Daily holocaust thread. I'm ready to answer all of your doubts...

Daily holocaust thread. I'm ready to answer all of your doubts. It's a reminder that holocaust is one of the most well documented genocide in history.

typical fallacies in this threads
>ad hominem
>bitching about me not providing sources even thou they never ask me one
>calling me JIDF and kike
>calling me anti-white and marxist
>i must stress ad hominem because it will be half the posts
>ignoring all the evidence posted and then focusing on a very specific kind of evidence that does not exist, and then declaring victory

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you give incinerator rates (bodies per hour per)? Possibly with sources?
Auschwitz would be best. Thanks.

(not OP)

The official ratings for the 2nd gen Auschwitz ovens were for 4756 men/day. However, they frequently broke down and more generally could not in fact deliver these rates, and open pits had to be used.

Keep in mind, this is not a "down to urns" incineration as you'd get for a respectful funeral of a beloved relative today. It's just "down to bones and ash".

The germans themselves said the maximum capacity was a little higher then 4000 per day. The very famous denial argument of the "revised" aushwitz death tool is the soviet official death tool, wich is how many people would have died if the 4.000 would have been icinerated per day during the whole duration of the camp.

Check pic related.

Any other question?

I'm undecided as to how much of the official story of the Holocaust is true.

Couple of questions:

Can you provide proof that the number of Jews killed was 6,000,000?

What do you have to say about all of the ridiculously untrue survivor stories? (Holocoaster, masturbation machines, pit lowering into electrified water, cage with eagle and bear, etc.)

Can you prove that the thousands of corpses we see in pictures of the concentration camp, weren't caused by widespread typhus, when the conditions within the camps were perfect for an outbreak?

Can you provide proof as to a written plan for systematic extermination?

How the hell were they able to incinerate even that many a day? Even to bones and ash would take a long time, and they didn't exactly have that many incinerators.

>Can you provide proof that the number of Jews killed was 6,000,000?
There is a vast pile of independent evidence each converging on this number. It does not hinge on one specific piece of evidence. For example, you arrive at the same number if you go from demographics (pre-war Nazi estimates of how many Jews were there, to post-war estimates of how many people were still there or had managed to flee), or from trying to count and add up how many people died in camps, to behind the line death squads, or in the ghettos.

>What do you have to say about all of the ridiculously untrue survivor stories? (Holocoaster, masturbation machines, pit lowering into electrified water, cage with eagle and bear, etc.)
Obviously untrue stories are obviously untrue, what's the question?

>Can you prove that the thousands of corpses we see in pictures of the concentration camp, weren't caused by widespread typhus, when the conditions within the camps were perfect for an outbreak?
It is impossible to prove a negative, but we're not looking for thousands - we're looking for millions.
In fact, it is entirely plausible that there are indeed pictures of thousands of people dead from typhus somewhere, and it is certain that a share of the holocaust dead are due to disease and the general conditions in the camps.
Also keep in mind the pictures are generally from the Concentration Camps. There are almost no pictures of the Death Camps, which is where the majority of people died.

>Can you provide proof as to a written plan for systematic extermination?
There is no single such plan to account for all of the Holocaust at one. Over a million Jews were killed by near-random shooting squads; millions were gassed or otherwise killed in the death camps; millions starved in the ghettos and concentration camps. Nobody sat down and decided on this specific, and heterogenous, course of action.

There are a bunch of individual documents covering aspects of these though.

Don't ask questions you fucking anti semite. Your thought crimes are enough to send you to reeducation camp already so you better stay silent!

>Can you provide proof that the number of Jews killed was 6,000,000?
It's based on estimation, census, several reports. It takes a lot of work to come to this number. Do you have doubt about a more specific death tool, like auschwitz death tool, or anything like that?

>What do you have to say about all of the ridiculously untrue survivor stories?

They can be lies (several of holocaust survivors were already exposed). Could be PTSD (for example, jews heard stories, and when they arrived to a camp, and were directed to a shower room, they were already expeting being gassed. So they were overwhelmed when water actually came out off the shower. Many stories of people suriving gas chambers are similar to this one. They weren't actually in gas chambers. Keep in mind many of the eastern jews were uneducated peasants.

>Can you prove that the thousands of corpses we see in pictures of the concentration camp, weren't caused by widespread typhus, when the conditions within the camps were perfect for an outbreak?

What picture do you want me to adress?

