Aboriginal boy's death sparks rampage in Australia

>Published time: 30 Aug, 2016 09:57
Riot police were deployed to a protest over the death of a 14-year-old Aboriginal boy, where demonstrators smashed the windows of police cars and tried to force their way into the courthouse where the man accused of causing the death was due to appear.
Elijah Doughty, 14, was riding a stolen motorbike when he was involved in a crash with a Nissan Navara utility vehicle on Monday. He was found dead next to the motorbike by police, who arrived at the scene after receiving a call about the crash.
>source & more

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>Abbo dead

Nothing of value was lost.

what are aboriginal ?



Niggers from Australia who never did anything for thousands of years and blame us for all their problems.

Fuck em fuck em dead with a stickerydoo i am glad one of these mouth breathing black boong cunts are dead hopefully more to follow

Let me get this straight: an abbo (probably high after sniffing glue and/or gasoline) stole a motorbike and crashed into someone else, killing himself in the process, and the savage abbos are blaming the innocent citizen?

Have some respect you monster. That's one bbc my daughter will never get to suck.

petrol lives matter


Stupid fucking black dog cunts gas the lot of em with abestos mate

Aussie dindus

You're lucky they're just barely too stupid for organized crime.


>abo boy literally whiter than spain

>aussies actually believe this

Anyone else from WA online?
just heading past southern cross now.
should be there in an hour and a half cant wait to see got my dash cam and video recorder should be a fun night i want to get lots of video footage

the abos are learning from BLM

soros is spreading his movement everywhere he can

>Abbo organized crime
Is that like the time they run up to me and ask for ciggies/money and i say nah and they run off?


Could shoot a coon dead and nobody here would care honestly.

>was riding a stolen motorbike
> involved in a crash

dafuq are the abos/feminists/sjw rioting for?


>Literally your average Friday night in Kalgoorlie

Only difference was they were awake before 3 in the afternoon this time.

why the fuck ar e they even going off at us?

Trailbikes be dangerous as fuck.

Stupid noongas

why does this keep happening? dindu commits crime, dies because of it. somehow he's a poor guy and innocent people are always to blame.
why do people defend criminals so hard?

My mate used to work in Australia with his cousin, he said they ran over an abbo who was sleeping in the road and his cousin told him to keep driving. Never turned up in the local news or papers even though he said he saw his skull explode.

I feel sorry for abbos but you have to admit, they are not full human.


they litteraly have to make these ads because they sleep on the road....


We had a riot about ten years ago in the city.

Pretty big one. Had to shut down a major train line in the city. They burnt a lot of shit (mostly their own houses, but still).


>14 year old steals bike
>14 year old sees police car
>Police do NOT see him
>He runs anyway
>Rides his bike straight into a fucking pole, impales himself, dies
>HE WUZ A GOOD BOY DINDU NUFFIN (record as long as your arm)

So they had a riot.

The week after Uni students went out and protested in his honor, since he was clearly the victim of aggressive police culture.

Ironically, these same Uni students used to be shuttled to the University and the train station via guarded private buses because this very same kid and his peoples would target University students on a minute by minute basis, to the point where the police couldn't arrest them for fear of missing out on a more serious mugging.

>Barely too stupid

It's not even close m8.

There is no such thing as Aboriginal organized crime. At all. Nothing.

In jail, the Muslims call them Jahash (Donkey's), because you can talk them into doing any dumb shit they want, like shafting shivs and drugs up their ass for a shitty amount of opiates or just 'cause they can talk them into it.

Sadly niggers form gangs, and expand like a disease.

this is sad

any death is a tragedy

[spoiler] except hillary's [/spoiler]

No idea. They riot all the time. No real reason.

>Steal a car
>Crash it
>Everyone dies

>Set fire to a car
>Call fire brigade
>Set fire to firetruck

>Get kicked out of Woolworths for stealing

>Too drunk to get to centrelink to dispute being cut off

>Rugby match is boring because you got drunk and missed half of it

>See Poo In Loo's near you


Literal subhumans.
No written language.
No mathematics (their counting system is literally: 1, 2, and Many)
They literally forgot how to make fire at one point and had to use firebrands to survive.

They should be exterminated as they have no contributions nor capacity to provide contributions to society other than the most basic of menial labor.

>Child riding stolen motorbike
>Gets hit by car
>Police called
>Arrest man who hit and killed child
>Man appears in court charged with manslaughter

What's the issue? The protesters claim it's due to race, but where is the proof?

I read that Australian government accidentally tested a nuke on a tribe in the 50's or 60's, is that true?

abo who steals bike dies in a vehicle accident. How the fuck is this anyones fault but the perp? why the fuck are they rioting I never knew they were this retarded.

No...Really...They don't. They can't.

I'm not being hyperbolic. They literally do not form gangs beyond the most loose assembly of extended family. They just do not understand the concept of organized crime.

Even the Africans Fresh Off The Boat have street gangs. Aboriginals just can't even get that concept down at all.

They don't even sell drugs. They just buy them. It's fucked up.

Basically just armed robberies, B and E's, that sort of dumb shit.

