So what does Sup Forums think of DNA testing your children? To see if its actually your child?
So what does Sup Forums think of DNA testing your children? To see if its actually your child?
Should be illegal, as it may embarrass the mother if it's negative.
The father should be recognized by the state as whoever the mother deems more likely.
>Should be illegal
how much you pay in child support?
So you want state-enforced cuckholdry? Whats wrong with embarrasing cheating wifes? This might even be a good incentive to counter self-destructive female behavior, such as cheating.
I'd call you a nigger, but your statement makes that probability impossible.
By your thread I conclude that the cuckening problem in Sweden is not just a meme
Make it mandatory for all born children to take paternity tests.
Allow fathers to sue the government if the government lies/makes a mistake on the result.
Give prison sentence to mothers who lie.
This will never happen.
>this entire post
I wonder how you'd like it if some unknown bitch came up to you and told you she was pregnant with your child.
He's a poor favela monkey so no woman will ever do that.
Bait is supposed to be at least somewhat believable to be effective, you fucking hue.
If your worries a child isn't yours, it probably isn't, and your wife got blacked.
I should be compulsory. And grounds for divorce.
And than what happens if it is his chold and the man is ousted as a fragile self conscious retard?
has anyone ever gotten their DNA tested against their father's?
I believe it to be a standard. If you do not have DNA proof, its not your child. Also, it is interesting to know which genes your child inherited.
most people shouldn't even pass on their genes. I won't, I will use someone else's genes for children.
>literally admitting to being a fucking willing cuckold
I can't even ironically agree with this to shit post.
You realize that a DNA test for parenthood doesn't map the entire relevant sections. You get a % of how likely of father you are, and nothing else.
>there are people on this planet who don't immediately assume this is bait
I think it should be mandatory. You're a fool if you trust anyone, including yourself.
It's illegal in France, because the government doesn't want to pay for the kids if they can get some other sucker to do it for them.
In fact, it's irrelevant in the western world, since if you have assumed the mantle of father (by, like, say dating the woman who had the child) you're on the hook in a lot of the cases anyway.
Why would you only go for a faulty paternity test? Instead of a whole 23andme analysis? Dont you care about your genetic legacy?
>So you want state-enforced cuckholdry?
Like we're not all getting slapped with that every day by the state anyway, when they dole out our money to lazy sluts who can't keep their legs closed.
Agreed. It should be a standard, just like vaccines. No questions asked, of course every man should have their supposed offspring tested.
Gee, I wonder who's behind that post.
Personally I would only do it if I didn't trust my wife or if the child didn't look anything like me.
I think it should be something mandatory that is performed at birth, however.
Just remember to do it right after the child is born or you will lose the opportunity to dodge alimony obligations legally.
Should be compulsory desu senpai.
Provides medical and genetic history for kid, as well as saving dudes from paying Jamal's child support.
I think everyone should have their entire genome sequenced.
Additionally, I believe you should hold 100% of the rights to your own genes.
I'm pretty sure Che would fucking hang those degenerates. They picked "best" parts of socialism, ones about distributing everything equally. However socialism is very anti-degeneracy and it never separates government from anything, which is fucking stupid because liberals always scream about opressive regimes and such. SOCIALISM IS THE MOST OPRESSIVE REGIME SAVE FOR FASCHIST ONE WTF.
All three of my children look like little clones of my husband, so much kek.
Well people keep asking who I am to the kids when we're out, that's not so much kek anymore......
>It's illegal in France, because the government doesn't want to pay for the kids if they can get some other sucker to do it for them.
why would the government need to pay, as opposed to the real father?
Didn't know you could get that... I keep away from the entire medical field. Since I have no clue what I'm doing, Mechanical engineering ftw.
>Should be compulsory desu senpai.
just no, you think this data would later on just be discarded or archived? However i have access to both a PCR machine and reagents so that would be easy to do without putting the info up on databases.
It's "illegal" in a way that you still have to pay for the kid even if it's not yours.
why would it be illegal to make the real father pay, isn't that just child support?
Isn't it illegal in France?
I dont think he's trolling. In france, paternity tests are illegal, and if suspect you can get jailtime for finding out if the child is yours via genetic testing.
Damn Hivemind.
It means the same morality re:children and sex applies equally to men and women. It is true equality between the sexes.
I am all for it.
Sweden should make it free and widely available with how much rapin goes on
In today's world, you'd be a fool not to do it. Women have been certain of their children's mother since time immemorial; why shouldn't men finally have the same certainty?
Ideally though, it wouldn't come to that. Instead, the birth certificate would have a box for the mother to check which is labelled "I swear under penalty of perjury that there is no chance this child's father is anyone other than the person indicated on this certificate" or something like that. If later DNA testing proves the purported father is not the actual genetic parent, then the mother receives no child support, no alimony, and must pay the father damages for any losses he suffered as a consequence of the paternity fraud.
No honest woman would object, right? If you've got nothing to hide, there's no risk in checking the little box.