>Can you provide proof as to a written plan for systematic extermination?


Not even jews take the ridiculous stories seriously. Those are either false flags or psychotic attention seekers. The official story for killing machines is truck gases early on, till they switched to gas showers, and incineration of bodies.

That's just random assertions. You've been shown an official document, and you're just saying "neeeeeaaaah!".

Also, I told you they did not indeed provide these numbers, and open pits were used, even at Auschwitz.

(There were no ovens at most of the Death Camps IIRC, and there, they used open pits exclusively.)

Read whole thread yesterday you have made with surces you have provided. I liked that Nikzor source where he was having corospondence with Mr. Zundel, best ever. Tnx for sharing with us anf Keep the good work Mr. Moor.

>The official story for killing machines is truck gases early on, till they switched to gas showers, and incineration of bodies.
And don't forget that the Death Camps are only a fraction (about half) of the total death toll.

The "official story" is not that 6 million Jews were gassed and burned to ash in ovens.


Yeah. Lots of jews died in the ghettos due to the abysmal living conditions.

Average Sup Forumstard - will say "Why should have Germany provided food to ghettos?"

The answer is simple. The moment the Ghettos became locked and people were forbidden from leaving, they became cages. Caging a prisoner and not feeding them or letting them clean their shit off kills them. Caging a fuckton of people in a tiny place and never letting them out is the same.

They didn't.

> and they didn't exactly have that many incinerators.

I wish i could show you the 2 threads i had with 2 other people ( Austriabro and South Africa bro). They were 10 times better then me at this. Too bad the threads 404

If the holocaust is real, it means millions were killed by just a few thousand soldiers with guns because the civilians were disarmed

Which instantly destroys liberals and gun grabbers for all time, and they can never recover

>Caging a fuckton of people in a tiny place and never letting them out is the same.

wait, I got lost. are you talking about the occupied territories around israel or the ghettos in ww2?

>Can you prove that the thousands of corpses we see in pictures of the concentration camp,

Most all of those were not taken from the death camps, but from work / concentration camps.
The death camps worked in secrecy.

Don't be an ass. Why are the open pits never talked about, as opposed to the ovens?

Can you provide locations and sources for burial sites?

>It's just "down to bones and ash".
If what he says is true then surely there would have to be a place to put the bones afterwards.
Where did they take the bones? Why can't we find them? Was it aliens? (I don't know, but it could be)

Well, that is actually a good argument

>Can you provide locations and sources for burial sites?
What camp?

Most death camps were next to rivers where the ash and bones were dumped.

>There is a vast pile of independent evidence each converging on this number....
You talk like a politician. Lots of text without substance. IF so many people died in the camps, especially like in Auschwitz, why to the numbers from the auschwitz death certificates confiscated by the soviets align with the numbers in the radio transmitions send from auschwitz to Berlin every single day and the brits listened because they cracked the code? Of course, must be a devious scheme.

>Obviously untrue stories are obviously untrue, what's the question?
During the nuremberg trials these obviously false testimonies were used as the main evidence of the holocaust. Barely any real documents showed up and they made up laws that the jews could tell what they wanted and they were "believed" at face value. Not to forget that you could torture people for testimonies and forge documents en masse.

>we're looking for millions.
They've been looking alright... and never found millions. (inb4 ashes)

>In fact, it is entirely plausible that there are indeed pictures of thousands of people dead from typhus somewhere, and it is certain that a share of the holocaust dead are due to disease and the general conditions in the camps.
This deserves a captain obvious badge

>Also keep in mind the pictures are generally from the Concentration Camps.
Actually lots of pictures just show random pits where you can't see if they are in a camp or somewhere in siberia.

>There are almost no pictures of the Death Camps
How convenient huh? Did the US forget to send Cameras with their lend lease to document the death camps?

>Over a million Jews were killed by near-random shooting squads;
I could agree to reaching 200, maybe 300k on the easter front, not over a million

>millions were gassed or otherwise killed in the death camps
The crematoria couldn't handle this amount and by gassings only, lots of bodies would still be around...

>Nobody sat down and decided on this specific, and heterogenous, course of action.
>There are a bunch of individual documents covering aspects of these though.

So there never was a completely planned and organized industry of extermination, just several people doing their own shit?

>Why are the open pits never talked about
By whom?

Have you ever even bothered to read up on the original story?

