Can we clear something up about this "Drumpf" thing?

when people use 'Drumpf' they mean it as an insult
it's origin is that Trump's grandfather or someone changed their name from Drumpf to Trump because it's obviously a less shitty last name

Now when anyone who supports Trump reads someone that typed 'Drumpf' they don't feel anger, they don't think "aw fuck they keep saying that name. fuck that's not his name!"
we really only feel bad for you, that is literally the most boring insult that isn't even insulting and it's all they have.

Have you ever seen a white person being called 'cracka' and think, no one who's white cares about being called that.
you mean the time when people were slave owners and cracked whips, oh man you got him there.

this Drumpf thing is the same situation, for the love of God can we come up with a good name to mock Trump?
for the sake of both sides. i'm very tired of cringing everytime some ctr Reeeeeee's some bs and the only 'insulting' thing in their response is drumpf

put some effort into your shitposting you faggots

Other urls found in this thread:

It clearly rustled you enough that you made this thread.

i can't deny this

OP is a Fag

Drumpf isn't funny only Reddit nu-males say it STOP SAYING DRUMPF RIGHT NOW I'M SERIOUS

Nobody cares about "Drumpf", I btfo a college at work who kept spouting that retarded shit by saying I we should just keep calling people their old names like Bruce Jenner and that it was insulting to all trans individuals... he stopped the Drumpf shit and I looked so progressive and understanding at work...

watch what u type bro

its the wrong kind of rustling though.

its not rustling because the insult is accurate and powerful, its rustling because the insult is childish and borderline nonsensical


People who use this phrase are clearly racist bigots who are making fun of an immigrant's last name.

Drumpf means "please sage and hide my thread"

sage btw

Drumpf isnt funny but (((((Drumpf))))) is marginally more so therefore a better way to shitpost

>your welcome

As a massive trumper I can agree with this. My reaction to CTR shills using "drumpf" is tame. I'd frankly rather they used a better nickname so my jimmies are at risk of being rustled.

>he stopped the Drumpf shit

It's hilarious because, believe you me, the crypto jews really don't want us to start referring to their "real" names.

Goebbels was a genius. He knew that the only thing that hurts a jew is pointing out that he is a jew. Jews rely on their hosts not realizing what they are and assuming everything is a big coincidence.

>Have you ever seen a white person being called 'cracka'
>you mean the time when people were slave owners and cracked whips, oh man you got him there.

Yeah, that's not where the term "cracker" originated, you ignorant tool.

They should name him something like Tangerine or Oompa Loompa

Numales and actors say it. Basically all faggots

Drumpf, Trumpets, Trump-kin or whatever names reddit, CTR and the left in general like to use are a great way to spot an ill-informed or disingenuous post without having to read the whole thing everytime.

It's like an instant disregard, anyone who would use that is already a level beneath me emotionally, intellectually etc. It's like putting your ((())) echoes on willingly, less work for me.

See the left in general cannot see that what upsets them (name calling, racial/historical references etc) doesn't have the same impact on the right and people like Trump and those who like him couldn't give a shit about a label.

The left are the eternally offended, emotionally weak and it shows.


>haha trolld hard haha i troll u le troll face
You're a fucking idiot
>haha u r so buttmad lelele trolled u
>jokes on them i was only pretending

Fuck off you autistic loser.

Posting on epic drumpf thread


>'Drumpf' is offensive and everyone must stop now
>'Pocahontas is only a joke and is not offensive at all


Damn bro y u so mad?

Enlighten us O King Wewuz

>we really only feel bad for you, that is literally the most boring insult that isn't even insulting and it's all they have.

Nah it clearly makes you hella butthurt when we invoke drumpf

I mean why else would you make a thread about it

who's Trump?


Why is the left so hypocritical?

Identifies you as either a shill or a shit poster, just like
> :^)

Makes a 5-paragraph post explaining all about how a stupid name is something that you don't feel bad about and how it doesn't actually troll you.

Then claims other ppl are "faggots"

It's not offensive and I'm not triggered it's just boring and mundane, hardly a joke at all. STOP IT
i don't even care but

It's also retarded blaming child for sins of father logic, then again, the autists who say it think we should be blamed for slavery and colonialism so there you go.

Reminder that anyone who says Drumpf is a Trump supporter making low-effort bait, anti-Trump people don't say it

Eat a dick.

