What's Sup Forums's problem with globalism?
How is it a bad thing, wouldn't the combined efforts of ALL countires, people and races be a good thing, no matter how incompetent some parts of it may be? Atleast it would be cheap labour.
Like, imagine the greatest minds of ALL nations coming togheter and kicking us straight into space.
No more internal conflicts, no racism, just pure workforce and brainpower.
Why do you support nationalism isntead of globalism, I'm legit looking for your opinions, not looking to start shit.
What's wrong with globalism?
Come the fuck on Sup Forums, discuss!
Mixing everyone together doesn't even work in 1 country. There's no way you can have a government and set of laws that appeases all races, cultures, and religions without resorting to very extreme means of violent coercion to keep them in line.
>you can't accomplish stuff if people act like retards
>you have to punch the retards very hard to make them not act like retards
Well.... fucking punch them then? Burn them all!
There must be atleast SOME sandpeople that aren't completely retarded, look at the ottoman empire. Just kill ALL the retarded extremists and backwards savages, white trash has nothing to do in a space-age society either.
Kill them all, scorch the fucking earth!
Nothing, globalism will happen no matter what.
Just like evolution.
Because no only is it going against your ancestors struggles for thousands of years, it is completely unrealistic and ignoring several aspects about the world that we like to forget in our first world bubbles.
The majority of the world is thick as shit. White people and some asians are propping the entire world up when it comes to agriculture, technology, sanitation and education.
They are animals that don't deserve it and cannot maintain it, see south africa now, Iran since the 70s, India/Pakistan since the 50s and many nations after occupation from various times last century.
They ruin everything and create nothing, globalism is a ploy to get these cheap, disposable, brown retards who have no ambition and are no threat to the elites in any intellectual/political/cultural capacity working like ants while never rocking the boat.
Muslims and africans are being imported on mass because for one, africans are too stupid to rise up and change things and arabs are too religiously bound and easily kept in line to get any ideas above their station.
Think about it, if you wanted to keep the good life but your current population had access to information and technology on the same level as you, rather than raising the bar and becoming better leaders who create a better standard of living, wouldn't it be easy to just import workers from places that haven't advanced without help for hundreds of years?
It's two birds with one stone, kill off potential unwanted competition and maintain the economic status quo.
Because the combined efforts of ALL countires, people and race == non whites leeching off the success of first world nations
They have nothing to contribute. Why should we accept them into our societies? It's their own responsibility to develop themselves.
Or you let each country keep to themselves and trade with who they want to instead of being forced to do things they don't want. Globalism enforces standards that apply to the lowest common denominator. It doesn't allow for exceptional is.
But what about all the white trash leeching of society aswell, atleast here in Norway it's a fucking travesty. We've got the worst work-morals in the world, people call in sick for weeks on end and contribute NOTHING to humanity. Fucking service jobs like hairdressers and stylists the lot of us.
Atleast latinos and such do their fucking JOB!
Most of the globe would be a net drain. Hell, even in successful countries most people barely break even
The greatest minds from all the world already move to good countries to work and develop.
Conflicts arise from differences in interests, and globalism doesn't cure that, it just moves power from countries to global factions, conglomerates and corperations.
That's socialism divorcing work from reward.
The planned globalist movement of the past century is in no way,shape or form bringing us closer to world peace under a world government which they would have you believe are their 'humanitarian' aims. In fact enforced multiculturalism and the attacks on national sovereignty have us teetering on the edge of at least mass civil disorder in many countries now.
Strong arming countries into cooperation and social engineering of native populations are tactics used by global organisations to pursue their own ridiculous concept of a world utopia. They are no different than other tyrants who were willing to sacrifice people for their own 'vision'.
They are now many years into their plan and although it's causing disasters everywhere they are too stubborn and proud to backtrack.
Cooperation with other nations is great, making us all the same nation is sheer stupidity caused by ideological obsession. They need ti let each ethnic group have a homeland like they do with the Jews. Laws should be in place in each homeland that ensure the demographics of the land always favour the native population. Counties have to protect their economy or globalist cooperations play them off against each other and destroy smaller businesses that aren't infected with the globalist ideology of feminist, affirmative action workplaces etc.
>What's Sup Forums's problem with globalism?
The muddying up of European culture with interior cultures
Jack of all trades, Master of None
>op thinking globalism means one language, no borders, one currency, everybody happy and shit
>realy means they will rob your country and make you a slave
>op not understanding what globalism means and thinks its free this and free that
Call me a jaded cunt, but I don't see how european culture is anything to be proud of.