I'm looking at the wikipedia article on Treblinka right now, and it's right there in the introduction paragraphs.

>Can you provide locations and sources for burial sites?
Right at the Death Camp sites obviously.

>Where did they take the bones? Why can't we find them? Was it aliens? (I don't know, but it could be)
Yes, it was aliens. I see you are truly asking open-minded questions after having done thorough research

>Most death camps were next to rivers where the ash and bones were dumped.
Source? Treblinka wasn't close to a river.

Do u belive in the 11 millions killed in camps? don't u think that most of the pictures was from starvation when they start lossing the war? why the gypsies and the fags don't get nothing afther Nuremberg?

I can't remember where I heard it, but doesn't Auschwitz have only three incinerators? I actually can't find an exact number online

They are talked about. But and are in some of these funny testimonies. Yet you cant turn people into ash using pits so it usually doesn't come up.

Please provide proof that hitler planned the extermination of the Jewish people or at the very least that he was even aware of the plight of the Jew in German camps?

>why to the numbers from the auschwitz death certificates confiscated by the soviets align with the numbers in the radio transmitions send from auschwitz to Berlin every single day and the brits listened because they cracked the code?
source for this.

>During the nuremberg trials these obviously false testimonies were used as the main evidence of the holocaust.
They weren't. source for this?

> Barely any real documents showed up and they made up laws that the jews could tell what they wanted and they were "believed" at face value.

>Not to forget that you could torture people for testimonies
They did it to the SS people responsible for Malmedy massacre

> forge documents en masse.

>Actually lots of pictures just show random pits where you can't see if they are in a camp or somewhere in siberia.
>How convenient huh? Did the US forget to send Cameras with their lend lease to document the death camps?

Thy were liberated by USSR. USSR had a wildly different policy in regards to this.

>I could agree to reaching 200, maybe 300k on the easter front, not over a million

source? Jager report almost reaches that number alone

>The crematoria couldn't handle this amount and by gassings only, lots of bodies would still be around...





>IF so many people died in the camps, especially like in Auschwitz, why to the numbers from the auschwitz death certificates confiscated by the soviets align with the numbers in the radio transmitions send from auschwitz to Berlin every single day and the brits listened because they cracked the code?
You talk like a broken Google translate. What is this sentence supposed to say?

>During the nuremberg trials these obviously false testimonies were used as the main evidence of the holocaust
Source that testimonials about Masturbation Machines were the main evidence at the Nürnberg trials?

>They've been looking alright... and never found millions. (inb4 ashes)
That's what becomes of burned bodies: ash.

>This deserves a captain obvious badge
can you lend me yours

>How convenient huh? Did the US forget to send Cameras with their lend lease to document the death camps?
Do you know when the Aktion Reinhard camps stopped running? Do you have a general idea of the timeline of the holocaust?
(You don't; if you had, you wouldn't try this stupid-ass argument.)

>The crematoria couldn't handle this amount and by gassings only, lots of bodies would still be around...
Open pit burnings have been mentioned like 5 times in this thread alone already.
You don't even care.

>So there never was a completely planned and organized industry of extermination, just several people doing their own shit?
There were multiple planned and organized industries of extermination, the most prominent being the Aktion Reinhard.

Treblinka was red dot, Aushwitz yellow

>I can't remember where I heard it, but doesn't Auschwitz have only three incinerators? I actually can't find an exact number online
The 3rd and 4th replies to this thread give the direct source to the number of ovens in Auschwitz.

You people don't even care.

Is it possible that ze Germans were collecting metal to melt down for the war effort and not necessarily proof that they were all mordor'ed

Kind of like what happened in Ukraine hey?

I have, and the pyres are rarely mentioned as opposed to the ovens. Hell, if you talked to anyone you walked by, they'd never even know that their was any other way for disposing of them.

>Implying Hitler never looked at the budget.

If Hitler was unaware that his own government was spending millions in building camps, he was a complete moron.

What the fuck. You claim to educate us about the holocaust and yet shout "source" or ">>>x" at everything. I'm out, I've had enough of these trolls. The sources for this were given numerous times over and over in the last 5 years here on pol.

>They did it to the SS people responsible for Malmedy massacre
They even tortured random wehrmacht soldiers, literally crushing their testicles beyond repair so that they invent shit against their superiors. God fucking dammit have you ever read a book about the nuremberg trials?

Okay Portugal, I'll play.


