Girl from IDF staying in my hostel. I am an Aryan american on vacation from the FFL. She has shown interest and I would love to cuck her. What do?
Girl from IDF staying in my hostel. I am an Aryan american on vacation from the FFL...
what do you mean cuck her?
Auto correct, and I don't know, just do it, Israelis are people to
Take pics then post them here
Nein nein Shmiltz, it doesn't work the other way around
Go get her ass tho
Cuck her? so you want to fuck her boyfriend? way to go my burguer friend..
IDF are pretty cool. I had a brief relationship with an IDF girl when I was serving overseas.
They're very woke. You should pursue.
>his phone autocorrects fuck to cuck
holy shit germany, you really are cucked
Don't make me laugh.
Save yourself for a wife? You might lose respect for yourself screwing jew
Its the oddest experience being this 6'2 blonde haired, blue eyed, American in Germany. Absolutely everyone expects me to speak German. The look of confusion and disappointment on their faces upon discovery of the fact that I don't is rather disheartening.
>Girl from IDF staying in my hostel.
>I am an Aryan american on vacation from the FFL.
2 lies
>She has shown interest
More lies
>and I would love to cuck her.
>Look mom, I used this cool word!
>What do?
>JIDF posting jews in uniform again
Do it! Give 'er a good cuckin' and a fuckin'. Teach that lil' Jewish beauties' booty what for.
materlinal line dude, she'll get you to make her pregnant and keep the baby.
he will fap furiously and tell it her afterwards
Neat. How is the legion?
>I would love to cuck her.
so go fuck her boyfriend then you turbo faggot
Do it bro.
>and I would love to cuck her.
Autocorrect baka senpai. Moments like these are when you realize you spend far too long on pol.
>I am an Aryan american on vacation from the FFL
I posted time stamp photo of beret from legion, but pulled it because it has regiment and with the other info I have given wouldnt be too difficult to ascertain who I am
The other points are impossible to substantiate short of posting picture of my face fucking this Jew in her fatigues.
You need to go full 'Jap schoolgirl/American soldier' copypasta on them
Its jewish rodeo time:
- Get into her pants
- Take her doggy style
- Once you are both really into it, lean forward and whisper in her ear: "Hitler did nothing wrong"
- Try to stay on her as long as possible
I can relate to that. I haven't even seen you and the discovery that you not only don't speak German but appear to lack mastery even of the meaning of certain terms in your own native language such as "cuck" and "fuck" (yeah, sorry, don't buy the "auto-correct" face-saver cos, like, WHY?) left me with a feeling of apprehension in the pit of my stomach and a sense of despair regarding your fate and the fate of all other mythomanic virgin 14-year-olds like you.
Not so bad. Kind of like us military in the 70. Fucked up gear, no one really wants to be there, everyone smokes, huge black market for drugs, mostly lanklets etc
How's the pay?
And have you been deployed to Africa? Any future deployments on the schedule?
I'm asking 'cause I want to see some action but the Belgian military sucks and is poor
>I am an Aryan american
sterlize her then rape her.
Do you have a oven in your apt? Maybe make some cookies.
do it and send pics
french shitposting always was an acquired taste
I sincerely hope somebody chooses to stab you to death.
It's literally worse that this was an autocorrect from "fuck" to "cuck" because it means every other time you meant to say "cuck" when you should have meant "fuck". Fucking krauts. Hitler was wasted on you.
Terror tunnel into her room and snackbar on her iron domes
Pay is fairly shit you start at 1290 euros per months. No deployments for me however there are a fair amount of opportunities for missions depending on your regiment. You are given the liberty to pick your regiment if you finish top 10 in your class during the first 4 months of instruction. Mostly this top 10 ranking is based on your french ability and how well you shoot. So if you are from the French speaking portion of Belgium and can shoot alright I would say you have good chace to go on a missiom within the first year and a half. Most common mission are the vigipiriate (patrolling cities in france), french Guyana, and in africa.
I'd rather eat heaping spoonfuls of Aussie Vegemite shitposts than acquire a taste for limpwristed French declarations of unconditional surrender.
What do you think of germany now ? How do you like it ?
Fuck her and tell her Hitler was right as you cum.
You must have meant Northern Turkey.
Can you even satisfy her without an 8x6
Start charming her with some Hebrew
Learn a bit online
Thanks for the info! Which regiment gets deployed the most? Is it 2ième REP?
Honestly, despite all the turks its rather nice. The grass is always greener on the other side, but comparatively withmost regions of the US, I prefer it here. With that said I have only been here a week and half so take it with a grain of salt. Also fuck France.
Oy vey shoah kvetch kvetch zei gezunt.
play nice deception is a technique jews have mastered so why shouldnt we? then when you bust on her face give her a sieg heil, or heil hilter and walk out. she will never forget.
Get off Sup Forums and go talk to her.
Just wing it, you'll be fine. Trust in yourself and in everything you say, even if you say something wrong be confident in it and don't apologize.
