Get moderately redpilled

>get moderately redpilled
>see public opinion is moving and think we still have a chance

>get fully redpilled
>understand it's over, it has been over for a long time, we lost

RIP, Francistan. We should have acted earlier.


We still have 2017 and 2022 to fix thing.

It's a bad feel allright. Even if we win some day, and our entire population goes full redpill, idk. I realize kebab removal is necessary but I'm not too eager to visit the darkest corners of European history

wow that is a great pic.


Fuck off shill

>get beyond redpilled
>realise the only thing holding me back is defeatism

Whats the number of migrants in France now, something like 1/3 of population?

If nothing happen before 2022 it's over Pierre

No, more like 20%

Indeed France is done, leave while you still can.


Fix what? Demographics is destiny.
If Le Pen comes to power she will limit immigration and do many good things but non-Whites will never ever leave, they will never ever truly assimilate and they will keep gaining more and more weight by natality.

Don't get me wrong I'll vote for our interests but I'm still feeling low.

How to deal with Sup Forums induced depression?

I don't think he tried to insult you bro.

>How to deal with Sup Forums induced depression?

You can't.

Sit tight and hope Austria gives us another Hitler

Do it again France, revolt.

its not an hostile answer, the frog is just trying to say that we have a lot of mudshit

you could just kill them all

General population stats are irrelevant, what matters is new generations.

And we don't have to become a minority to be doomed, minorities simply have to reach the tipping point when they can declare France an immigrant country for everyone like the US. We're passing that point next year by electing Juppé.
After that we won't be able to stop the future Sahelian mass-exodus caused by drought, overpopulation and hunger.

My bad.

Anyway he is more or less right we have something like 10-15 milion shitskins and a civil war incoming

You're right unfortunately. France is so far gone you can only hope for the worst - civil war. Deportation just won't happen, not in 2017 or ever. Europe probably won't even have external borders for another decade at least. All you can do is fight the good fight, hope for change and shitpost memes to relieve the depression.

It already in the program of the FN to deport them.

>we surrender
FFS how French can you get

And if France would stay faithful to russo-franco alliance during ww2 and helped whites to defeat bolsheviks you wouldn't be in this mess now.
Sad thing anyway


Things looked bad at the height of Weimar too. Remember that demographics can change very quickly. All it takes is one war, one well organised population transfer. Remember that Arabs can not organise as armies and fight wars, but Whites can. Even if we were outnumbered, which we are not, a small militia of Whites could defeat entire Arab nations armies.

Be confident in the organising ability and IQ of your race. You may be cucked now, but once you wake up, even as a minority, you are 1st world race who will always defeat 3rd world hordes in battle. All it takes is one war, one population/deportation policy.

Alain "the cuckservative" Juppé

Are we, though?
There will clearly be more and more ethnic strife and violence, there will be far right massacres and other terror attacks...
But for a civil war you need actual armies fighting. People are cucked enough to stay silent and vote for their replacement and you think they'd take arms or support an insurgency? Bleh, of course no. They will stay completely passive as in 1940, and submit. Any far right action will be presented as evidence that both sides are equally guilty and that we should just leave in peace with each other. Meanwhile Whites who can will leave to better places, becoming rootless cosmopolites blamed for everything wrong in the world.

Not citizens obviously.

Elections don't change shit


The program plan to deport the terrorists, and to expel those who did not work since five years, as well as other things.

Anyway, if the FN is elected he will do the utmost to expel them and reduce their political weight since they vote for the socialists.

>Things looked bad at the height of Weimar too.
Precisely not when it came to demographics, what truly matters.
In fact it is *French* demographics which looked awful at the time, because while all our neighbours and enemies had big population growth, we completely stalled. And eventually we got schlonged hard.
If France had kept the same birth rate as England since the Revolution, we would now be 300 million Frenchmen on Earth, we would have a White Christian French Maghreb and the World wars would have happened very differently.

So just like in 1940 another European country will steamroll you and remove the kebabs?

mais déportez quoi ?

l'éxtreme majorité des shitskin comme vous dites sont bien intégré et ont une carte d'identité.

puis génétiquement parlant il faut du sang neuf pour renouveler le patrimoine genetique d'une population. et si tu regarde sur le trés long terme le métissage rendra les hommes unis

>How to deal with Sup Forums induced depression?

tout ça pour dire que vous êtes des gogoles à pleurnicher sur des délires médiévaux de sang pur, de patrie, de terre même.
La france c'est un groupe de differentes étnies d'europe à la base, c'est juste de la démographie de base et les peuplements évoluent de la même façon en se mélangeant c'est un processus naturel c'est pas les juifs btw ahah

aprés oui ça fait mal au cul, faut juste l'accepter, et croire en la civilisation en general

> How to deal with Sup Forums induced depression?

