Do you think Apple should pay back the billions of euros they stole from the EU?
Do you think Apple should pay back the billions of euros they stole from the EU?
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Yes, the race to the bottom only helps multinational corporations
lol no fuck the EU, they need to stay out of the sovereign rights of countries. Ireland and Apple had a good business deal. The welfare cucklords of the EU realized they weren't getting a big enough piece of pie and got their mudslimed panties in a bunch.
I hate the EU but I also hate apple.
Tax dodging cunt company by a Syrian thief.
I guess Ireland shouldn't have joined the EU then?
The welfare cucklords here are Apple, that make use of public goods without paying for them.
who cares
Ireland went full tax haven back in 2008 they also must pay
State aid rules were in the treaty of Rome which was made in 1958
Ireland knew before they joined
Don't like EU law bring supreme? Leave the EU
>Taking other weaklings for their assets, and being the victor
>being a cuck
Pick one Muhammed.
What public goods?
We should remove the sanctions from russia and put them on ireland until they stop being a tax haven
Sucks that it's impossible to leave the EU
>not randomly giving someone billions of dollars in exchange for vastly less service is somehow stealing
Tax evasion is a crime but you are fucking retarded
The United States released a statement saying that they're disappointed that Apple has to pay taxes.
I wonder who could be behind this...
Clearly the people living in the EU countries. They are tax farms for the respective governments, therefore they are they public goods.
Apple's back taxes are a drop in the bucket compared to the Chinese and Japanese mega-trawlers which are stealing an average of €200,000,000,000 PER YEAR of fish from waters surrounding Ireland.
Stop the mega-trawlers, or at least start asking them for a cut of what they're robbing from tens and thousands of fishermen.
Germans And Brussels are just butt frustrated that they got played
Um, the article you linked says nothing about Japan or China, both ships are EU registered and one is owned by an Irishman.
I agree those look like a horrible thing, but I don't see the link to Japan or China. It also seems they get banned once caught outside of specific places.
How about fuck you Italy. Our country is filled to the brim with your people and Spaniards
I was wondering this too.
Apple is within its rights not to pay a penny, considering it operated legally within the Republic of Ireland and complied with the laws of R.O.I This is just posturing by the EU to get more idiotic socialists on side.
Worst case scenario is that Apple will drag this out through litigation and it will end up costing EU tax payers a lot more than it will cost Apple.
Again, another EU decision blowing up in their face harder and more ferocious than a Syrian going through a sexual emergency.
>Our country is filled to the brim with your people and Spaniards
Kick them out, who cares
The Republic of Ireland had these laws in place to allow Apple to operate and pay next to no tax. Yet you're not clamping down on the Republic of Ireland at all, in fact there's talk of you offering them financial aid, in other words you're going to bribe the Irish state to manipulate its own laws in order to secure a conviction on Apple and fine them for following the Irish Republics laws.
And you say you hate them? If this was my business I'd have all your leaders bumped off in a plane crash.
ancap shitters please go and stay go
Pay up fucking Apple!
if apple loses the cost of litigation can be added to the "fine"
Apple, Starbucks, McDonalds, Uber, it galls me they all aren't paying fair taxes but Euro competitors can't get out of it. It's almost like a subsidy for these assholes.
>B-but Starbucks is going to leave EU if they have to pay taxes
Boo fucking hoo
They didn't steal anything. The EU is just butthurt that it can't steal money from Britain any more, so now it's trying to steal from Ireland.
I hope the Irish man up and leave. Irexit now.
>when apple is in ireland, it pays 1% taxes
>when apple is not in ireland, it pays 0% taxes
One posibility is that the EU is treating this as a short-term cashcow without considering the long term benefits of having multinational corporations based in Europe.
Another possibility is that the EU truly believes it can tax itself into prosperity and bring down "big corporations" for benefit of "the people".
The wealth of a nation is the goods and services it produces, and with every resolution the EU manages to make this more and more difficult for both its indigenous and foreign industry. If Brexit doesn't succeed in breaking down the EU, Europe will continue to stagnate and eventually end up becoming the third world it so dearly desires to save.
I think the EU could really use that money, they could build a bullet train directly from Syria or something to make it easier to import refugees
This will go to the WTO for sure. The EU can't make these arbitrary trade decisions outside of jurisprudence.
corporations should pay NO taxes.
Income taxes are retarded highly inefficient
They should be replaced with consumption taxes
Came here to say this
Your government fucking spies on every single European corporation and provides information to American companies. That's government funded industrial espionage. So give me a fucking break about your national fucking sovereignty. Go fuck yourself.
And im guessing since this is 'illegal' the EU will fine Ireland 10-13 billion Euros.
Pure coincidence about this timing and state the EU is in.
yes, and they will
Guess we'll just have to leave before we let that happen.
whatever happens, i just want that little bitch tim cook to fuck everything up and lose everything because of it
Ireland is completely at fault here. Yes it was shady but the host government should be held accountable for doing things that they knew were frowned upon by the EU.
Every company in existence runs of the idea of making as much money as possible. The moral compass of the ownership of a company will decide what things they will or will not do to make more money. In America the biggest ones are avoiding taxes and worker pay.
Apple took advantage of someone saying hey you'll pay next to nothing in tax. Would have been extra stupid to not jump on that opportunity.
There was only three ways this situation could go.
1/ the EU stopped it.
2/ the Irish people stopped it.
3/ it continues Ireland gets flooded by immigrants.
Basically the Irish inhabitants are being farmed for work.
The company provides the installation, factory, centre what ever you want to call it. The immediate cost of that installation, electricity, water, wages.
That all it pays, the tax on the wages of the workers an everyone else pays the rest of the expenses. The cost of an educated, healthy, housed, feed, policed, settled work force.
It's just the medieval farm system in the modern age.
I think it's more that Apple pays us 13 billion but we have to use it to pay debts.
Crooks from top to bottom.
Free market. Better then been serves for British crown and be sold to slavery if objecting.
Can't see the difference. King George or king Apple. Your always free to starve.
tell me what you really think about mudslimes, niggers, and rapefugees.
go ahead, tell me your honest opinion based on facts
oh wait you cant' because your faggot government will arrest you
Maybe taxes shouldn't be so high
Fair enough, what are you willing to do without.
Have to agree with you there.
>King George or king Apple
false dilemma
>make use of public goods
I fucking hate apple, overrated and overpriced garbage. Pay your taxes cunts.
OFC ! Because of them apple doesn t pay taxes in EU countries , they just use legal fiscal scams , to transfer everything to ireland
Well if they dont they wont sell any iphones here.
Maybe apple CEO needs to be thrown in jail.
You don't understand the ruling. This just means the UE told Ireland they FUCKED UP.
they are going to pay either a big chunk or little chunks in every device they sell here
>Implying every country doesn't spy on peers
>Implying many megacorporations need assistance in spying on rivals.
Nokia will reign supreme once more.
That makes a lot of sense
This is why taxation is shit - it's just another weapon against competition in the hands of the most powerful corporations.