I'm gay

Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're not gay, you just have low test from being a beta dyel pussy. Start lifting and cure your illness faggot

because theres only so much rope in the world to go around

>being mad at someone being different

Ya it probably angers the extremely stupid people on here.

Fags need to fucking die desu senpai

It doesn't, snowflake. Please post post about news instead of yourself next time.


you don't deserve to live

Do some fucking deadlifts duder get on a good tren cycle and do some fucking barbell curls my dude what the fuck are you doing you scrawny cunt hit the iron and do some shoulder shrugs kiddo don't buy your protein from wal mart bitch boy get a tub of creatine and start eating steak 3 times a day bitch boy duder cmon faggot start benching and don't stop until you reach 450 faggot bitch boy cmon kiddo leg day Tuesday Thursday upper body Monday Wednesday Friday get on a good tren cycle take your multivitamins drink water

All of non-Muslim Sup Forums is gay, so you're just normal I guess

You gays are such attention whores. No one would care if you didn't make it a point to include it in every aspect of your lives. Get over yourself, no one fucking cares

>Look guys give me some attention XDDDD

Please don't respond to these shitposts

I don't really give a shit. It's mostly evangelical America and the Haram-parts of the world who gives a fuck.

I fucking hate paki's but I have to admit that this one is right. I get triggered at your scrawny ass being a part of my country OP.

slide thread


>I'm Gay
>Dutch flag
You're also a bit redundant eh, Nancy?

>Sup Forums is one person
>1 post by this ID

>Sup Forums is one person

I'm not. I'm used to mingle with LGBT.

Because no one gives a shit.
No one cares that you want to suck cocks and get your ass stuffed with them just like no one cares i want to find an attractive woman and have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Fuck off faggot.

not this thread again, fuck off you dutch sissy boy. noone cares


I would fuck a boy if they were very cute.

Not everyone on Sup Forums is a retard OP. Nobody is really bothered by what people do in the privacy of their own home. Now acting like a massive idiot in public and bothering people is why people are annoyed by others, be it gay, or anti gay.

Pics or it didn't happen

Cut your nails queer

Oh look it's THIS thread again.

Same :^)

This. Nobody cares.

Post something worthwhile or shut the fuck up OP.

I dunno man. If u believe in mohammed flying to heaven on a horse with wings I can't really take you serious.

It doesnt. Honestly we don't care. Half of us are libertarian.

It means you were sexually molested as a child and you have mental illness.

>Now acting like a massive idiot in public

Such as making threads like this.

>be me
>be trans
>post on Sup Forums everyday
>get replies of Sup Forumstards who take this board actually seriously

Don't worry kiddo you're fine

I dunno man. If you don't accept the existence of dimensions and realities that are out of humanity's ability to comprehend I can't really take you serious.

Big mistake
You don't post yourself on Sup Forums

Fucking toothpaste you have an entire board dedicated to your lifestyle

>you just have low test

How come women that have the most test are the most dick encrazed ones?

I just think it's kind off hilarious how some of you guys get so butthurt over gay marriage and parades.

Feels good living in the west where gay marriage
is legal.

Also, very proud of my American gay brothers.
So happy for them that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide in the states. :)

Nobody fucking cares, I don't care. The only time I care about fags us when they start fagging the place up with their fagginess. Like you are doing now.

exactly. seems not every dutch poster is a quality poster.

Draw gay pepe with those delicate hands of yours

The gay is immunised against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, pervert, pedo, poz pig, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him nothing and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’m not the centre of attention.”

Show dat booty


dead fag walking, sharia in 3.. 2..

Accept it? Jesus fkn mohammed u religious people are stupid. Religion really is for the less evolved. U 'accept' it.... Sure other dimensions and realities could be true. But we don't know that. Believe only facts, not something a faggot wrote while hallucinating.

Post your dick, faggot.

>being mad at Trump

did you save this image to shitpost?


I wish I had one

I'm a T-rex. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?

Love it too

devilish hank hill

>could be
They are true you wannabe-intellectual fucknut

Difference must there wezen. Overall, I think we're quite alright.

Bruh, we have Amsterdam. Not that I'm too proud of that particular city, I'm pretty sure you can be a huge faggot there safely, with the (c)anal parade and all.

prove it now

because it's a mental illness

would ram ur shitbox tbqh

post boi pussy naow

Do you know how black holes work?

You got shit legs
Do uphill jogging, squats and leg presses you fag

Why are you so insecure and desperate for validation?

Give me a handjob.

ahh i hope your parents don't kill themselves.I know I would if my son was a fag.

Yes, but we don't really know what will be the end of it. When you are in a black hole you can see the beginning of time, since light never escapes a black hole, so you can see the past. We don't know if a black hole leads to another dimension.


Because it impedes the development of healthy fraternal relationships between men. Bros in China hold hands because they don't have to worry that people will think they're fags, since their culture doesn't embrace homosexuality.

Ironically a lot of the problems liberals have with "toxic masculinity" are ultimately the result of men having to constantly publicly reaffirm their heterosexuality in a world that's constantly nudging them to embrace the cock. They're the result of men being impeded from forming the sorts of close relationships by which they would naturally develop psychological safety and fulfillment.

They didn't.

They were pretty disappointed though because I'm only child but I couldn't care less.

We pretty much broke connection when I went to University.

>low test = gay, high test = straight

Have you seen buff gay dudes

oh well how does it feel to be the biggest dissapointment in your family?

>Do you know how black holes work?

Something about burden of proof maybe ? I don't care for the content of the argument you two are having, but are you even trying ?



You are literally an engineered product of Zionist social control.

Sup Forums is for if u wanna tell people about how much dick you suck, or If you are gonna kill some 4th graders, not about how u r gay.

Thas right.

I would throw you off from a windmill

I don´t give a shit, infact if you´re somewhat feminine I would like to engage in high intensity sexual relations with you.

first the flag



Your private life is yours, as degenerate as it can be. I don't care if you're gay, so long as you're a decent person

U all gay

It doesn't, everyone should be free to fuck with whom he pleases.
however I can't stand these far left faggots who seem to hate western society but defend islam

actually fags should be the most outspoken about islam

Please die.

Well said

CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex

CDC Warns Gay Men of 'Epidemic' HIV Rates

Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons

Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays

Estimates of New HIV Infections in the United States, 2007-2010

Because its fucking unnormal you idiot. Did you even heard about such thing as "Biology" ?

Except they spread aids, and 55% of them will molest a child, and its also linked to heavy mental disorders, and now they can adopt children too and make them fucked in the head.


Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

HIV Among Homosexual and Bisexual Men

HIV in the United States

You get to a point where you're so high test that you want to subjugate other men to exert your physical power.

Fuck it matters
U can like dick just like u want like icing with your fries. It weird, but who gives a shit

And also linked anti-social anger, and anti-social behavior.

Only bad part is child molesting. The disease spreading to partners ultimately comes down to degenerate hookup culture
Can't really change that

>Who gives a shit?

The children they adopt and the children they molest, and the children they traumatize with their autistic behavior.

feminine men for mistresses, women for wifes

Don´t be a fag

Aren't 90% of gay guys jacked

>U can like dick just like u want like icing with your fries.
More like icing with your guys, AMIRITE?

What about two buff gay guys who are boyfriends

Politicised homosexuality is a subversive weapon.

Source? That might be the most perfect face i've ever seen.

Please die Bruno

Sticking penises in assholes is not the problem. Marxism and horrible fashion sence are.