kid yet, so we had it aborted. I can't be arsed to look after a kid yet.

>Pol would rather have more single mothers
>Pol would rather have more mass murderers
>Pol would rather have more poor
>Pol would rather have more niggers
>Pol would rather have more tax payers money go to single mothers

On the other hand.
>there will be more pol.

Pol are jews confirmed.

Wtf Sup Forums, I never thought you were against abortions like some ovulating 16yo butthurt orthodox mother of a retarded mutant child.

So you're "adult" enough to have sex, just not "adult" enough to deal with the responsibilities that come with sex.

Know what you and your girlfriend are? Fucking selfish little cowards. The child you butchered didn't ask to be here.

>yeah why would we allow low-tier single mothers who got misteriously knocked up to abort?
>much better, let's just allow the kids to grow up in misery and contribute to the idiocracy
life isn't sacred, and we have too many humans around anyway.

Pretty much yeah mate. I really love having sex, I've been shagging since I was 15, but I don't really want to look after a kid yet. I'm travelling a lot right now and a child would be inconvenient to say the least. If that makes me selfish then boy, am I selfish. If she ever gets pregnant again we'll just abort it. Fuck, I might just get her pregnant again just so we can abort it seeing as it triggers you this much.

"Mysteriously knocked up"? What the actual fuck? Is it a secret as to how it's done?

Whatever floats your boat. You'll always be a little manlet coward.

Damn, I'm gonna be really sad that some mart sharter on Sup Forums doesn't like the fact that I killed a precious babby.
Please forgive me :^((((

You'll answer for it someday. Mark my words.

get a vasectomy. you can easily get it reversed when you're ready

> muh gawd will send yo ass 2 hell nd shiet

No he wont.

i just don't want anymore nig babies to be born desu senpai

I look forward to it :^)
I've asked my doctor about this and he said there is a chance that it will be irreversable so I didn't really think about it that much afterwards. I guess I'll look in to it again.

it's your own conscience you'll have to face one day. that moment always comes for us all.

everyone can fuck up once, but if you get her pregnant and again and abort it (and i'm 99% sure you're not serious and the abortion was actually traumatic for both you and your girlfriend), that's something hard to come back from. it'll eat away at your soul until the day you die, and i don't wish that experience on my worst enemy

only if he's just an animal, and has the conscience of a feral nigger

It didn't bother me or her at the time and I can guarantee it won't bother me for the rest of my life. Sure, it wasn't exactly a fun time but we're both happy as we could possibly be. Happier than we would be if we didn't go through with the abortion.

He'll know it as soon as he actually has a child, develops the bond with it that only a parent knows, and then comes to the realization of what he destroyed.

Hahahahah holy shit the most American thing you can ever say hahahahahahha what a fucking disgrace an absolute mock just leave this board holy fuck hashahahhaah

The best argument against abortion is that people who support it were not aborted. Its stupidly simple and illustrates that abortion can and will be used just as it is now to kill retards, women and gays (as soon as the gay gene is discovered).

Its literally a system that rewards discrimination

This is the only valid argument. Everything else, even the scientific consensus that the zygote is a life is a matter of preferred belief.

The truth is, no one alive today would be able to share their opinion if they were aborted. Its an obvious evil double standard that only exists to corrupt western family values and make women nihilists.

Also, the oocyte and spermatozoon are not organisms and neither is the skin cell (as it cannot function on its own).

The zygote however is. It operates with one particular function. To develop into a life for which it acts immediately and decisively and with a clear purpose and result. It is the basis of all human life. Essentially, logically and as a matter of immediate and decisive effect on its formation.


You're clearly not a parent either. Fuck off, leaf.

Nice assumptions my friend. I'm not you my man, I don't see fetuses the same way as you do. I really don't give a fuck about them.
I'm sorry abortion upsets you so much, but it's not a big deal to me.

PRO-Choice argument 6: it's mostly niggers and other non whites who get abortions.
7: Most of the time whites get an abortion it is for a good reason like the offspring would be born defective anyways

Only genetically healthy whites matter to me. Everything's else can be killed before birth for all I care

Well said. I agree entirely.


White: no
Anything else: yes

Oh it's a christian thread.
Time to hide.

then why is the sector os society most prone to abortions also the most likely to commit violent crime?

Your theory needs to be correct and it observably is not.

I don't have to be to point out and laugh at the most hilarious shit you people say. Thanks for making my morning.

There's no arguement against the people that can justify killing unborn children. They're just evil.

>By this logic, all should be legal to kill.

By this logic, masturbation is a million times more evil than abortion

Christfags need to just fuck off

God damn all the shit you retarded faggots whine about and yet you cant even stop any of your daughters from dressing like prostitutes

Fuck off

>murder should be legal as long as its not me

libertarians are actually this stupid

You forgot the most important fucking government check: racial purity

Those who are racially impure or mixed couple should not be allowed to reproduce

The people who would get an abortion are the poeple who shouldn't raise kids. Prove me wrong

You don't get it because you're not yet a parent.