White people don't need to mean, we just need to start taking care of ourselves first. And when these animals start realizing that half of everything they have came form whites being kind.. maybe they will start acting better.

They're good at some sports.

Also, no shit, they can fix just about any broken car.


>aboriginals are a doomed race


>there are no pure blooded aborigines left


>their language and any real vestiges of their cultural and social structure has disappeared


abbo hate threads are pointlessly spiteful. they're already completely fucked. niggers I can understand, but making threads about "lol, stupid subhumans, look at them" is just petty when by this point we're pretty much just wringing out the last few droplets of indigenous identity there are left

Apparently the guy he stole the bike off was the guy driving the SUV that hit him.

We tested Nukes all over. No idea if we nuked any aboriginals though.

That's interesting because you would think a tribe wouldn't be a big step mentally to take to make a small gang. Oddly hilarious.

this one is almost certainly true

though in their defence they probably didn't even know they were there

Aboriginals do know everything they have comes from whites.

They're barbaric, but generally (generally) they tend to direct their violence less towards whites and more towards "new" Australians (Asians and Poo's).

good, their race is a genetic dead end..
welcome to evolution.

Nah that was the bongs mate. Britain tested nukes in our desert.

Do you see them as human beings, would you have any remorse if you had to kill one to save your own life?

I doubt it. Australia doesn't have nuclear weaponry, heck we don't even have any nuclear power plants (unless conspiracy theories)

Ow 33% of the worlds uranium and we sell it all

I met some Aussie chicks while traveling.
They accused me of being a racist when I asked them about those adds and denie their existence.
Of course they were from Melbourne.

to any non aussies passing through this is full on true.

Also a rule of the road out here to NEVER stop or get out of your car for any reason especially on rural roads with abbos or sketchy cunts

Heard stories of packs of boongs in the NT cannibals

Same thing with white cunts but hay at least we took out the abbos in the process


not even him but i understand they're human beings

they're just generally terrible people so the answer is no

i remember grandad complaining you couldn't get a licence to shoot them anymore and he's generally pretty placid

Well, keep in mind that they didn't even really have tribal associations. Tribes were essentially, at their largest, extended families.

You weren't talking about large tribal contingents, like in say Southern Africa, that would draw in masses of extended families. Or even like that in the Steppes, where you'd have these patchworks of extended families intermarrying to form tribes.

It was basically some dude, his cousins, and their offspring. They had their own unique language and didn't interact all that much with other "tribes".

The thing about gangs is that they generally have shared profit making schemes, firm organizational structures etc. They just can't do that.

Like I said, Africans here will form branded gangs. "We are the Nigger gang". They will just do shit like carjackings and break and enters, and probably not share the money. But they will identify as that gang, whether they are related by blood or not, and back each other up, share information, etc etc.

Aboriginals can't even do that. If they aren't blood related, they aren't related.

Let alone get involved in the serious organized crime like Muslims and Asians are into.

They don't even get to mingle with Australian organized crime, which often has Pacific Islanders and Maori's involved. They have to be kept separate from other races in jail because of the headache they cause, and because groups like the Muslims exploit their stupidity.

also we've never had nukes ever

i wish we did, we nearly got them but we got cucked

I'd have no remorse about killing anyone to save my own life or someone close to me.

I'd certainly have no remorse when it comes to Aboriginals, as I grew up and live right near an Aboriginal housing estate and constantly have to deal with their fucking screeching and bullshit.


To be fair, their social justice instincts aside, those adds don't play on normal people TV. They play on Aboriginal TV or up in the Northern Territory.

How can we let aboriginals keep getting away with this shit? The man was in his right to kill the little coon.

What do their screeches sound like?

we cant ignore facts. i dont agree with what they're doing but dont write things ignoring crucial details
a 14 year old was stabbed to death and another boy stabbed and 2 boys run down by the owner of the stolen bike. even if it was his bike its not acceptable to stab 2 teenagers, not legal anyway.

they began looting and pillaging before court had even started though, so doesn't make any sense as he was probably rightly going to be charged with murder or at least manslaughter

instead they loot liqourland, really stupid move i cnt beleive people i know are standing up for them

that being said we dont need to hide details about situation to foreigners, what theyre doing is retarded but we should knowledge why they are gathering, and smoke screen for looting.

so far from all the threads about this international incident I have gathered that the complexity is this: the motorbike belonged to the motorist, suggesting that he was chasing him, and the abos probably think he ran him down on purpose.

that fact does change things a bit.


Here, this is what I hear on a nightly basis (although it's been quieter for a while since it's winter).


the british trident programme will defend you m8 also you are sitting on alot of uranium also


Also, I hear this once a week (although not always directed at me since they tend to leave white locals alone);

>Whoooooiiiiitttttttteeeeee Daaaaawwwwwwgg

Usually high pitched bullshit. Sometimes, funnily enough, they legit sound like monkies, from the senseless gibberish to the high pitched monkey squeals

for some reason aussies on pol seem scared to say full story, abos are being fucking dumb right now yeah, so why arent we telling people what happened. it wasn't a car accident. it was homicide.

The man was in his right to stab the little cunt.