Smile when something makes you laugh but keep a straight face. Perhaps ask her to dinner.
Why is this so fucking hard? I'm 5'5" and I get laid a lot, there's no excuse. Get the fuck out there and get her to sit on your face. Stop being a little girl.
Honestly that is the perception, but 3eme rei you are almost guaranteed a lengthy deployment in Guyana. 2rep deployments tend to be shorter think one month in france and the regiment is mostly eastern European esp Romania and Moldovan. 2rei goes to africa alot and normally for 6 month stretches usually the quality of soldier there is lower though.
It is hard I'm 23 and I have never drank alcohol or was at a party.
I would do it if it was the other way around
He'll have hot sex with her boyfriend.
Why? Did you literally have no friends in school, or what? Serious question.
Holy shit wtf. Helpless
I did in kind of a way...There were not real friends, maybe pals I hang out with. I always felt that having fun is degenerate. So I've been working and studying all my life
Have yyou even read Goethe worthless Kraut
In school. Faust and some poems
Good, alcohol is haram
I want a cute jewish girl for a waifu
Can any attest to what Israeli girls are like in general?
desu my odds are probably slim anyway though so this is probably more of an intellectual question than a real one
Re-read the conversation in the study between the student and mepho. from Faust I , then you'll not waste your life on only studies
>then you'll not waste your life on only studies
Even if I did ,it's already to late for me
>23 years old
>it's too late for me
what the heck, buddy?
Does 3eme rei still has spots open?
Also how were the gestapo interviews and medical checks? Is it as extreme as they say?
It's not, go call your mates for a beer get drunk and have a night of fun it will change your life. Read books and talk to women. Life is awesome
Gas her
Then nuke israel
I have currently no mates. My old school "friends" are all in different cities.
It's not that easy. It's a learned process afterall. My behaviour is based on acquired neuronic structures. It's the same as you would say to a patient with depression, just to stop having an depression
I understand depression, I've suffered it.
What I recommend is that you make friends.
I know that you don't want to hear suggestions because of your attitude towards all our former ones, but clearly you're on hear asking for help for a reason.
Making friends may seem hard, hell I don't want to suggest it but maybe pick up smoking, it is the social lubricant of the gods, although I hate suggesting that to people.
Go to a bar, have a beer or two even if by yourself, have a smoke outside with some people, start a conversation with them, drunk people are all too willing to talk to random other people especially smokers who seem relaxed.
Dumped there and then.
Before you can even start thinking about a girl you have to be able to talk to guys too, you need friends. Don't be notes from Underground man. Be slightly normie, I am, it works well.
No spots open you basically go into a section of another regiment and wait. I dont think its too long of a wait though. Gestapo was laughable for me they brought in middle eastern adjudant who barely spoke english and they interrogate for a few hours. When someone interrgates you in their fourth language which they speak poorly its easy to dodge the questions ie no i misunderstood your question etc. Medical/physical normal us marine standard physical requirements
imageboard wizards on suicide watch
Its true we are watching you gas yourself
Ah ok cool, did you also had to ski and swim during your basic training? Also do you have some cool stories in the ffl?
I am planning to join somewhere in 2017, since as you might know NL also ruined their army by budget cuts.
you're gonna' bang her wife?
>cuck her
You're gonna fuck her bf?
Just limit yourself to a small amount of drinks per hour, 1-2 tops, you definitely want it to seem like you're drinking with everyone but getting too drunk is a sure way to end up doing something, or someone, that you'll regret later. Let other people get too drunk and you'll look better by comparison.
It's really easy when everyone else is plastered and you're more sober.
Is your name mehmet?
you realize your army can be crushed by 1 division of IDF, probably a small one at that, like Shell (Shirion) Tank division.
Haha, Chocolate we can wreck you with out hands tied and blindfolded.
Who's the Juden now bitches :)
sing the boudin while you ram her ass
Still you
Jewish women are degenerate as fuck
oy vey mommy gold teeth !
see this:
Stop lying, unless you want to become like Lyin' Ted wth an elongated nose when you grow up.
I've never seen screen keyboards autocorrecting to cuck. It just doesn't work that way.
Bad Goy! You are grounded!
Sup Forums is pro-Israel. did you not get the memo?
it will be ours once again
live long greater israel
JIDF cuck shills are getting so desperate they are literally pimping out their gross pig disgusting inbred rat faced jew women to the thirsty beta virgins from reddit who have taken over Sup Forums in order to get sympathy
Have some dignity Shlomo
>They're very woke.
back2reddirt, niggerfaggot
I slept with this chick that was IDF in a hostel in Mendoza Argentina once. She was hot as fuck. Do it.
Decadence is real.
>I am an Aryan american
does this hook-nosed cunt support refugees in Israel?
Israelites, i will give you a prophesy; if you don't want to be actually shoah'd, get a hold on your diaspora. Or mossad them. Else you are going to pay the price eventualy
Praise him, for he approves