Well I take that back. You are a parent of a dead child you simply never met.

I have 2 children. After the first one was born it took me all of 5 minutes to realize I would burn the whole fucking world to protect him. Once you hold your own offspring in your hands you realize that words like "fetus" and "zygote" and whatever other de-humanizing terms have been pounded into your head go completely out the window. That is a LIFE that YOU created. That is YOUR child. And when that realization hits you, you will then understand what you and your girlfriend destroyed in your selfish idiocy.

I 100% guarantee you that you will reflect on what I've said here when you have a child and say "damn, that user was right". Unless, of course, you DO have the mentality of a feral nigger. In which case kindly die in a fire.

Failed human biology did we? Masturbation does not produce offspring, idiot. That's only HALF the ingredients.


Nah. You can assume things all you want mate but it ain't gonna happen. Just because you say doesn't make it so. I don't look at unborn fetuses the same way as you do. I don't look at them as kids.
My uncle had an abortion ten years before before he had his first child and he swears by it to this day.

Taking those points into consideration:
Why should human trash be allowed to have children? (Imagine a mother with four kids from four different fathers, half of those live with their grandmother because she could not support them, and STILL wants to have more kids)

except your own movement doesnt even agree with you

prochoice is the choice to kill your child born or unborn

its why prochoice advocates has sat before congress and testified that women should be allowed to kill their children after birth

>from my experience pro-choice people tend to be the most ignorant of biology and ethics and lacking in empathy
>the mainstream narrative is that pro-life are that instead

How the fuck does his happen.

>masturbation is a million times more evil than abortion

Learn basic biology retard.

>So you define life as being "conscious" eh? Comatose patients are not conscious. We should kill them all then, right?
We switch off machines all the time idiot.

>Wrong again, chucko. Whether you believe in religion or not human beings are designed to procreate. Willful and intentional termination of a successful pregnancy is detrimental to the species.

Pigs do all these things and are more intelligent than an embryo that that stage. You faggots are arguing for potential. Fuck off and be stupid elsewhere.

It's not my 'movement' at all. I don't care about prochoicers and whatever they are doing in front of Congress. I had the abortion because it was convenient, I don't particularly care about the politics behind it.

What you "look at them as" is irrelevant. They are what they are, and you are the parent of a dead child. The DNA of a fetus reads just as human as you and I.

You're too young and naive to grasp the gravity of what you've done. You WILL care down the road.

A thousand times this yet none of you pro-life faggots address it. Abortion reduces human suffering.

"I am irresponsible and it has been pardoned by society"

"I killed him because it was convenient officer, I dont particularly care about the politics behind it"

please abort yourself.

Whatever you need to convince yourself to help you sleep at night my friend :^)

>We switch off machines all the time idiot.

Only on people who are a lost cause you fucking moron. We don't turn off machines on someone who has a high probability of recovering with a little bit of help. Jesus Christ are you really this stupid?

>You faggots are arguing for potential

Well no shit sherlock. Every pregnancy has the potential to become a full blown autonomous child because *gasp* THAT'S WHAT PREGNANCY IS DESIGNED TO DO! MAKE MORE HUMANS!

Fucking hell, how do you even put socks on in the morning.

You keep bringing up political arguments about it when I stated I don't care about the politics behind it. I didn't want the kid and it was legal for me to get rid of it, so I did.
It's almost sad how you guys get so upset over this.

>Tearing an unborn child limb from limb reduces suffering.

I don't even...

well I guess you win, youve dragged me down to your level of relativism and moral nihilism

For what its worth legal or illegal Id kill you if given the chance

I'm not upset. You're the one who will eventually have to deal with the fact you murdered your own child. Not me.

>Counter argument #1: A single cell is a life

Stop scratching your arm you're killing skin cells.

>Counter argument #2: This isn't a viable argument in the first place obviously, which is probably why I've never heard it.

>Counter argument #3: Why can't i do this and that

In my country you can be a prostitute. You can donate your organs.

You can't SELL your organs because it encourages business to be made from it, which is quite immoral, and takes advantage of poor people, as in India, with the liver trade. You can't produce illicit substances because the odds that you will sell them are too great.

>Counter argument #5: Who the fuck is scotus?

If you don't want to do an abortion, fine. But don't force your shit on others, it's their choice whether or not they want to be "immoral" or not you fucking cunt.

All this fucking projection.

Then kill yourself, if life isnt sacred fucking gilipollas.

skin is dead

You will in fact be committed for tearing the flesh from your body

You cant sell your organs because its immoral.

because its immoral



scotus= Supreme Court of the United States

Cool man, I'm looking forward to it.

not remotely

Only if it was convenient though

I dont want to sink too low do I

Your rebuttal to #1 shows you are clearly too stupid to grasp what was actually said so there's no point in engaging you any further.

This. /thread

Of course not, my dude.
I'd only kill someone if it was convenient.

a fetus is life, but it aint human life
no brain and no heart, it isnt human