Hey Americans

How does it make you feel that the 2nd Amendment can't stop the genetic death of your Volk?

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Well I'm gay so it's not my problem.


>t.virgin dane

>black male + white female
At least post the mix that actually happens

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what do you mean
mutts are growing stronger


>white/ multiracial


>Blacks are the only non white guys getting women from other races

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Lots of WHITE BULLS in America

>>Blacks are the only non white guys getting women from other races

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can i move to your country so i don't need to kill myself

i'll bring my bitcoin

Wonder if they'll even be a distinct Hispanic identity in a generation with the rate of intermarriage.


Well, my sentence is still true if I say I meant getting more than their white counterparts

that's a nice meme but hispanic couples outbreed intermarried couples 5 to 1. The only people losing out with white men and hispanic women are white families.


We already have enough sub-humans, i.e. poles, in the country

You're next btw

i'm not untermensch tho i promise

White men don't get Black women cause they don't want them (neither do Black guys btw lol)

>Icelandic men getting more women than other white men in America
AWW YISSS sounds good to me

Okay, but only if you can get rid of the Polish mafia that's breaking into peoples houses and into companies and then sending the stolen goods to Poland.

Sure but CHIs are assimilating now
They're following the same pattern as the Irish and Italians
First generation: Not assimilated
Second generation: Party assimilated, still mostly part of a distinct identity
Third generation: Half assimilated (Most are here right now)
Fourth generation: Mostly assimilated
Fifth generation: Completely assimilated

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>Okay, but only if you can get rid of the Polish mafia that's breaking into peoples houses and into companies and then sending the stolen goods to Poland.
I will bring my gun and kill the Poles as if it were my own TV being stolen.

You're gonna need to bring your friends to gun them all down

White/Latino mixes look white

>look white


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Hva med en nordmann?
Re-enactment of the settlement of Iceland?
Harald Hårfagre is dead, I promise.

White male + Mulatto girl = White kid?

Fine by me
Can't think of any reason against it.

only some

Good, I want to get away from my retarded brother to the east for a bit. I'll bring some oil and picrelated, totally my girlfriend.

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Okay, but here in Iceland we have a law where foreigners have to share their women with Icelanders
Its to prevent inbreeding and is totally legit.

Sure thing, Guðmundur.
I might study some Icelandic for real though. Getting in touch with my linguistical roots is always nice.


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Gå vekk, du har hatt dine 400 år med meg.

Sounds like a good idea
You guys need to fix your language
And here comes the devil himself

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>your Volk
mulattoes ARE america

Eg burde eigentleg byrja å skrive nynorsk i denne tråden, berre for å gjere dansken irritert.

Fjarlægja Gyðinga Dana helvíti

Depends on how much Indio blood the Latino has
My brother is married to a Cuban girl and their kids looks white but one of my cousins is married to a Mexican girl and their kid is brown