>or a shit poster
lol where the fuck do you think you are

CNN Alters Trump Tweet By Scrubbing ‘Crooked’ Moniker to Describe Hillary

HuffPo Terminates Contributor, Deletes Articles After He Questions Hillary’s Health

Donald Trump Currently Holds 32% of National Hispanic Vote…


"Trump" is his brand, it shows competence and respect.
"Drumpf" tears that all down, showing him as a joke and liar that he really is.
This is why it's scary he might win.

this guy summed it up

> I hate PC, thats why I say 'Nigga'. Deal with it.

If Donald is really Drumpf, does that mean Caitlyn is really Bruce?

The initial reaction people have to "drumpf" is confusion. They don't know why trump is being called drumpf so they look it up, and find out it's his ancestral name that was changed a while ago, and it wasn't even changed by him.

The only people who actually think drumpf is an effective insult are the people who would literally regurgitate any insult they were told to.

>5 paragraphs

10 sentences seperated into 5 sections

So many forced memes.

This 'Drumpf' shit almost died instantly but is because of idiots like you who keep repeating it that it stays in a meme vegetable state.

Trumpkin is the most embarrassing insult in the world. Just by uttering or typing it out with intention behind it automatically makes someone sound like a brainwashed faggot

>Can we clear something up about this "Drumpf" thing?

>The only people who actually think drumpf is an effective insult are the people who would literally regurgitate any insult they were told to.


This topic has no relevance.

He needs to pound Shillary's connection to KKK/WV Senator Byrd, as major news outlets are trying to bury it.

He also needs to hound her on her, do-nothing "accomplishments."

Not many know of Mrs Clinton's views of her belief that children should be stripped from biological parents and raised by the state...perhaps we should ask if her grandkids would be exempt from a policy like that.

>Not reading your own source
>"Whips were also cracked over pack animals, so "cracker" may have referred to whip cracking more generally"

>He thinks liberals care about a faggot who backstabbed the moment and went to support drumpf.

That fucking faggot is banished no one gives a fuck about em but thanks for playing

Antebellum southern whites of mostly Scots-Irish or North Brit decent who had "an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkeness, lack of entrepreneurship, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery."

> not reading the source

As stated directly in the article, neither that sentence, nor period literature supports the theory that the term refers specifically to cracking whips over/around slaves.
Get some remedial reading comprehension training, then
Eat a bag of dicks.

I agree but I don't know why you would want to change it. Its just yet another thing that makes libtards look silly and incapable of proper bants. Let them sabotage themselves.

>don't be hurtful to immigrants
>don;t make fun of Laquesha De Lo Rainbowsha's name you racist


yeah I can't believe people use that shit unironically
>lol DRUMPF!!!
top kek

I understand. I call him Donald Dumb.


It's a way to virtue signal. It's a way to say "Ima good boy. I Dindu Nuffin"

Admiral Cornelis Tromp, supreme commander of the Dutch fleet and wrecker of foreigner's dreams.

Rustling is rustling IMO

The point is to rustle

The rustling ends justify the rustling means

I don't know why people get annoyed by it. Calling Trump "Drumpf" because some chainsaw mouthed limey said it on a low-rated show is just a dig at his Germanic heritage, and shows you just how childish the Left truly is. There are people literally in their late 20s saying "DRUMPF!" and cackling like it's this masterstroke of an insult.

Cuck was the first insult that ever stung whitey.

Truth hurts like a million shit colored dicks inside all the remaining white vaginas in the world. Get rekt into extinction you fucking cuckolds.

>Cuck was the first insult that ever stung whitey
made by white people for white people

Just like their own genocide
>trust jews
>trust women
>trust blacks

Only white people can be this cucked.

They're insulting an immigrant who changed his name to assimilate easier. The very idea that someone should have to assimilate is abhorrent to liberals

No insult hurts more than the one that is accurate.

That's why "nigger" continues to work so well.

It only stings the cucks though. Plenty of farm lads who laugh it off over a pint of local brew.

People with an IQ over 80 dont use it irl.

But it really gets annoying when obvious trolls make their trolling nore obvious by using it in their post. Stop shitting up Sup Forums with troll posts.

>he thinks the "uncucked" whites will survive after we cuck the city whites out of existence and own all the voting districts

>thinking there won't be a global Boer War

>he thinks the 2nd amendment exists outside America

Enjoy government funded illegal AK47s being used on you cuckolds while you try to call 911 and beg a jew to send some help while he rubs his hands and puts you on hold