Italians and Spaniards shut down their ENTIRE FUCKING SYSTEM from 12 - 15. Fucking trash people.
Germany refuses to speak english, like a bunch of spoiled brats, "muh germanics"
Brits are a bunch of inbred cunts.
East europe is basicly savages, although they have some pretty based political views.
Scandinavia is a bunch of snowmonkeys that got rich from oil.
And this is WITHOUT the immigration problem.
You being ok with loosing the native language, your cultural heritage, your racial blood, your everything your ancestors worked so hard for to gain and keep to give away to the selected few who wants to enslave you?
See people, this is why we need to get rid of democracy. Because idiots like OP who read mainstream media thinks what kikes tells him its a good thing. Fucking idiot.
>my history is shit
>attacks yuropoor
>whats wrong with globalism and losing all of your culture, heritage, and history
>whats wrong with globalism and losing all of your culture, heritage, and history
Are you serious?
Globalism is only good if you throw away morals and are purely pragmatic.
Someone who has no problems wiping out countries and leaders that have little to no benefit and completely taking it over.
Globalism will only ever be successful through sheer violence.
But you can't have globalism if you're trying to be ethical on the side, we need someone who is purely pragmatic.
Imperialism 2.0. Up until recently, pesky natives and their rights as humans made for bad press when it comes to draining an areas resources. Now, thanks to destabilization of these area through decades of war, disease, death and famine (the 4 Horseman) the poor natives are being relocated to the first world to create support for the globalist regime while weakening the cultures in place in the first world making it all around easier to keep the hegemony in place.
Globalism sucks wealth from the center. It helps out the absolute poorest sure, but it also primarily feeds the top. And at the expense of the average person in developed nations. And that's not just an "us first" mentality we're trying to protect either. One of the biggest complaints people have about politics is money being the most important factor. That 1% people complain about? Imagine it's instead the .0000001% instead. Where you're either a prole or Soros.
>No more internal conflicts, no racism, just pure workforce and brainpower.
Because that isn't possible and won't be possible for decades and maybe even centuries. Globalism won't actually work until we reach the point where we're already being globalist naturally. Forcing it doesn't work. And not just because of muslims wanting to kill everyone who doesn't convert or other culture clashes either. When you have nations of vastly different wealth status trying to work together as if they were the same thing you can cause problems. That's basically what happened with greece in the EU.
>combined effort
It would be, if non-whites and non-asians would actually produce any labour of worth. There's a reason they have 90%+ unemployment rates and it's not for a lack of jobs.
You sure are fucking stupid if you think Europe's culture is somehow equal to African/Arab (((culture))) if you can even fucking call it that.
What a based reply
I don't know, ask Lebanon how it's doing. Or Egypt, Iran etc.
>The planned (((globalist))) movement of the past century is in no way,shape or form bringing us closer to world peace under a (((world government))) which they would have you believe are their ((('humanitarian'))) aims. In fact enforced (((multiculturalism))) and the (((attacks))) on national sovereignty have us teetering on the edge of at least mass civil disorder in many countries now.
>(((Strong arming))) countries into cooperation and (((social engineering))) of native populations are tactics used by (((global organisations))) to pursue their own ridiculous concept of a world utopia. They are no different than other tyrants who were willing to (((sacrifice people for their own 'vision'.)))
>(((They))) are now many years into their (((plan))) and although it's causing disasters everywhere they are too (((stubborn and proud))) to backtrack.
>Cooperation with other nations is great, (((making us all the same))) nation is sheer stupidity caused by (((ideological))) obsession. They need ti let each ethnic group have a homeland like they do with the (((Jews))). Laws should be in place in each homeland that ensure the demographics of the land always favour the native population. Counties have to protect their economy or (((globalist cooperations))) play them off against each other and destroy smaller businesses that aren't infected with the (((globalist ideology of feminist, affirmative action workplaces etc.)))
Its not the idea that its bad. Its the way it is forced upon the world and the costs it inflicts. No one but the top dogs win in the current way it is implemented.
Also humans are not mentally prepaired for globalism. because we still have the tribal mentality in our DNA desu. This and the fact that we still have uneducated parts in the world and harmfull ideologies (see religion).
When we are ready to drop them and part of our culture then we will be ready for globalism.
It's global neoliberalism, not just world peace. A few elites like Killary who are above the law do every kind of evil things possible, while the rest of the world are either slaves, "terrorists" or starve to death. And the worst thing is that no matter where you go you face the same system, because almost every country is now US colony controlled through IMF.