You can try to escape it for a while get a plain ticket for somewhere with no muslim and don't check the news

Shill spotted

Even if you chance your ID your ideology and the nature of your post are still the same, you know.

That pic is really making me think. A country that bad at art is now responsible for anime. How is this possible?

Mate how many Muslims lived in modern Israel a century ago? What percentage?

How many Muslims live in modern Israel now? What percentage?

How many Jews lived in modern Poland a century ago? How many now? Or Germans is Silesia & Pomerania? Or Muslims in Crete? Or Greeks in Constantinople?

Demography is destiny right up until the point the better organised side wins and transfers it's enemies in a rapid explusion.

>>understand it's over, it has been over for a long time, we lost
not sure how you can think that given so much alt right material on the web
there are clearly people out there who disagree with the mainstream
of course the alt right is not the real right. It is just a counterposition to the most ludicrous leftism.

>Arab spotted
The fact they're a significant portion of French Sup Forums users, and that they systematically hold pro-replacement views despite being "redpilled" is proof that I'm right: we're doomed.

i just care about the survivability of mankind.

and anything inviting to conflict and balkanisation of people and entity like brexit is dagerous for the life span of our civilsation.

probably more french than you, and yea you are doomed, you were doomed from even before the begining.

you are trying to think against the law of nature, it's beyond any organisation, it's just the way the human species behave on earth, species mix deal with it

You're not done yet OP. It's only over if you give up.

Take the redpill on personal finance and start getting rich. Accumulate wealth, become influential, and mold the world in your image. You can do it!

Make all the very old French and terminally ill wear a suicide vest and enter a different mosque on Friday. Short of that...

Good thing is, the follow up will be #notallnonmuslims #JesuisAhmed and flowers everywhere

>and anything inviting to conflict and balkanisation of people and entity like brexit is dagerous for the life span of our civilsation.

Shitskins are arabs, and importing more shitskins will only strengthen the arabic culture and weaken the french culture.
Our civilization is linked to our race, if the french die so will die France and our culture.

your flag is whiter than your people.
Abandon ship now.

>probably more french than you
You're a good troll I'll give you that, but you can't even write a correct sentence in french to save your life

>Take the redpill on personal finance and start getting rich
not just politics, all of society has filters. The type of people who arrive at signifcant wealth are the type that perpetuate the way things are in society
those who would make a difference dont get that far

>Our civilization is linked to our race, if the french die so will die France and our culture.

that's what culture do, they die and then another culture come and die and on and on

nice arguments, you only care about where do i come from like a standards fucking retard

Don't feed the Bougne. He rationalizes his pro-replacement views but in the end it's just because he doesn't want to leave back to the Bled.

We can hope for a new white immigration with eastern European country.

I'm here to watch the world burn, my scenario :
France to go bankrupt Greek style. Most shitskin living from handouts from the government left with nothing.

No more assedic, rsa and cmu would create a civil war, former gibmedat rushing middle class neighborhood to loot and rape. After a while the parasites will seek a better host.

>white people
>thousands of years of history and culture
>the best civilizations humanity has ever seen
>create the modern world, massive advances in science and technology

>cucks throw it all away, everything destroyed in one generation
gg lads. but at least for one brief moment we had diversity

just got into an argument with my father about that, we basically both know things cannot be fixed in a state of democracy and we both agree that islam is pure cancer, but he thinks the ends justify the means while I dont, I dont really see why we would fight against a totalitarian ideology just to end up in a dictature, even what we pretend is worth fighting for is nothing,
>french "culture" is state owned and pure shit
>our country suffers from its mentality and dependence to assistance
>noone is patriot for shit and me neither because its a fucking lost cause

I really dont know Sup Forums, whats the point anymore, its not like there was anyhting to save at that point.

But you have no arguments.

There's no need for "arab blood" especially, one so fucked up by centuries of cousin fuckery it can make the jews blush.

And the only place your people are well integrated it's in our prisons, or when you need something from the welfare state.

Lol they're going extinct and you can't balance an incredibly more populated Africa that also has more incentive to win.

The only hope would be if a very large portion of White Americans came back to Europe bit it won't happen.

I know that feel OP, it's awful. Especially when you realise how deep it goes. My dad is a self-declared socialist who thinks diversity is important and "islamophobia and homophobia are on the rise" lol.

