Why does Sup Forums not believe in the holocaust?
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No memes please
Holocaust-survivor here. Boards like this make me sick.
Sure hans, whatever you say.
If the TV talk about something 2 times a day this thing is false.
Because it didn't happen
oh so if the weather comes on more than once, its false?
I need better explanations people.
who is Sup Forums?
>holocaust keeps changing facts based on the evidence
>weatherman keeps changing facts based on the evidence
I believe that the holocaust happened but it was overly exaggerated. I also follow the popular jewish news outlets and every other article mentions the Holocaust and the 6 MILLION. The kikes need to stop that shit.
>One of the worst genocides in human history
>OMG why are peoples still mentioning that!
There were newspapers reporting about six million dead Jews prior to Hitler's Germany.
In my opinion, those dead bodies found in concentration camps were victims of USSR not Germany.
>lose the war
>all war crimes blamed on the losers
Still no evidence to back up claims.
>why does Sup Forums not believe in fiction?
Because fiction is not true. Therefor you do not believe in it.
dead slavs-30ьдт
dead chinks- 20 mln
dead germs- 8 mln
no films no respect
some dead jews- OH NO holocaust! tons of films, books etc EVEN after 70 years
I am addressing the majority population of this site, most of whom do not believe in the holocaust.
my dad died in the holocaust when he was 5 and i'm very angry at all the holocaust denail here
>dead germans
Who cares about the krauts, they started the war. Fuck em all.
nobody accounts for the poles and serbs and russians that died in camps, all of the victims were joos (101%)
The kikes were also stating the 6 MILLION before the holocaust even happened.
You can compare the number of jews in America and Asia in 1939 with the number of jews in Asia and America today.
Whole of North America 1939: 4,383,643
USA 2014: 10,000,000
Whole of Asia 1939: 582,509
Israel 2014: 6,451,000
>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.
>Jewish census showing 6 million discrepancy - one number for the media and you, one number for reality.
The Third of the Holocaust documentary discusses this in more detail from primary sources at 4:04:41.
Holohoax affirmers will tell you that the World Almanac revised their figures after the holocaust.
Here is the original World Almanac showing no population drop.
>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.
But yes, the numbers were revised. Let's examine how. They explain here in this jewish source.
NB how in 1949 the World Almanac mysteriously revised its post-war figure to 11 million (they don't explain how). However, this still didn't fit their story of 6 million, so they also had to mysteriously revise their pre-war figure by 1 million too (they don't explain how).
1948 actual: 15,753,638
1949 revised: 11,266,600
1938 actual: 15,748,091
1939 revised: 16,643,120
Because the Jews said it happened and as a matter of principle, I never ever trust a filthy jew.
>were victims of USSR not Germany
There was some of that sure, like by declasified documents we know that the soviets killed tens of thousands of >polish intellectuals, and the Nazis were blamed and tried for it. And the images of victims of American bombings are presented as holocaust victims.
As for the bodies found in camps, a lot of the images are real but misleading. Hundreds of autopsies were done and they all died of typhus, due to overpopulation of the camps by the end of the war (eastern camps were shut down so they cramped all the prisoners int he western camps). And there were certainly not millions of bodies. Maybe a few thousands
Look at who was making these revisions. It wasn't the World Almanac on its own. There was another organisation called the American Jewish Committee working with them, producing a different set of data.
If true, it would mean that despite all the chaos of post-WWII Europe, some random agency in America was able to take more accurate censuses of pre- and post-war Europe than the World Almanac could at the time in question.
It would also mean that, despite all the chaos of pre-WWII Europe, during 1 year the jewish population mysteriously EXPLODED by 895,029 or 5.7%, or 285% faster than the world population growth rate at this time of around 2%.
The Nizkor source itself explains that the numbers weren't revised because of a new census.
No, merely to fit retroactively the mystical number of 6 million, as stated in the letter at the bottom of the source.
What authorities? By what means? Not the World Almanac, that is certain. The AJC just lied.
If it were true they wouldn't need to establish laws against questioning it.
Full of newspaper article about 6 million dead jews all the way back to 1915
Who else /holocaustapathetic/ here?
If people whine about the holocaust and that this or that should happen to us because the holocaust happened then I usually just say that the holocaust had to happen because the jews wiped out the peoples of Canaan and that there's no reason for them to whine about it.