This album has been posted in pretty much every Holohoax thread. It's pretty good actually, debunks a lot of the usual arguments. However - lengthy, detailed and thorough this album may be, there is not a single mention of Madagascar.


Why is this ignored? Not only in this album, but in history books as well? It seems to be a crucial element of Hitler's plan, yet is conveniently passed over in favor of elaborate fairytales such as the Holocouster, pic related.

Bonus: How do you react to the testimony of this woman?


>There is a vast pile of independent evidence each converging on this number. It does not hinge on one specific piece of evidence. For example, you arrive at the same number if you go from demographics (pre-war Nazi estimates of how many Jews were there, to post-war estimates of how many people were still there or had managed to flee), or from trying to count and add up how many people died in camps, to behind the line death squads, or in the ghettos.

Okay, but what specific documents are used to prove this? I understand the worldwide census shows roughly 9,000,000 Jews in Europe pre-WWII. I believe that. Is there another demographic chart showing only 3,000,000 in Europe after the war? Where would I find such a thing?

>Obviously untrue stories are obviously untrue, what's the question?

My question is, if the holocaust was as real and as brutal as official sources posit it to be, why would these people make things up?

>Also keep in mind the pictures are generally from the Concentration Camps. There are almost no pictures of the Death Camps, which is where the majority of people died.

How do you explain the fact that only the camps liberated by the Soviets were considered death camps, while all of the ones liberated by the Allies were revised to be merely concentration camps. Weren't the death camps subject to extensive reconstruction by the Soviets? Also, taking into account that the Soviets are not even slightly a trustworthy source, and these death camps were not open to independent observers.

>Over a million Jews were killed by near-random shooting squads

That seems outrageous, do you have any proof for that number?

But each oven had multiple muzzles, to a total of 48 iirc. Each muzzle was enough for a adult. But since this jews were in starvation, they could easily fit 2 adults, and could even squezze 1 or 2 childrens in there.


You guys can easily google this

I'm not sure there exists direct evidence for this. Hitler hated writing stuff down, and he certainly never bothered to visit the camps.

Himmler did, though.

But is there any evidence for the logistics of moving thousands of bodies from the camp site to the river every day?
There are many mass grave sites a the camps.

Not entirely unlike, but not really much alike.

There's no need to compare the Holodomor and the Holocaust. Both were unimaginably terrible genocide.

>I have, and the pyres are rarely mentioned as opposed to the ovens
Yeah, but for
and the Wikipedia article on Treblinka.

Wikipedia isn't exactly an obscure source.

I don't really care for why you particularly don't come across that fact often, but it is impossible to not come across it when actually researching the holocaust (in contrast to when researching holocaust denial arguments).

So were they collecting old shoes for the war effort too?

Of course they collected the metal in the eye glass frames, its just a lot easier to do when the owners are dead.

Who did Jews claim having been gassed in Dachau and Bergen-Belsen when it's a documented fact that nobody was even gassed in those and many other camps?

How do you explain supposed testimonies of a giant electic chair and, quote, masturbation machines of death, If no such things were ever discovered.

How do you explain the fact that they used lampshades supposedly made out of jewish skin and soap supposedly made out of jewish fat to cause and uproar if both were proven to be flase?

Describe the process from gas chamber to ovens. How did the corpses get from a to b and how was this at all possible? Bonus: research zyklon b's reactivity in cold weather.

Implying that the head of a nation is aware of all things going on in the nation...

Also this isn't a counter argument, it's you being a retard.

First part: Why*

>It's based on estimation, census, several reports. It takes a lot of work to come to this number. Do you have doubt about a more specific death tool, like auschwitz death tool, or anything like that?

I am sceptical as to the efficiency of gas chambers with wooden doors. I am also sceptical as to the famous pictures of the walls with claw marks on them - when scientifically it is impossible for human nails to scratch concrete.

>They can be lies (several of holocaust survivors were already exposed). Could be PTSD (for example, jews heard stories, and when they arrived to a camp, and were directed to a shower room, they were already expeting being gassed. So they were overwhelmed when water actually came out off the shower. Many stories of people suriving gas chambers are similar to this one. They weren't actually in gas chambers. Keep in mind many of the eastern jews were uneducated peasants.

Fair answer.

>what picture do you want me to address
On mobile, but if I get to my desktop I'll post a few


I will, thanks.

>You talk like a broken Google translate.
ad hominem because you have no argument and still understood what I meant.

