Are Trumpets still denying the polls?

Are Trumpets still denying the polls?

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>Fox news
>right wing

Its owned by Jews just like everything else.

The actual news companies don't do the polls you tard, they contract it out to other companies.

>any mainstream media outlet broadcasted on national television
>right wing

Pick one

Rupert isn't Jew.

>Polls can never be wrong!

Explains that barn burner between Carter and Reagan.

Even Japan knows Trump will win.

The 2012 polls used the correct amount of republicans and democrats. The 2016 polls use the 2012 amount of republicans and democrats.

All of the polls are drastically underpolling independents, sometimes making them only 10% of the sample. They will also put democrats at 45% of the sample and republicans at 30%. The real numbers are 29% democrat and 26% republican with the vast majority being independents. Adjusting the sample to be realistic makes about a 7% difference for Trump.

Trump is 20% ahead of Hillary with these independents. He has also focused his campaign on non-voters, independents, and first time voters. These people aren't polled.

This isn't counting turnout.

>Australian shitposter

>Trump is 20% ahead of Hillary with these independents
I should rephrase this. Trump has 40% of independents, Hillary has 20%.

Didn't mean that Trump is 20% ahead overall, he's only 2 to 5 % ahead so they're tied.

>what are cryptojews

It's more that we understand the calendar.

Traditionally, the American electorate is divided up into three groups. These are Democrats, Republicans and independents. Democrats will vote Democrat 95% of the time, Republicans will vote Republican 95% of the time, independents can vote differently every time. Everyone who votes third party is classified as independents as well. There are slightly more Democrats than Republicans, and independents are a fairly large voting block as well. Between these three groups, Hillary is winning. This is what the polls show, and I believe this to be true.

There is, however, a fourth block of voters. These are the people who simply never vote. This has been dubbed the 'monster vote', and it is a group of approximately 100 million people who just don't care about politics enough to go out and vote. What Trump is doing is appealing to this monster vote.

Pollsters don't just call up random people and ask who they're going to vote for. There is hard science to getting a sample that mirrors the electorate. Since the Monster Voters don't usually vote, they aren't included in the samples that pollsters use. There is a good chance, however, that a lot of them will make their way to the polls for the first time on November 8th 2016.

The evidence of this is in the fact that republican primaries had a larger turnout than ever before. What's more, the open primaries, that don't require you to be registered Republican, did even better. There was a 64% increase in open GOP primary turnout versus only a 19% increase in closed primaries.

Trump only needs a very small portion of the Monster Vote to win, and this voting block, almost by definition, is not included in the polls.

>media matters

Don't be ridiculous.

They're own by Muslims.

(((Fox News)))

anyone read o'reilly's book about patton? heard he mentions the assassination conspiracy but the book is mostly about wwii in general.

The polls are getting fucked with. Reuters retroactively adjusted polls that put trump ahead by assuming that most of the people that declined to support trump or clinton (or refused to answer) would have overwhelmingly picked hillary (basically, a huge assumption). Other polls oversample dems by ridiculous margins (up to 40% dems, when dem turnout is extremely low this year). Other polls drop the 18-34 age range. Many have very few people in them (where differences are not statistically significant), and many of the polls taken are Trump vs Clinton when the reality is Trump vs Clinton vs Stein vs Johnson largely takes away votes from Hillary and often puts Trump in the lead.

Most polls also rely off of registered voters who have voted in 1 or 2 of the last three elections, when Trump is driving a lot of first time voters. They aren't included in polls.

Personally, I'm fine with dems believing Trump is getting crushed, because it means many of them won't show up to polling stations assuming hillary will have it in the bag while Trump fans show up en masse to support their candidate at the polling stations.

>literally owns Fuck Muslims: the newspaper
>owned by muslims
Are you implying some kind of 6d chess going on here breh

Obama got that monster vote. desu

sources for all of this?


Actually, that is literally an edited image of a scenario of only white people voting.

Race is all that matters.

Only white people vote majority Republican.

D/R/I proportions:

To view the bad sample numbers, check the polls on RCP (view the specific poll's pdf, not RCP itself):

Here is one of the worst, Reuters:
635 democrats
527 republicans
174 independents
An accurate sample would be:
455 democrats
394 republicans
652 independents

>I don't know how sampling works
They don't sit down and decide "This is how many Democrats we're going to poll" and "This is how many Republicans we're going to poll," you ignorant retards. That's not how polling works.


Jesus fuck. How bad is hillary losing??

Actually the polls were biased in favor of Romney

Also to put their samples into perspective, reuters polled

41% democrats (real number is 30%)
34.7% republicans (real number is 26%)
11.4% independents (real number is 43%)

What? The polls were oversampled in favour of Romney.

Not an argument.

>They don't sit down and decide "This is how many Democrats we're going to poll" and "This is how many Republicans we're going to poll," you ignorant retards. That's not how polling works.
It is though. They need to make sure they get a representative sample.

IIRC a Saudi royal family member is the 2nd largest shareholder

They poll a shit ton of people and add ans subract accordingly, what makes you think anything otherwise?

>It is though
No, it isn't.

