We need to kill everyone with an IQ under 110, or at least neuter them. Everything will sort itself out after that...

We need to kill everyone with an IQ under 110, or at least neuter them. Everything will sort itself out after that. Interracial relationships will cease to be a problem because the few blacks who are left will have an IQ above 110, making the eventual intelligence related dysgenics caused by interracial breeding to be a nonfactor. Once all races are truly equal under that logic, political divides will lessen and no political ideology will truly lead to ruin unless it was severely misguided. Most modern systems lead to a rise in crime and decay due to welcoming in lesser races, not for the fact that the economics are flawed.

We should engage in napalm bombing of African countries where the IQ is damaged beyond reason, save for the few citizens who passed an IQ test. We need to have army trucks patrolling our streets and castrating everyone who has failed an IQ test. Along with this, we need to engage in a complete genocide of Australian Aboriginals. Those who receive a score of 140 or higher on an IQ test will donate their sperm for eugenics related causes.

Reminder that anyone who says this is edgy has an IQ below 110, and their opinion is not valid. Also, anyone who says that IQ tests are not accurate has obviously scored low on one, and their opinion is not valid.

OP would you say you're happy with how your life is going?

We need to kill everyone with an IQ under 110, starting with all Americans first.

There will be plenty of people with iq over 110 who fuck up on the test and lose mating rights kek. Imagine if all they needed was a bigger breakfast, a good night's sleep, but they didnt pass because they were on the edge. Most pollacks wouldnt be on the edge though so no problem.

Would that be the same for your children if they fell to that category?


>Reminder that anyone who says this is edgy has an IQ below 110, and their opinion is not valid.

Who dafuq's gonna make my food then?

OK. You first.

>only Japan and China survive

I'm ok with this desu.

fuck off Neon

The people with an IQ of 110. They become the new lower class. The people with an IQ of 130 become the new middle class.

My IQ is ~130 and I'm a complete failure and waste of space in society. If I had any courage I'd kill myself.

>IQ of 158 (yes, tested at 18 professionally)
>night owl loner who hasn't fucked in 6 years
>mess around with obscure tech related shit while watching it all burn on the outside

in terms of success you could pick any retard off the street and they'd be better off than me

I have high IQ and Im worthless POS, why, because schools are made that way to be more enjoyable by workers and not thinkers, so if we kill everyone below 110, we lose workforce and are left with POS people like me, in theory Im worth a lot, programmer with high knowledge in robotics and AI

142 loser reporting in.

countries have IQ? what?

so you solve a problem by creating a problem?

doesnt work that way. i mean what you suggest would solve most problems but only because it would all the blacks to the point where they would be bred out completely numerically, but you could accomplish the same by just killing all blacks instead.

you have to understand outliers dont necessarily make outlier children

IQ 138 here, I'm so stupid with real life stuff I feel like I should barely be allowed to live. Can't imagine how fucking mindless IQ 90 and less are

they know they are stupid, so they know that they need to eat some serious shit to live, we are retards, we know, we can, but we need to do it perfectly, and that's how we fuck ourselves, they do the job, we can't do it, because it's not perfect enough, we think to much, and do so little

>have a tested IQ of 144
>White, blonde hair green eyes
>6'2", naturally strong metabolism
>5 different chronic conditions, all heritable


>be mathematician
>main area of research is homotopy quantum field theories
>people think i'm some sort of genius because of this
>IQ of 109


Please don't kill me. I'm not the smartest guy but I mean well.

sorry pal, you're already doomed

Shut up Belgium, you're less relevant than we are.

or we could set up genius sperm banks and breed them out.

There is clearly a financial incentive to having smart children.

I dont understand genetics: The Post

Check out return to the mean.

Imo we should just kill the nonwhites and then have a soft eugenics program meaning one child policy for people with heredary diseases/conditions and people with iq n-10

what does that have to do with this thread? I guess you really aren't the smartest guy.

Be quiet Belgium or else I'm gonna sock you

You be inbred as fuq nyucka

parents are from two different countries so i doubt that

by your logic, people with a lower IQ than 110 aren't capable of being good and decent human beings? only stupid people cause problems for the world? the 'intelligent" people in positions of authority have been fucking over entire countries and regions for all of human history. thoughts?


111 IQ detected

>5 heritable conditions
>not inbred af

Nigga ples


Cease this at once

Doesn't IQ trend toward the median? Like two white 130 IQ parents will most likely have a child in the 105-120 range? so how the fuck would society function if less and less intelligent people are born every generation?

IQ of 100 is based on average estimates of human problem solving capabilities

so if people with IQ under 110 do not exist that number will be equaled to a 100

not to mention IQ scores rise up all the time as the average (even if Sup Forums claims otherwise) steadily rises

It is very hard to make a clear cut at what point a human is good for society and even if intelligence itself is a conduit for that as many psychopathic disorders are not at odds with having high IQ

So in general I agree a society of smart people will be better than one of stupid people. However, creating one will not be nearly as easy as OP suggested.

Yeah cause I want the government to have full authority to kill anyone who fails a (((test))). Nothing could go wrong there.

All we need to do is build the wall, enforce strict immigration laws, and encourage first world immigration. America will once again become the greatest country on earth.

OP is a moron who clearly wouldn't survive his own retarded eugenics program.

Virgin assburguer detected.

>t. IQ of 126

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault

We need to kill everyone with an IQ under 110,

(((Op))) is flaunting that magic number of 110 again. (((Op))) is still an asshole.

Look up regression to the mean friend.

>only selecting for intelligence
Most Ashkenazi Jews could easily pass your test, but they couldn't drop all the defective genes that make them much more susceptible to a number of crippling diseases. Your quite retarded plan would lead to an upsurge in cystic fibrosis, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease and many others.

IQ is related with positive outcomes because of the lower end of the spectrum. From 110-120+ it starts making no difference whether your IQ is high or not (correlation is 0).
~110-115 is often considered to be the average IQ of college graduates

>people with IQ around 110pts are now the lower class
>their living conditions worsen and their children drop below the threshold
>repeat until everyone is dead
OP's face when

health and maybe looks should be considered, but people around 105-115 tend to be that a bit more, or am i wrong?

>remove everyone below 110 IQ
>the mean goes up

you're fucking retarded if you don't understand this

Yeah, right up until the next generation comes along and it regresses right back down again.

You could then continue to cull them but good luck maintaining a positive, neutral or even low negative population growth rate.

by this post you obviously have never had an iq test or have a 111 iq as its clear people with an actual high intelligence dont think like this because you would understand how intelligence works not how you perceive it to work in your shut off world

OP Your Surpassing Eugen Fischer on Racial Hygiene.

>tfw your iq is 109

Research has shown that when intelligent people have kids, their children always regress to the mean.

Yes! I've always wanted to kill a lot of White people! Thank you so much, merchant. You're my greatest ally.

I support you 100% OP. Too bad there's zero chance of this ever happening.

I agree but why don't we raise it to 130 iq

OP wouldnt be able to live there

very smart i see you have a IQ of 60 your self, you want someone with 110 IQ pickup the garbage? , think about that for a while

We absolutely do, but it's never going to happen, so mankind will go extinct. Mankind has already chosen the path of death over the path of life.

Ummm long before we get to whites, your accursed mud race will be long gone Ahmed. The average IQ of your caliphate ghetto is probably 85 if that.