>about Masturbation Machines
Of course not all of these storys... Not all jews where interviewed who decided to write a book in the next 20 years...

>That's what becomes of burned bodies: ash.
Still, nobody could come up with an argument to counter the "these few ovens cant turn such a huge mass of people into ash" argument. And no, pits dont work to turn them all into ashes...

>Open pit burnings have been mentioned like 5 times in this thread alone already.
You don't even care.
No I know that pits can't do what you claim. I care, you don't

>being unable to read German is the same as not caring
>even when I took your word for those being daily cremation rates
Fuck you, I actually believe in the holocaust, I was just curious about a number of things and wanted a new source.

The germans even took down all the metal lamp posts in the street and replaced it with wodden ones. Metal rationing was immense during the follow up to war and war

>and yet shout "source"
>"""Why so mean and asking for source ?!!?! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH""

Jesus christ man.

>The sources for this were given numerous times over and over in the last 5 years here on pol.
And yet you can't say anything about them other then bitching about. Just refute one point in them. Just one. Go ahead. You refute one point and i dismiss the whole site.

>They even tortured random wehrmacht soldiers

>literally crushing their testicles beyond repair so that they invent shit against their superiors.
Why are you lying? This happened to the SS troops responsible for the Malmedy massacre, like i said. source for the allies doing this for everyone?

>It takes a lot of work to come to this number
Yes it does.


Holy fuck, he isn't even trying.

> I'm ready to answer all of your doubts
Here it is:


Btw, why did Himmler recorded something he wanted to keep secret? And why did recording last until today?

Reminder this is the same Portugal lefty/pol/ tripfag shill. He just changed his tripcode to disassociate himself from his past trip.

>... Hitler ... was a complete moron.
You might be onto something there.

The death camps were a fairly small effort. They had a crew of what, like 40 Germans each?

A much larger operation were all the forced laborers.

>there is not a single mention of Madagascar.
Probably because it was never a accepted plan in nazi germany. Take it to austria bro, he is the one that made it.

> It seems to be a crucial element of Hitler's plan
It wasn't


I don't watch the video. I already adreswed this. Could be a liar. Could be a senile woman with PTSD. It's literally nothing.

That wikipedia link literally proves nothing.

There is an actual reward for proof Hitler knew about holocaust.

Theres some interesting counter arguments to this document here:

How much do you get per post for shilling this blatant fantasy?

>Okay, but what specific documents are used to prove this? I understand the worldwide census shows roughly 9,000,000 Jews in Europe pre-WWII. I believe that. Is there another demographic chart showing only 3,000,000 in Europe after the war? Where would I find such a thing?
pic related. Source is jewish almanac, iirc

>My question is, if the holocaust was as real and as brutal as official sources posit it to be, why would these people make things up?

personal gain, ptsd, senile people...

Why would a country at war waste resources to kill working force?

you are a retard
sauce please
dumb kike
nigger loving commie
cunt mongering big nosed father fucking kike
I win, you lose bc you're a dirty jew

How do you account for the massive fuel cost of cremation during wartime, those resources would have been better put to use in the manufacturing of arms, and the germans, though they did make mistake, where anything but stupid.

Yeah yeah, we've seen you in other threads. Well done let me you get you a stick you good little leftist.

Clap clap, my moor friend. How's being poor for you?

>Who did Jews claim having been gassed in Dachau and Bergen-Belsen
source for this?

>How do you explain supposed testimonies of a giant electic chair and, quote, masturbation machines of death, If no such things were ever discovered.

lie, ptsd, personal gain, senile people...

> if both were proven to be flase?

It was proven false. So what is your question?

>Describe the process from gas chamber to ovens. How did the corpses get from a to b and how was this at all possible?

> Bonus: research zyklon b's reactivity in cold weather.

Gas chambers were heated

>Death camps were a small operation
No, they required all the logistics of any other camp. Including construction workers (forced labor could run plumbing, gas, electrical?) You had logistics, and you had guards. Probably more than 40, it would probably take at least 3 times that.

But basically your saying the Germans were loose at procedure and bookkeeping? Because we all know how historically sloppy the Germans are

Right now it takes week or two to prepare worker to his job, killing your workers means you have to spend more time training them to do their job. Every death in a I.G. Farben had to be a delay of production. Here is next question:

I.G. Farben - how many people worked in this monstrum and how were they transported there?

