>British citizen is murdered in Australia by French Muslim citizen >Shouts Allahu Akbar as he stabs her >Mother of murdered girl is going to include a Qur'an recitation at her funeral because of feelings and brainwashing because it has NTDWI, no sirree
People are competing with each other to see who has been brainwashed the most. They're actually proud of it. They wear it as a badge.
What was this quintessential? Full gook? Half gook? Half black?
Logan Williams
Asher Anderson
The girl was hot as fuck.
She was also Asian.
She also filled up her facebook with pro Islam, fugee, anti-white shit.
The guy that got stabbed to death, horrifically, trying to protect her for a Muslim, was a white guy.
They're now all, predictably, blaming this on The Patriarchy, which, predictably, is all the White Man's fault.
Logan Foster
Nothing of value was lost then. Cool beans.
Benjamin King
>On Tuesday Rosie Ayliffe complained about the “misrepresentation” of her daughter’s death “as an act of terrorism on the part of an Islamic fundamentalist”. She said Mia’s funeral would be a multi-faith ceremony, with a reading from the Qur’an, along with a Jewish text or song, a Sikh reading and a Buddhist performance. No Christ, satanic cunt of a mother
Jayden Morales
damn rip q.t.
Carson Walker
These people need purging from society. They are making it dangerous for all of us.
Gabriel Stewart
Where do the delusionals hang out online? This summary needs to be thrown in their faces.
Lincoln Gonzalez
>She said Mia’s funeral would be a multi-faith ceremony, with a reading from the Qur’an, along with a Jewish text or song, a Sikh reading and a Buddhist performance.
Gavin Lee
Oh shit she got RICED BY A CHANG
i have a feeling, the british women are kinda slag do to the island effect and inbreeding, but when chang riced a british women, it help produce QTs anglos
Wyatt Hall
q p .w
Ayden Carter
>Multifaith Wow so tolerant. Too bad no one gives a fuck how inclusive you are of other religions
Ethan Brooks
>(Foreign) British citizen is murdered in Australia by French Muslim citizen
Parker Gonzalez
Nothing of value was lost that day
Samuel Thompson
Just an impure blood erased, next.
Brayden Clark
That's real tolerance and compassion right there. Sup Forums is mad that they couldn't get away their bullshit of blaming an entire community for the actions of a mentally-ill dude. And yes even mentally-ill dudes can shout things like Allahu Akbar, it doesn't take a lot of effort. I wish that family can find some kind of closure now, there's no point in holding onto hate like that stupid French fuck who blamed those women for Bataclan. People like this girl's mother are the future.
Matthew Morris
>tfw we can't stop the planes >tfw its too late because they all hve EU passports now
Jaxon Davis
I had a feeling she might be SJW. So yeah nothing of value was lost!
Xavier Scott
>You have earned 5 GGP (Good Goy Points) Congratulations goyim
Oliver Lee
>ayliffe Mudslimes dying from hands of mudslimes. Happens every day. Sorry for that dude that died defending her.
Christian Myers
Was she in some kind of relationship with the Muslim?
Jacob Collins
What does wanting to end meaningless and self-destructive hatred have to do with the Jews? Ah of course, I should have noticed your flag and how you're unable to be objective about this.
Gavin Rogers
At least we still deport terror suspects...
>oh At least we still prevent shit like this from happening >oh
Yep we're fucked
Unless your a tiny boat
you know what i'd be very happy if we just closed our airports and locked these mudslimes and chinks the fuck out of our country.
Adam Gomez
>Some kind of closure
I'd say the Mad Muhammed gave them final closure when he stabbed her to death over a 2 hour period.
>People like this girl's mother are the future
Yep. Worthless parents who sacrifice their own children to virtue signal.
I expect to see more of it.
Nathan Lopez
>ayliffe more like Ayydeath
Christopher Fisher
Actually I think Islam is not so bad after all...they now know that the SJW is the real problem. The lefties are the ones who promote degeneracy, encourage wimmin to be sluts etc.
Nolan Hall
You might never learn the amazing feeling of being able to forgive someone and move on with enjoying what is left of this short life instead of spending it in needless pain. That girls mother learnt it, and I'm happy for her.
Jeremiah Anderson
I agree. We shouldn't let a few million bad apples spoil the bunch.
It's not like they teach that all who deny that Allah is The One God and Muhammad is His Prophet, must be killed, or anything.
Tyler Reed
She is already reading some Jewish shit.
Nolan Carter
>He had know her for several days >He developed feelings for her >Not reciprocated >He was smoking marijuana and generally being Muslim the day it happened >Found out she had taken some slutty photographs (pic related) to promote the nightclub she worked at >ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HARAM! >Lost his shit and Honor Killed the shit out of her over a 2 hour period
Matthew Ortiz
Then you're right, because they don't ;^)
Henry Rivera
I'd rather not experience the Amazing Feeling of having my child stabbed to death, partly due to my own stupidity.
I'll live with the mediocre feeling of them not being brutally stabbed to death. It's probably not as exciting, I grant you that, but I'm a boring person.
>That girls mother learnt it
It's a lot easier to forgive and move on when you're not the one with a couple dozen knife wounds in your face and neck.
William Barnes
If you're a fellow Abrahamic retard you can just pay a tax to avoid being slaughtered.
Luke Bailey
over 2 hours!! fuck he must have cut her into bits and pieces??
Camden Moore
how did he found out anyway? did the muslim stalked her?
