What are your thoughts on white Muslims?
What are your thoughts on white Muslims?
It's really fucking cringey. It's better than the larpers saying they're Orthodox if only because they actually go out and do the whole Mudslime thing in real life, but not by much.
Are these dirty pakis muslim or do they follow their own religion? either way these people are some of the most interesting looking people in the world.
Will white Muslims be accepted in a white nationalist society?
Any muslim regardless of colour should be dead for the sake of freedom and humanity. Colour of skin regardless
So race doesn't matter then? Only idealogy and culture matters right? So black Christians are okay?
No longer "white" in any meaningful sense.
They're literally fucking retreded.
Yes, they are.
If they actually act like Christians sure. If it's a case of "cover myself in crucifix jewellery and then go chimp out every night" then no.
I grew up in the same suburb as a Bosnian mosque, and there were a few Bosnian refugees at my primary school
Tbh they were nice folks and they seem a world away from the sorts of Arab Muslim scum we get now
it makes me sad especially looking at that little girl who´s probably getting bullied for having a head diaper for the rest of her life
No such thing, as soon as you reject Christ you stop being white.
Zkylon B
They're fair game.
Rock bottom.
Race traitors
Funny, how every article from liberal-left media I have read about "new" white Muslims, points out that heroes of their story are quite insecure and weak people, that just needed that strong feel of community and enjoy strict rules about how they should live their lives now. That's the most anti-liberal mindset that can be.
this guy looks half-afghan half-russian as a result of the soviet invasion of afghanistan
>zio christcucks
>Pic related. Its my genuine reaction.
White Muslims are some of the most violent and evil Muslims out there
Death to islam
They are the future of Western Nations. Whatever group can control the behavior of their women will outbreed you. It's just a matter of time. Christcucks lost control of theirs a century ago, which should not surprise anyone who understands how fundamentally weak a religion that tells you to turn the other cheek truly is. The decay is advanced. The conversions will begin overnight and sweep across the lands like a wave.
white muslims = white trash
do you think they share Western values? if is not you know the answer
Honorary sandniggers.
A white guy converting to Islam is like a black guy registering as a KKK member.
White Muslims are turbo cucks. It is joining the easy-mode version of all Abrahamic religions. It is literally saying "I don't want to think, I want my life dictated by backwards Bedouin traditions and misunderstood Judeo-Christianity as told through the Arabian Mary Sue, Mohammed.
The faggots who go on about 'Islam will fix degeneracy' miss the point. It's not that hating degeneracy is and of itself it the final goal, it's about adopting a system of progress. Degeneracy gets in the way of progress. Islam is provably not able to progress - its achievements are (a) way in the past and (b) had more to do with the Persians rather than an innate quality of Islam. Islam removes degeneracy at the expense of progress. It is therefore not a useful ideology or way to live life.
>adhere to Arab bible fanfiction
>somehow worthy of being a white nationalist
White Muslims are cucks and not acceptable in any way shape or form. Hell, even Muslims barely tolerate them.
No less European than the christfags.
What kind of white muslims?
You mean Yugo white muslims who are mostly muslims on paper only and hate arabs, or political muslim western teens who like Abdullah's cock?
No trial for traitors