Himmler making fun of people presenting one good jew, saying they are all the same.
At the same time there are Juden soldiers in the Wehrmacht.

That image seems to suggest that no such holocaust occurred. Are you sure you meant to post that?

>How do you explain the fact that only the camps liberated by the Soviets were considered death camps
Compare the Jewish population in the east vs. in the west, as well as the political situation in the east vs. west.
Most Jews who died were poles and ukrainians and russians, and the Nazis had a lot more freedom in Poland than in e.g. France.

>Okay, but what specific documents are used to prove this? I understand the worldwide census shows roughly 9,000,000 Jews in Europe pre-WWII. I believe that. Is there another demographic chart showing only 3,000,000 in Europe after the war? Where would I find such a thing?
I guess any population estimate of post-WWII Europe, and also the Nazi's own estimates of having made Europe judenfrei?

>My question is, if the holocaust was as real and as brutal as official sources posit it to be, why would these people make things up?
I don't understand the relationship between these two. How would the holocaust being anything but brutal and real somehow lead to people hallucinating stories?
People might have all kinds of innocent or less than innocent reasons or motives for coming up with fake stories. In what scenario does this get you, the denier, anywhere?

>That seems outrageous, do you have any proof for that number?
It's an estimate about the work of the Einsatzgruppen. There's a number of documents about the work of the Einsatzgruppen together accounting for at least a few hundred thousand, the rest probably comes from population statistics, knowledge of who never even arrived at the camps, and villages disappearing.

Pick your flavor:

Have fun crying.

>I am sceptical as to the efficiency of gas chambers with wooden doors.
It's the first result of google


You can image search and easily find a english translation bro. The original is better as source, that is why i (and the german user) put the german one. If you want i give you the english translation

Then show me the source. Or should i trust the opinion of a user in Sup Forums?

Or you are bitching about source becasue you have none to offer. Check OP

>Btw, why did Himmler recorded something he wanted to keep secret?
I don't think he knew he was being recorded

>He just changed his tripcode to disassociate himself from his past trip.
here, for you. you guys seem to miss this


Where's the source for that graph? Can't just ask other people for sources and not post your own,

>a little higher than 4000.

Actually is closer to 5000. Shill better.

1) Source:

2) You're admitting the holocaust is exaggerated and people were and still are profiting from it?

3)My question is: The Wole pretext for attacking Germany and this "Inhumane treatment" centers itself over these two forgeries, which were the first of their kind. Why would they need to fabricate evidence if the Germans were really doing something inhuman?

>ad hominem
You do understand I was just aping you?
>You talk like a politician. Lots of text without substance

Thank you for unintentionally exposing your own statement for being ad hominem.

>because you have no argument and still understood what I meant.
I honestly don't understand what you were trying to say.

>Of course not all of these storys... Not all jews where interviewed who decided to write a book in the next 20 years...
So what is your claim

>Still, nobody could come up with an argument to counter the "these few ovens cant turn such a huge mass of people into ash" argument. And no, pits dont work to turn them all into ashes...
And nobody claims they were turned into ash. If you can't even be bothered to look up the official story on wikipedia, at least read this. fucking. thread.

>No I know that pits can't do what you claim
You don't even care enough to know what I claim.
I know this because I know you're not even reading my posts in this thread.

Okay, then I apologize. I think my response would have been appropriate towards a denier (because they think they have expertise when they don't even care enough to look at the first few posts in this thread). But for you,

>With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here, and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence.[4]

>inb4 fake

They didn't kill the ones who could work. They killed the women and children and worked to death the other

What's gotten you so uppity with defending the hall of costs, pinko? I thought you were busy stroking your pen-cap to Karl Marx and Bernie Sanders.


That is not Himmler's voice



>Btw, why did Himmler recorded something he wanted to keep secret?
Ever come across a sex tape on the internet?

>And why did recording last until today?
Because somebody thought it was important to preserve it.

For obvious reasons.

Nice forum post link

They killed the weak in the Death Camps. Everyone else went to work - until the food ran out.
See the attached document.

Its a common argument used by denialists. The number stays kind of even during the 40's because a war raging on, and no census were made. So the numbers are based on crude and raw estimates and projection. Only in 1949, when census data was available we see the massive drop. Yes, it was intentional.

