>Compare the Jewish population in the east vs. in the west, as well as the political situation in the east vs. west.
>Most Jews who died were poles and ukrainians and russians, and the Nazis had a lot more freedom in Poland than in e.g. France.
All camps prior to the end of the war were considered death camps, though. Also, you didn't answer my question about Soviet trustworthiness, so I'll rephrase.
Considering the reconstruction of death camps that the Soviets undertook, and also considering their penchant for propaganda, and further, the fact that there were no independent observes to investigate these death camps; isn't it probable that the Soviets were not telling the truth?
>I guess any population estimate of post-WWII Europe, and also the Nazi's own estimates of having made Europe judenfrei?
Please show me these population estimates
>I don't understand the relationship between these two. How would the holocaust being anything but brutal and real somehow lead to people hallucinating stories?
People might have all kinds of innocent or less than innocent reasons or motives for coming up with fake stories. In what scenario does this get you, the denier, anywhere?
Because if the conditions were as bad as they are alleged to have been - why was it necessary to make up false allegations? Why are these false allegations present in widely-circulated literature? That Nobel prize winner that just died this summer, why did he lie about aspects of the holocaust in his Nobel-prize winning work?
>It's an estimate about the work of the Einsatzgruppen. There's a number of documents about the work of the Einsatzgruppen together accounting for at least a few hundred thousand, the rest probably comes from population statistics, knowledge of who never even arrived at the camps, and villages disappearing.
Source for "villages disappearing" and anything else that would make up the 700,000 death jump from what we know the Einsatzgruppen to have committed.