Muhammad Ali, aka Cassius Clay was the greatest. Look how he handles this pathetic cuckold white devil. Ali is the ultimate redpill. He said this on national tv and didn't bat an eye.
The greatest redpiller
self bump
based in life based in afterlife
Muhammad Ali was a follower or Elijah Muhammad, a Scientologist tier author of a made up religion that states Melanoid people populated Venus, Mars, built the moon and invented the white race 6,000 years ago as a "bet". Not only this but they've existed for 76 Trillion years despite direct scientific evidence to debunk that.
He was a strong man with strong convinctions and a strong drive to strive to get better at what he was doing.
found the sjw cuck
So you identify with the Nation of Islam as Ali did, and actually believe space niggers built the Universe around us?
How does this information that you have given us invalidate what Ali has said in the video?
[citation needed]
None of what a show boating nigger says is valid. At all.
Common knowledge for 60+ years.
>Muslim opinions
Literally don't care
Jakub detected
Post the Ali interview where he BTFO the white cuck who tries to shame Ali into dying for the jew (in Vietnam) and Ali crushes him like the pathetic wimp he is (the white cuck Shabbos goy)
Wait, you don't?
So even when the man pretty much shares the same ideas as you and the rest of Sup Forums, you don't care?
The white man sho' nuff is funny.
I'm not a nigger, so no.
He didn't though, he believed space niggers invented the Universe we live in and everything in it. That's absurd.
Elijah Muhammad was the leader of the nation of islam you fucking retard.
Right, Which Muhammad Ali was a follower of.
Does it really matter what he believes when he is doing it in his race's own land. He was a racial separatist.
>niggers own America
I don't support black nationalism, why do you?
I didn't say black people own america. I said why would you care if he is a muslim, when he advocates racial separation and he agrees with you that blacks and whites should separate. If you both work together for racial separation. Then when it is achieved, why would you care about his beliefs in his own land?
>is race's own land
What else could that mean other than you implying blacks own America? He believes in black dominance, as do all followers of the Nation of Islam. They believe they control the Universe and that white people are devils. This is also why they don't own dogs, as they're demons from hell loyal only to white devils.
You're beyond pathetic. Your nigger worship is disgusting. Your ethnomasochism is worse though. Truly sad.
Wow great handling of white leftist cuck. It was funny to see how confused that marxist idiot when black man just told him how it is.
>Muhammad Ali was a follower or Elijah Muhammad
Yeah, when he was a young, impressionable 23 year old. He stopped giving a fuck about the Nation of Islam in the mid-70's.
You guys don't like Ali? But he believed in racial purity, didn't approve of interracial couples, and insulted a black opponent by calling him a gorilla.
>stopped giving a fuck about the Nation of Islam
He donated millions of dollars to thrm throughout his life, nearly until the day he died.
Yes. The Nation of Islam promotes racial purity for blacks, hatred for all other races. Belonging to other races other than Islam makes black men/women "sub human" in their eyes. Hence the "gorilla" reference.
So turns out some niggers are fine after all?
I can't have anything against a person saying those things.
Islam isn't a race, retard. lmfao
who gives a shit what these Sup Forumsposting retards believe in? they don't have real beliefs. they're all conformist cucks.
As a white male on Sup Forums don't you consider yourself superior to all other races?
Posting some info
He shook alright.
nice garbage comic kiddo lmfao
Multi-culturalism fuels racial hatred.
If we lived on a nationalist world, we would have no ethnic conflicts.
Cultural marxists want us to pass throught a period of chaos and suffering for everyone, saying that after that period we will live in a world without problems and without frontiers. But again, they have no proof for their claims.
They are pretty much like the priest who want to make us suffer in this life saying that we will reach the paradise in a non-existant afterlife.
To the Nation of Islam, Islam is a race. You're promoting said idiocy by supporting a nigger who support the Nation of Islam not only spiritually, but financially.
You're a Muslim nigger, by proxy.
Stay on topic, muzznigger.
Islam isn't a race. Get over it, kid.
further, the nation of izlahm means absolutely nothing to anyone except the FBI. stop pretending like you give a shit. you don't.
The dude is a muslim you retard
I don't support black supremacy groups. I don't know why anyone would considering how retarded niggers are. Lots of adhom in your arguments and you're starting to stray far off topic here.
>g0y in ID
Why do you feel so insecure?
That's racist!
I love dogs.
Hitler loved dogs.
But I'm neither Hitler nor a Nazi.
Your argument is invalid.
Yeah, this is pretty great. Sad how peoples' ears are full of mud and shit now.
I don't know what are you talking about, to be honest.
If a white man said what Ali said he'd be hated forever.
he's funny, brave, handsome, and hung. i'm confused as whether i want to cuddle him or want to be him.
You are obviously trying to convey a message, you are so convinced by this message that you are posting all your dump folder.
It's BLM-nigger tier mentality, equivalent to WE WUZ KANGZ. I know why they do it, now I want to know why you do it too.
Many people hate him and consider him racist for those comments, both blacks and whites.
It's seems that these days "racism" is merely the idea that there are different races and that we should preserve them.
>he hasn't taken the spacenigga pill
hello, I suppose you now understand what "alt right" is, you are free to leave now
Why I do what?
As you said, I am convinced by the idea that there are difference races, and I want to preserve them.
Notice that that I don't try to make any objective argument, because I don't believe there is. There is no objective reason to preserve whales either. I just don't want them to go extinct.
Actually, there is no objective reason for anything. Why do you care about human suffering? It's all dependant on our own perception.
Taking that into consideration, I am on the internet (youtube, Sup Forums, forums, etc) with the sole purpose of making others share my objectives. Not convincing them, but awaking inside them something that was already there, as others did with me.
Does that answer your question?
Redpilled boxer? C'mon
Holy crap, didn't know red-pilled blacks existed. Huge respect
>alt right
I don't identify with kikes that suck nigger dick, but vote for Trump either. Milo literally branded the term "alt right" to make money off frog posting degenerates, like you.
Swan dive off the nearest roof, please.
>I just don't want them to go extinct.
99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct.
Okay. That does not change what I want.
I've seen Sup Forums turning into an empty echo chamber, so I'm trying to understand the phenomenon. As much as I respect your opinion without sharing it, I still don't understand how we have not yet transcend the race question.
Would you prefer to hangout with white (your race I assume) normies or black/asian/shitskin Sup Forumssters ?
>Whites made everything bad.
What you want is impossible. Find another dream PETAfag.
Richard Spencer branded alt right you idiot.
Neither, I rather be alone.
However, I would colaborate wiht black/asian/shitskin Sup Forumssters if they were as the man in the video of OP.
We share the main goal, but that goal is racially exclusive. Maybe that's what you don't understand.
By the way, there is no such thing as the "white race" for me.
There are europeans, more and less mixed. Nordics are less mixed, and southern europeans are more mixed.
I believe in a non-radical segregation among europeans. It means that ocasional mixing among europeans with different levels of admixture is not a problem for me, but it should be the exception and not the rule.
That would happen naturally if we had our frontiers back.
You reasoning is a fallacy.
You are going to die someday, so why do you keep living?
I already have the answer, but it seems you don't. Probably because you didn't think about it, or maybe you just lack the required intelligence.
99 % of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct. None of your Taoist bullshit is going to stop that. At all. Stop crying.
You got Jewed, friend.
If you don't know about the Jews, then you aren't Alt-Right
Also, if you're a libertarian, you aren't alt right, you're a libertarian
Face it cucks. If you want the glorious alt right moniker; you have to be a monarchist or a fascist.