>the most well documented genocide in history
provide proof then

>Compare the Jewish population in the east vs. in the west, as well as the political situation in the east vs. west.
>Most Jews who died were poles and ukrainians and russians, and the Nazis had a lot more freedom in Poland than in e.g. France.

All camps prior to the end of the war were considered death camps, though. Also, you didn't answer my question about Soviet trustworthiness, so I'll rephrase.

Considering the reconstruction of death camps that the Soviets undertook, and also considering their penchant for propaganda, and further, the fact that there were no independent observes to investigate these death camps; isn't it probable that the Soviets were not telling the truth?

>I guess any population estimate of post-WWII Europe, and also the Nazi's own estimates of having made Europe judenfrei?

Please show me these population estimates

>I don't understand the relationship between these two. How would the holocaust being anything but brutal and real somehow lead to people hallucinating stories?
People might have all kinds of innocent or less than innocent reasons or motives for coming up with fake stories. In what scenario does this get you, the denier, anywhere?

Because if the conditions were as bad as they are alleged to have been - why was it necessary to make up false allegations? Why are these false allegations present in widely-circulated literature? That Nobel prize winner that just died this summer, why did he lie about aspects of the holocaust in his Nobel-prize winning work?

>It's an estimate about the work of the Einsatzgruppen. There's a number of documents about the work of the Einsatzgruppen together accounting for at least a few hundred thousand, the rest probably comes from population statistics, knowledge of who never even arrived at the camps, and villages disappearing.

Source for "villages disappearing" and anything else that would make up the 700,000 death jump from what we know the Einsatzgruppen to have committed.

Daily reminder that stormfags have no explanation for the einsatsgruppen other than "it was war". and most have never even heard of it

>How do you account for the massive fuel cost of cremation during wartime
Did you crunch the numbers on this?

And don't forget the timeline. This didn't happen in 44 and 45.

Next, consider the alternative. Either you kill and burn them, or you feed them (and their captors). I am sure if you run the numbers, feeding them is more expensive.

Lastly, don't forget that the Nazis actually believed the Jews were their greatest enemy.

>No, they required all the logistics of any other camp. Including construction workers (forced labor could run plumbing, gas, electrical?)
You're probably thinking of the Concentration Camps. The Death Camps were pretty small.

You're right there is significant logistics involved to get people into camps, but consider the marginal cost. You got to do something with these people anyways (if you're a Nazi and believe you can't leave the Jews alone). You can ferry them to a nice ghetto to eat your food and eventually rebel ... or to a remote place in Poland, on a one-way ticket.

>you had guards. Probably more than 40, it would probably take at least 3 times that.
Yes, but most weren't Germans, but recruited locals.

>But basically your saying the Germans were loose at procedure and bookkeeping?
No, I'm saying you're not actually trying to grasp the economics of the situation. You're like a creationist: trying to figure out why evolution is wrong, rather than how animals came into existence.

>Didnt knew he was recorded
you arent serious, are you?

>work to death
this also happend in UDSSR, yet most of the men survived.

also answer this question pls

He said that the jew must be eliminated. Nowhere in there states how, or that he ordered it.

The first time anyone asks me for a source.

It's the world jewish almanac, like i said.

My bad ;)

1-> Ok, so what is your question?

>You're admitting the holocaust is exaggerated
No, just that some stories are outright lies

>and people were and still are profiting from it?

>The Wole pretext for attacking Germany and this "Inhumane treatment" centers itself over these two forgeries

Fair enough, that makes sense to me. You're right in that there's no way a census could've been carried out during that period

No denier even thinks that recording is fake. Not even Irving thinks it's fake. Are you sure you want to expose yourself as a complete retard denying it?

All the deniers do is play around the word "ausrottung". Then better ask the german speaking people here


Typical shill thread.

>OP posts X
>"random persons not related to OP" answer positively to his comment proving the theory in X
>Lurkers get the impression that holocaust did happen and that Sup Forums is in favour of that view.
>The reality couldn't be more different.

Anyone being here more than once knows this shit.

See pic related for JIDF shennanigans.

Hitler's plan to send all of the Jews to Madagascar wasn't a crucial part of it? Why, because you said so?

I sincerely have no idea what you mean by "Take it to Austria bro, he is the one that made it".

If you can dismiss this witness, all other witness accounts must be dismissed as well. Funny how "could be a liar" is an acceptable explanation for this woman, but not for others.



>I'm ready to answer all of your doubts.
>You guys can easily google this.