When they say they polled "x amount of Republicans, and x amount of Democrats," that is SELF-REPORTING. it means they asked "Do you consider yourself more of a Republican or a Democrat?" as part of the poll, and the respondent answered either Democrat or Republican. They don't get a list of Republicans and Democrats and pick out which ones to call, you fucking idiot.

Actually it is an argument because it disproves this conspiracy theory nonsense. That is not how polling works.

I'm a democrat, im voting Trump.

Just having looked in detail at Hillary's past over 2 years i cannot vote for her.

Bill said it right at the DNC, theres two stories about his wife and her history, one is fake and created by the media.

The fake one wants to be president, the real Hillary is literally a crime boss on par with Heisenberg. Karma is a bitch though, look at her health.

Cry for what you did to Bernie bitch.


No, no one here denys the polls. The media has already stated they are rigging the polls.

I don't see why we would

>did to Bernie
I admire anyone deciding not to vote for Hillary but I have to ask, why do you guys assume bernie wasn't part of the plan? Why did he secretly go back independant? He was there to capture some of the youth vote for Hillary.

>i am silly.jpg

>right wing fairytales

Trump tards will think they have to vote by phone like American Idol

I had respect for Sanders, even though I support Trump. Until Hillary threatened him or did whatever she did to make him back out, he was really a decent candidate with decent platforms. I especially liked the fact that he wanted to fix the VA. If it had been him and Trump up there at the end, that would have felt like a real election.

I thought it was 32, 29, 38

Imagine if white people weren't racist

White ppl are not racist desu,only stormfags and Sup Forums

>The evidence of this is in the fact that republican primaries had a larger turnout than ever before.
No. That is not evidence of non-voters coming out to vote.

Those people were general election voters who don't usually vote in primaries. That is where those numbers came from. They are expected to vote in the general election, but not usually the primaries.

You conveniently left out that one simple fact, that even beyond the people who don't vote in general, there are people who simply don't vote in primaries but DO vote in the general. In the republican primary this year, a number of those people showed up to vote. That doesn't mean there are going to be more Republican voters in the general election this year.

Why did desu change to desu



haven't posted ina while family?

>implying fox news isn't controlled opposition

It's actually the other way around. Trumpkins are the ones who cry "RIGGED POLL1111"

White people are racist

Everytime libtards are shown a poll with Trump in the lead it gets called a meme poll

I thought the cuck m00t would change things back after so many years.But he's still butthurt we exposed him as a cuck.

If white people were racist, Obama wouldn't have stood a chance.

Pols said brexit wouldn't happen :)


CNN Alters Trump Tweet By Scrubbing ‘Crooked’ Moniker to Describe Hillary

HuffPo Terminates Contributor, Deletes Articles After He Questions Hillary’s Health


So is anyone polling he non-voters on their intentions to turn up and vote, and who they will vote for? Any evidence?

You mean it's explained why trump would be ahead in it.

The difference is, if you show "libtards" a poll with trump winnng, it motivates tehm to campaigna nd vote. if you show trumpets a poll with hillary winning they try and explain a massive conspriacy that every media outlet is in on

This. I believe Trump will receive the larger share of the votes, but the election will be rigged and Hillary will steal the Burger Throne. This is one reason the polls all say Hillary is so far ahead. Even after she dodges/loses the debates, they'll report only a small change in the polls, and that Hillary is winning, winning, won.

Trump supporters should be campaigning more for a transparent voting system than anything else. Brexit was done with paper votes, that makes it difficult to rig. You'd need tens of thousands of accomplices in the counting offices all over the country. I expect they still tried, of course...

...But for the US election, votes will be counted electronically. A handful of people in the right place with the right motivation could rig this election, providing the media goes along with it, and we all know they would. Most leftists would be fine with a rigged election if it was in their favour (NO BAD TACTICS).

You guys need to be breathing down their necks every step of the way if you want to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse.


>50 states including republican controlled ones are conspiring against trump

Literally harder to beleive than the polls being rigged senpai.

>not a jew
Oy vey, good goy.

Here, have a free federal reserve note

Yeah Sanders platform was basically Germany with guns, which isn't that bad.

You don't need 50 states conspiring to rig it, that's my point.

It's done electronically. Look at the pic I posted, one hacker with access to the software is all it would take to produce any result they wanted.

As long as the media continues to lie about Hillary's popularity (pic related), a hacked electronic voting system could rig the election with hardly anyone knowing what was happening. Trump could get every vote in the USA and it wouldn't matter because everyone voted electronically, and the computer says Hillary won. And enough people believe the media polls when they say Hillary was ahead for the phony election results to be plausible.

>I Am silly

m00t isnt around anymore

I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only August. Does not having the lead in August count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Trump is still campaigning right now and he has been the best candidate in the entire Republican party for how many years now? He's running against one of the worst candidates in US history who just happen to have a lead because she's feeding off the energy of having a biased mainstream media. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Trump is one of the best candidate in decades, he won enough delegates to win the GOP nomination and would have won even more if lyin Ted didn't cheat. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, some more Hillary emails just got leaked , just like the DNC ones. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's so good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll us, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>Believing MSM polls

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