UGH! This is why we NEED #BlackLivesMatter

He stolen generations, cunt. Got taken away and bred with the Irish.


song about petrol powered goonbags

6000 here. Got periscope?


they seem to have a sing-song sort of accent. there's a video where a drunk female abo is walking around in a railcar saying SUK MAH DIK...SUK MAH DIK, over and over, with a rather odd enunciation of the words.

not under our law mate. abbo reaction is unwarrented for sure tho

Subhumans we gave up genociding half way through

>think he ran him down on purpose

He probably did.

They're leaving out that the motorist was also an aboriginal.

Anyway, here's another recent aboriginal story for you;


>Andrew Michael Burke found guilty of murdering pregnant Logan woman Joan Ryther

>A 21-YEAR-OLD man has been found guilty of the brutal rape and murder of a Queensland woman, as well as killing her unborn child — a crime he committed when aged just 17.

>Joan Ryther, 27, of Logan Central, south of Brisbane, was eight weeks pregnant when she walked from her home to start her shift at a nearby McDonald’s outlet, on the evening of May 21, 2013.

>She was randomly accosted in the street by then-teenager Andrew Burke, who raped her with an object most likely to be a screwdriver, the jury heard, before “viciously assaulting” her and leaving her for dead.

Man look at those fellow human beings. We are all equal u know :^)

That big fat red one almost friendly fired those two sleeping gorillas- Smdh


>fucking thieving cunts stop taking my shit
>gets killed for stealing

Wew lad

There should be a law that protects people from stabbing cunts that steal your shit.

he stabbed the kid to death after running him down. stabbed another and ran over 2 more.

doesn't make it okay to loot stores but this board is for real discussion idk why aussies feel we have to lie about this


he stabbed him after he ran him over, his lfie wasn't in danger at all. having run him over should of been laugh enough.

Fuckin hell I dont know how you guys dont have constant migraines from having to hear those man-apes

He was just putting the little cunt out of his misery.

Hahaha shiiiiieeeeet. WHERES ME PETO YA WHITE DOG CUNT?

Source? I haven't seen anything about his injuries yet

I miss Abos, the onIy ones you see in Brisbane are homeIess ones in the city.
They're such a great source of comedic reIief

>courthouse where the man accused of causing the death was due to appear.

Wait wait wait.

An abo, probably drunk and high (at the ripe old age of 14, wow), stole a bike, crashed it, and died, and the GUY DRIVING THE CAR HE HIT is in court facing charges in the kid's death?

Explain yourselves, Australians. Is this man going to face prison time for being hit by a criminal?


They also dropped a few off the WA coast

trust me man we're overly nice to aboriginals

they're our pet problem that we can never solve

wouldn't surprise me if he got convicted

I imagine its like a reallife three stooges but even dumber.

Alright, we need to make something crystal clear.

First off, this was an abo on abo "crime", although he seemed to run the motorist down for assuming he stole it or something.

Second, this is gaining traction in media, especially overseas and getting the eyes of twitter and such, seeing #JusticeForElijah, so I click on it and what do I see?

Fucking Black Lives Matter tweets, from fucking moronic libtards who have no clue what this story is even about, all they see is 14 year old kid dead and he's black.


Wrong. What pisses me off about this situation the most is the fucking racially tinged nature this story has now, when there wasn't one to begin with. Thanks America for letting your blacks run amok with riots in their own communities so regularly and tied with BLM that now their bullshit has come to our shores. We get protests on cops killing blacks here. SINCE WHEN HAS THAT HAPPENED?

Fuck this racial politics bullshit.

The guy who was in the accident was the one who owned the bike, he chased the kid down.

Can somebody please tell me why straya doesn't have guns? Because it seems like you deserve them with these monkey fuckers running around.

I wouldn't mind moving Australia if it weren't for the lack of access to firearms.

None of the news stories I saw mentioned the stabbing at all. Just the vehicular homicide.

Just like listening to the birds m8.

Yeah the guy went and ran over the boong kid.

I live about 100km from where this happened, so atm my facebook newsfeed is covered with this shit.

But yes, this man murdered the 14 year old.

I love how in America, one black kid gets shot by a cop: half the nation goes insane and blm movement starts.

Here in Australia a little coon kid gets ran over then stabbed to death by a white guy, the Abbos go insane and everyone else tells them to shut the fuck up and go back to sniffing petrol.

its pretty indescribabIe to be honest.
You've just gotta experience them first hand.

probably the brits, but damn it's a fun thought

>be abo
>sitting in dried up riverbed
>relaxing from a long 2 hour afterrnoon of sitting around, raping own kids and beggin white dogs for ciggies
>decide not to sleep in road this time, old white fella in police car tell me "fuck off baeck dawwg"
>relaxing in creek bed
>look to horizon
>laaand of my ancestors of the wujibujibunga tribe
>shed a tear of my accomplishments of having 5 daughters and 6 sons and a grandson/son from my oldest daughter.
>sudden flash
>old man bruntaa gets up

because we had one of the biggest mass shootings in history
So we placed restrictions on them in 1996.
And haven't had a mass shooting since.

You can still legally obtain guns however.
It's relatively easy, I own two.