Austrian fgt here

Austrian fgt here
Why are Austrian girls such whores Sup Forums ?
And why are Austrians so fucking stupid ?
In all of my 18 years of growing up in Austria I found out that there are 4 types of women in Austria.

> the fat ones who are thirsty af and will fuck everything (mostly live in the country side)
> the 5/10´s who are mostly blond, have no personality and are not really interesting
> the 10/10 who are also whores but only want to fuck rich boys
> the fit cutie who works out everyday but no one wants to fuck her cause she has "no ass and tits"

as for the guys in Austria there are also 4 types

> the thirsty af niggas who fuck 13 year olds with 20
> the thirsty af boys who fuck fat chicks cause of "big tits and big ass"
> thirsty fuckers who have 2 girlfirends a month (mostly 3/10´s) and brag about getting pussy
> fuckers like me, who do not find Austrian girls attractive and try to date foreign cuties but fail because their father´s are fucking assholes even though there are 18 years old

>the fit cutie who works out everyday but no one wants to fuck her cause she has "no ass and tits"
> fuckers like me, who do not find Austrian girls attractive and try to date foreign cuties but fail because their father´s are fucking assholes even though there are 18 years old

Underage detected

>the 5/10´s who are mostly blond, have no personality and are not really interesting
Wife material, mate. Wtf is wrong with you?

If you want interesting, go out hunting with your mates. Women are for raising a family with. The 5/10s you speak of are just as good looking as the 10/10s if you learn to look past all the make up.

I slept with all kinds of hot austrian chicks while studying in Wien. There were even hot redpilled qts who you can talk philosophy, history, psychology and spirituality (and im not counting the retard new-agers)

Come live in turkey and interact with turkish girls for a month and you will run back to your qts begging for forgiveness

git gud kid

Wien>Rest of Austria

Girls in Vienna are way better than what the rest of Austria has to offer though


Are you 12?

Girls in Vienna have been known to be turbosluts for centuries, though.

I've been around the country. Look buddy, trust me on this, you live in the good part of the world. Your chicks are top tier (not just talking about looks, they are also friendly, chill and not uptight ego-driven sluts) you should be grateful.

>be me, white turk
>first nights out in wien
>a 9/10 qt sits next to me in bar and says "hallo"
>raised in istanbul, i know this is impossible because you have to chase a 9/10 qt and put up with all the slutty childish fuckery just to get laid
>i start sweating, fearing that she's after my kidney or something
>ficki ficki later that night
>"god i love europe"

This was roughly 6-7 years ago though

What I mean is, you have really nice women. You should focus on improving yourself, not blaming women for your shortcomings. Not all of them are brainwashed sjw whores, be realistic austrianbro

>Uses an example of a fucking whore to show that european women are ok

nice blog post Turkroach

>18 years of growing up in Austria


Millenials sicken me.

You don't understand because you don't live in a 3rd world islamic country (yet). Okay here is the thing

>be turkics
>culture is based on freedom, men women equality and war
>sex is nothing to be ashamed of, men and women fuck freely, women chose their husband
>ar*bs come, convert us by sword and the rest of turkics convert of political reasons
>fast forward to ottoman times, ar*b culture sets in, sultans pushing ar*b culture to make their subjects submissive
>500 years of shitty islamist ar*b culture being shoved down the people's throats. 500. fucking. years.
>this shitty fucking ar*b culture sees women as objects and that they shouldn't even hold hands with a man premarriage
>this leads to a retarded lineage of turkish women in modern times, who acts like they are 10/10s while they are actually 3/10 because of the horny men circling around them. pussy = gold
>women don't see a reason to improve themselves just because they can make the man do anything just by spreading her legs, so most of the beautiful girls are retards

And that's why, my dear britbong friend, european women are based

European women are terrible. You just only care about sex so you find their hedonism appealing.

>the fit cutie who works out everyday but no one wants to fuck her cause she has "no ass and tits"
Please explain what's wrong with this option

nothing really but there are a rarity I only met one but she doesn´t like bulk fgs like me :(

every woman is a whore deep inside


Nope, it's true that you have a lot of whores but that's same in whole of the world. All women are born as whores, some just try to hide it and some don't

European women have more character, they improve themselves much more, have higher self-esteem and are easy going

You silly Sup Forumsacks believe that the ideal woman is who sits at home and looks after children. You know what that leads to? A generation of whores looking for a rich husband to suck the life out of him while herself doing nothing (and raising shit children). I guess I don't have to say that they let themselves go and get fat & ugly after they get married

Stop fucking posting these cuck threads. You are messing up my mojo, fuck nigger.

>European women have more character, they improve themselves much more, have higher self-esteem and are easy going
If by character you mean no morality, if by improve themselves you mean become pure hedonists, if by high esteem you mean the constant need for government sponsored attention to make them feel special, if by easy going you mean willing to casually throw around accusations to ruin peoples lives.

>You silly Sup Forumsacks believe that the ideal woman is who sits at home and looks after children.
You want whores, you know where that leads? A dead and decaying society.

>government sponsored attention
and a princess complex

It's not Austria

Its the same everywhere from Usa to south america going to africa (worst but natural state) europe and asia.
Git gud

yes because if you are marrying girl in europe you have 90% chance that she fucked mutiple niggers or someone like u. ebin.

this. idk why turkroach thinks that women who fucks anyone when they first see him are based,

What do you expect when you're all descended from the worst criminals the British empire could produce?
Wew lad.

Women in a society needs to have sex as she wants. Suppressed sexuality leads to imbalanced society because then men can't get sex enough and sex becomes their main drive so they let go of other ambitions. Look at all the islamic shitholes, notice a common fuckery? Yeah, all the men are borderline perverts and they will fuck anything with a hole.

If you are not still convinced, that means you are basically asking for ar*b culture. Don't worry, looks like kikes are making your wish come true.

Wow, another thread by a teenaged faggot complaining about women and relationships asking for personalized pity and a customized circle jerk. This board is cancer.

Kill yourself.

This, the sharter in mart is correct. These self pity cuck threads aren't helping us in anyway. Stop thinking women are people, western women have no order or leader, obviously degeneracy follows.

>western women have no order or leader, obviously degeneracy follows.



Ye, that's why I know best nigger.

>t. ungeküsster, ungefickter Gnom