It did happen and i'm happy it did, time for round 2
Why is genocide a bad thing?
this obviously refers to ww1 and the rise of the soviet union and the turmoil that followed, and the fact that the USSR banned religion
Pic related
>translation: This video is not available in your country-domain
It doesn't even mention the holocaust either
lmao talk about thought crime
It's just some old newspaper articles
Lack of evidence. Only evidence to support death camps is made-up propaganda from Soviet Russia.
how come no one ever brings up the red terror that was 4x the tradegy?
It did happen but didn't happen is just a meme. Don't get carried away libby cuck shill
Even if we assume that 6 billion is true, Russians had it much worse, from both Stalin and Hitler.
The holocaust is what the Jews let happen so they could gain political power. They even admit that they would use the suffering of a few Jews for the advancement of the Jews as a whole. Literally the most fucked up people to walk this planet.
I believe in the holocaust but the scale is absolute bullshit. The main way people died was horrible food and exhaustion from labor which was part of a plan run by Heydrich Himmlers bitch boy. Later in the war with rails line devestated more inmates and even guards started dying from starvation and disease.
Because all but one who started the communist party in Russia were jews. People like Yagoda killed more than hitler but since they are jews it's kept away from the media.
The real reason why Hitler stood against jews was not because of the ordinary jew. It's a blatant lie. It was because of the bolshivik pushing for marxism and communism in Europe. It was because the communists in Russia were brewing a plan to invade Europe. The british not supporting the sake of Europe was the biggest mistake of the 20th century.
>one of the worst in history
>thinks an over exaggerated event is one of the worst in history
wew lad
>Burger talking shit about starting wars
How does that even change the course of events, goyim?
Because they don't have the money to visit Auschwitz and instead visit Sup Forums.
Literally you forgot the taliban fags, goyim.
The real problem the world is facing.
And Trump ofc.
I visited the temple and the visitors center in Utah for the Mormons, I am know a believer in the Book of Mormon word for word. This user is correct.
Just a little bit of history repeating, mummy Merkel in charge of taliban fags and Brits not supporting Europe.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Also communist parties were ran by jews because early Marxism was the only way they can get some solace from the nazi madness and the havoc it created.
Fucking neonazis pls get your facts straight.
This is an image macro, not a meme.
I don't deny people were rounded up for internment/labor camps - this is common practice during wartime in many countries. I also don't deny a big part of Nazi eugenics was likely eliminating certain people from the gene pool.
But I can't help but wonder, of all the comparable acts of genocide and war crime, why do we only discuss the 'caust? It isn't even the most recent, and by all accounts it turned out pretty well for the "oppressed" people, what with them getting a fancy new state where Palestine used to be.
And then I start to wonder why we watched so many Holocaust documentaries in grade school, or why the Jewish population didn't actually decrease from 1935-1945, or America we only helped the Allies after being effectively dragged in by Japan despite knowing about the labor camps.
It starts to make you realize how much indoctrination is based off so little *evidence*
>Also communist parties were ran by jews because early Marxism was the only way they can get some solace from the nazi madness and the havoc it created
How do you explain the failed communist revolution in 1918 then? There were no nazis back then.
(((why indeed)))
Seriously, when research of the objective, factual truth about the holohoax is banned in a number of countries and is literally a crime, it's clear that a certain group of people does not want for us to know the truth.
They want us to BELIEVE them about what happenned or face persecution, societal rejection and personal destruction if we don't. Let that sink in and rethink if you're asking the right question and if it is Sup Forums you should ask about this.
Failed communist revolution lel.
The jews did it clearly.
I have been redpilled finally.
Been to Auschwitz like 3 times in school lel
I believe in the holocaust, but I think the number killed was more like 5 million
What is it like living in a non free country?
WW2 was the birthplace of many incredible events that are difficult to imagine. At least, that's what I've learned from reading about WW2 on my own. On top of that a sort of Holocaust Industry spawned once people realized eyewitness accounts were worth money.
Pick your flavor:
Have fun crying.
Holocaust happened, it just didn't go far enough, soon enough. Any nazi that denies the holocaust is a jew cuck.
>can't explain why there were jews involved in a communist revolution despite nazis not even existing yet, even though that's the premise of his claim