Levi Robinson
How the fuck do you figure the mother's stupidity was why the daughter got killed? Firstly I'm just applauding the mothers reaction to her daughter's death, secondly the daughter didn't die out of stupidity, unless you call being in the wrong place at the wrong time stupid. She died because a mentally-ill piece of shit who will spend the rest of his shit life in a mental institution decided he must stab up some pretty chick and she happened to be the one who's fate it was that day.
Jaxon Johnson
um.... pics?
Joseph Turner
She probably told him thinking every man would think its female liberation and empowering for women to dress like sluts.
Hudson Ross
Moral of the story is MUSLIMS do not tolerate slutty women very well!
Wyatt Fisher
French girls want the BBC (big brown cock)
Logan Lopez
So basically this woman was an SJW? Let's hope the rest of them heed this warning.
William Gomez
muslims kill sjw's and this is your reaction? you white boys are uber cucked
Leo Bailey
>british woman escapes Britanistan to white australia >stabbed to death by tanned frenchman There is no escape
Gabriel Jenkins
You have to go back, Abdul.
Ryder Bennett
Quads of truth
Christian Rogers
>Then you're right, because they don't ;^) >Then you're right, because we don't ;^)
Fixed that for you Ahmed.
Adrian Gonzalez
Hate to lose a hottie.
But if she supported the Muslim invasion of Europe, I can only be thankful when she was the target of her own foolish and naive beliefs.
Brody Myers
this 100%
Jason King
Kek they were probably fucking in the common hostel.and the sandnigger went full akbar. Overall nothing much lost
Zachary Sanchez
Damn this is why white knights are so delusional in 2016 Literally during to protect someone who hated his guts and whose friends and family hate his race more than they hate the murderer
Asher Hernandez
Fuck off, shill it's not the sjws but the ((puppet masters)) pulling thier strings
Parker Green
she's non white anyway so who cares
Carson Garcia
Her mother contributes to a society that tolerates Islam.
That tolerates third world brown migration into first world countries.
Her stupidity contributed to the climate that made this crime possible.
Her stupidity also contributed to a daughter who felt no concern about fraternizing with a Muslim man, despite her being sexually liberated and progressive.
She died because a man fueled by Islam lost his marbles at seeing Western Harlots Gone Wild.
>That day >Fate
He had known her for a few weeks, and it has nothing to do with fate. If Muslims were barred from Western society, she'd be alive.
Mason Adams
Holy fucking cuckold Batman.
Jayden Evans
Let me guess, you 're quintessential brittish yourself, eh?
Oliver King
the ride never ends
Michael Lee
Let me guess, you're quintessentially white European yourself, eh? I am clearly Muslim, I was only following through with his way of typing
Jacob Ward
Her mum is white, isn't she?
James Anderson
I am Greek, cucky. Whatever your heritage may be you are subhuman to me. Have a noice evening, cunt :^)
Sebastian Jenkins
Why are Greeks so proud?
Landon Martin
>murdered in Australia by French Muslim >going to include a Qur'an recitation at her funeral
Ian Allen
How do we start a petition to list some Quran verses to quote?
How about Quran 8:12-13 >[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." >That is because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.
Quran 8:55-55 >Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe -
Quran 4:34 >Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
Maybe her daughter deserved it for disobeying him?
Ayden Howard
Are they going to invite the killer to the funeral as guest of honour?
No idea. It's genetic though, throughout our history we were proud of this barren rock of a homeland (especially in antiquity there were very few fields good enough for farming), proud enough to fight against all odds defending it.
It's our hybris i guess.
Jonathan Turner
French Muslims r fucking hitler
Jose White
She wasn't white anyway
Robert Gonzalez
okay i kek'ed
Michael Campbell
>sven delivers
Post it to their twatter account
Ethan Adams
Don't forget you're proud of being a Turk
Brayden Gray
Was she mixed? If so good riddance.
Levi Moore
Do you have a picture of the murderer, Smail Ayad, 29, from France?
Jordan Evans
>one less chink >islam looks bad >liberals still don't get it
Best day so far this week.
Adrian Roberts
Kek, get the fuck outta here paki. Don't you have some drug smugling to do?
Colton Anderson
Liam Reyes
>She also filled up her facebook with pro Islam, fugee, anti-white shit
And suddenly, I am happy about her death.
Karma is beautiful.
Joseph Watson
Don't you have some lazing around and not paying your denbts to do? So glad you Turks can't come here and steal our jerbs any more, even if they were just fruit picking jobs.
James Reed
but but but.. those are taken out of context and only apply to that time period even though they are the perfect immutable eternal commands of Allah applicable to the goal of making the whole world submit
Hudson Myers
fuck off commie scum
Ryan Torres
This world looks more and more like the plot to a bad anime every day now
Wyatt Phillips
Mudslimes. They are like pest.
Alexander Brooks
Isaac Bennett
>Greeks are interested in drug smuggling in England
Kek my paki friend, that would be albanians. Now go fuck a goat or something, will ya?
Juan Thomas
Why so racist against baguettes? Let me guess, you're a mudskin.
>risking your life to save a sjw who holds resentment towards people like you
Damn, I feel sorry for the guy
Adrian Flores
No, I'm not European enough for bestiality. I don't get why you are so proud though? Even niggers display the sort of pride that you Greeks do, funnily you both are as equally entitled to feel pride as the other. vice.com/en_uk/video/animal-fuckers-219
Michael Wilson
murdered in the name of islam. Further piss on her short lived existence by reciting quran verses at her funeral.
Hunter Taylor
You mean that you are not European enough to open a fucking book mehmet. Stop projecting, all third (or should I say turd?) worlders are goatfuckers and subhumans. If you want proof, ask your parents why they left the shithole that their mother's cunts spat them upon, to get to England. And if you are so fucking proud of your heritage, go back, cuck