My mother claims to prefer "mixed race kids" and got mad at me for being more conservative saiyng the world would be a "boring place if we were all the same hurrrr"

Fml wish i was adopted

Le problème n'est effectivement pas génétique mais culturel. Les 'arabes', ça ne veut rien dire génétiquement, c'est un conglomérat de peuples rassemblé ou plutôt conquis et assimilé de force par les conquérants bédouins. Ce qui ne fait aujourd'hui plus aucune différence, car bien que les peuples conquis ( berbères, egyptiens, assyriens ... ) n'ont pas été éradiqué génétiquement, ils l'ont été mentalement, métaphysiquement et ils sont devenus arabe de culture, musulman de tradition.

Ce qui s'explique car c'est un système religieux extrêmement simple à suivre, compréhensible pour tous et qui vante la force physique et l'expansion. Pas de reflexions interminables sur la trinité, pas de passivité et de contemplation du Cosmos, pas de Dieu crucifié, mais un Dieu de conquête, très proche de l'Ancien testament. Forcément ça plait et ça se propage bien dans les masses car c'est simple à appliquer, toutes les civilisations conquéris par les arabes sont devenus arabes en leur tour en moins d'un siècle car d'une part les élites intellectuelles et dissidentes étaient tués, et d'autre part le peuple envahi sans repère a vite vu une solution viable dans l'Islam. Et c'est comme ça que ces différentes civilisations sont mortes sous le poids d'une tradition assez simple pour être suivi par tous. En 1 siécle l'egyptien et l'assyrien se sont mis à manger du couscous et à prier en direction de la mecque.

Maintenant, on est pas dans une situation de conquête mais d'immigration passive. Et, qu'ils soient intégrés ou pas, les arabes restent culturellement arabe et se reproduisent plus vite que nous, ajoute à ça le nihilisme européen depuis 1945 et il n'y a rien pour faire rempart, les jeunes blancs s'intéressent déjà à l'Islam. On est donc voué à devenir arabo-musulman à plus ou moins long terme, sauf réveil brutal.


>still planning on living in France in 2022

Because anime is also the most cringiest (((artform))) alongside (((modern art))).

Truly I am become diverse

I could end your family for you.

Tree fiddy


The end doesn't justify the means.
However, here are your options:
>You let everything go to hell and embrace Islam
>You try to find a moral way to fix things
>You go full genocidal to fix things

If we agree the second is impossible to accomplish, you either lose or win through disgusting means.

Now the last step is either you live under a foreign disgusting totalitarian structure, or you choose your own destiny by making your own.

Whoever will save the west will have a stain on their soul, but history is full of martyrs.

I was going to say the debate with your dad was useless anyway, but...

1958 Algiers riots.

Theoretically, there is precedent.

End the whole country pls, especially universities.

We've lost on every front, like losing all the victory-options in civ

We lost archetecture, culture, race, religion, education.

More incentive to leave*



You can easily become wealthy and influential locally. Just because you're not going to become Warren Buffet on the first try and stop the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in your lifetime doesn't mean it's not worth it.

You're demoralized. Cut yourself off from the propaganda.

merci et oui bien d'accord avec tout ce que tu as dis.

Mais honnétement ISIS, les attentats je pense que c'est le dernier souffle d'un islamisme integriste qui meurt.

Les gens sont de moins en moins religieux et partout ou arrive la technologie les peuples plient et adopte le mode de vie occidentale, comme au qatar par éxemple parfait éxemple d'un islamisme parfaitement intégré et occidentalisé à l'éxtréme.

L'islamisme radical à mon avis avec toute ce qu'ils prennent dans la gueule depuis 20 ans là c'est juste leurs baroud d'honneur avec isis.
Selon moi biensur.

>Les gens sont de moins en moins religieux

Go read La Sainte Ignorance d'Olivier Roy.

Et tu pourrais me répondre : pourquoi pas ?

Et bien parce que, c'est la simplicité de l'Islam, qui fait son attrait et ses succès, qui l'empêche de donner naissance à de la nouveauté que ce soit en terme culturel ou scientifique. Pour reprendre les concepts de Bergson, il y a une différence entre les traditions religieuses ouvertes et fermés, les traditions ouvertes se focalisent sur une personne ou sur un concept. Ce qui est le cas du Christianisme autour de la personne du Christ et du concept prédominant d'amour. Cette fixation permet une forme d'évolution avec le temps, et laisse aux peuples la pratiquant la possibilité d'innover, de rechercher, d'exploiter leurs possibilités internes. Justement car l'Amour peut-être interrogé et 'compris' en différent sens, il y a donc possibilité d'évolution de progrès. Il y a la place pour l'accident. Les traditions fermés, comme l'Islam se focalisent sur une tradition ( Quran + Sunnah ) et ne peuvent pas en sortir car chaque mot est littéralement de Dieu. Ce qui fait de ces peuples de très bon conquérants, et leur donne une capacité de survie sur le lpng terme assez enviable mais parce que figé sur une tradition littéraire non-changeable. Rien de bon, culturellement et scientifiquement, ne peut sortir d'une tel tradition une fois qu'elle a déjà exploité au maximum son texte de référence. Et qu'on ne me sorte pas l'exemple de l'âge d'or arabe, tout ce qui s'est fait de grand à cet époque a été fait par des perses et des hindoues, même les grands théologiens musulmans étaient de racine perse, et donc d'influence zoroastrienne. Le seul domaine ou les arabes ont jamais excellés est l'astronomie, vieux reflexe du désert j'imagine.

En gros, en adoptant l'Islam, on va perdre ce qui a fait notre grandeur depuis 10 siécles, notre capacité à la créativité et à l'innovation, notre richesse culturelle, littéraire et scientifique.

Lol I think my dad is full blown redpilled, but just hides his power level, he says shit over dinner sometimes that sounds like a Sup Forums post.

j'ai l'impression qu'il y a de ça aussi, la science, la technologie, tout ça a relégué la religion du statut de clé de voute d'une société à celui de folklore

What the fuck kinda gobbledygook is this?

So really you guys have nothing to beat depression?

>The only hope would be if a very large portion of White Americans came back to Europe bit it won't happen.
Why don't you guys just come here?

Islamic cultures getting btfo


Les arabes restent arabo-musulmans dans l'immense majoritée des cas. Qu'il s'agisse des jeunes étudiants, des cadres, des weshs. Les rejets de la religion sont extrêmement rare dans leur communauté et même les plus occidentalisés s'en veulent de ce qu'ils font. Exemple de la beurette qui vend son cul mais qui croit toujours et espère quand-même que Dieu lui pardonnera.

Les athées arabes sont extrêmements rares. Ils resteront avec leur religion et nous emporteront avec. Sauf si on se débarasse d'eux avant ce qui semble impossible ( de la part des français ).


redpilling is a one-way process, and it's spread exponentially. of course, the plug would be pulled before we reach a critical mass

even if it's over, we can't know it with certainty, and we must do what we can while there is time

the thing is, I really dont know if option 3 is worth it or if I'd be better off going abroad, call me a pussy, but I dont want to spend my entire life fighting or even risking my life for something I have next to no interest for, heroes are cool and stuff but poeples forget the dozen of guy who died trying to be one, I'm not a betting man, I'd rather live a normal life

Nice to find excuses to do nothing, eh?

We are the homeland, we're still Whiter than you and the US is already deemed to be an immigrant nation open to all, so from that point it is doomed to become not just minority White, but super-minority White.

> you either lose or win through disgusting means.
> flag
> if you kill your enemies they win

This obsession about helping the weak and forgiving the criminals is what is killing us.
When pneumonia was cause of death number one and highwayman ended on the breaking wheel killing your enemies was not disgusting means.

I most likely will in a few years

Speak English, you fuck

fuck off with your emo shit

lieber nichts machen als was schlechtes machen.

as I said the attempt to change the system from within or with its own tools may, does not have to but may, result in the system changing you instead
see the analogy of the ring of power in Lord of the Rings

oh and by the way, try google searching adolf hitler's sketches

Rediscover your French roots. If you don't have an identity, create on and be ready to fight and kill and die for it. It is not too late, never too late. In the least you will find a death with dignity instead of slavery!

You can either fight now, where you still have a chance, or just ignore it and end up in a desperate situation where suffering and oppresision of your new masters will force your hand, but you can only lose.

>see the analogy of the ring of power in Lord of the Rings
And you are serously wondering where to begin saving your civilisation?

Le camp des saints c'est bien. J'ai voyagé avec l'été dernier en Turquie.
>mfw tu lis Le Camp des saints dans un park ou les femmes musulmanes on 4-5 gamins chacune.

Alright but we have more white people than you, just sayin

>Sit tight and hope Austria gives us another Hitler
It's the only thing that can save us

This is the pussiest thread ever.

Speak up, influence your own culture to resist the invasion. If they're too weak and cuckified then they're part of the problem. Plain and simple.

This wouldn't be a problem if people would get the fuck up from their TVs and computers and do something about it.

French, I can understand about a third of it. I was always bad it, because the acconres and their way to write and silence vocals but write them anyway, a shitton of them, drove me insane. But it is rooted in Latin, so you should actually make out some words.

>get fully redpilled
>is not a positivist

For devils to triumph, it is only necessary that the others do nothing.

Did you ever read Les Portes d'Occident? For a scifi book, it's scary how close it is from history...