Why can't we lower it? What would it take?
Wouldn't lowering the cost of living be better overall than increasing wages?
Why can't we lower it? What would it take?
Wouldn't lowering the cost of living be better overall than increasing wages?
First you have to stop inflation.
Supply and demand, you have to lower the population competing for resources.
this, amerinons start a race war kill all of your niggers
Reduce or ignore regulation. Uber has halved the cost of taxis for me.
Childcare is insanely expensive but its a simple thing to let 20 kids play with each other while someone makes sure they don't get their head smashed in.
>prices havent moved since 2008
>wages up almost 50 % since 2008
>inscreasingly more young people suddenly prefer to return to our shithole and try their luck here and not undercut western markets
>diminishing numbers of young people want to leave in the first place (jihad and shit)
Just dont let india and china compete for resources and make energy (gas, oil) even cheaper than they are now.
On the food side of things this year we are set to hit record food production here and international grain/corn prices are very low. Removing euro quotas will easily kick agriculture into overproduction and the price of food will drop.
what this bong says. Baning UBER realy created a lot of tensions. Unnecesary regulations are a nightmare.
So letting the free market work.
I'm just starting university. I get 504.69 euros ($562) as benefits every month, but my monthly rent is 500€, I have to pay 16€ per month for parking, and the water bill comes twice a year if I've understood correctly. My parents have generously promised to pay for my electricity and internet, but do I really have to spend all of my savings just not to starve? I never drink, smoke, eat outside, go to concerts, buy new clothes or spend my money on anything not absolutely mandatory - excluding the gym, my only non-free hobby, which costs a painful 420€ a year in this bigger city. My hard earned money is still vanishing incredibly quickly, although I try to be as prudent and stingy as I possibly can.
Feels bad man.
Housing and population expansion is the cause. The economist kikes want infinite growth.
In the future government positions need to be determined by form of meritocratic means, like: IQ tests, position-mindset synergy, psychopathy tests, personality tests and so on. Amend the constitution for a balanced budget, and outlaw government backed currency, let private money compete.
>hard earned money
Kek, get a job. Almost everyone in college here has a job for some extra scratch.
Jews and Liberals. Deregulating the fuck out of everything. Yes.
basically free market
it would assembly line everything without a care for government regulations and pass on the cost savings to you
everyone would be wealthier and safer as a result
government regulations kill
extremely easy
purge federal reserve/cancer banks
get a 1 day / week job, should net you around 400 euros per month which is enough on top of ur 500 to live comfortably. working 1 day a week isnt so bad, could be a saturday or a single night
Tax Chinese assets heavily. That will young families to buy their first homes, and reduce the trade deficit as well.
Gold standard. & gas the kikes.
Because Boomers depend on those high asset prices. And they like the status quo just fine.
What would it take? Loosening of the regulations that keep costs artificially high. Housing and cars could potentially cost half of what they do now if the regs were rolled back.
Good luck making them do that though. They won't do it without a fight. You'll have to make them bleed before they'll even think about it.
Have you tried, say, getting a fucking job?
I just quit my job a week ago and moved to this city, and university hasn't event started yet. However, in some time I might have to so just that.
Just cap the amount of profit jews can make and outlaw their creative accounting practices.
You can't interrupt supply and demand without causing more problems.
The only reasonable place to take from is the very top, where the money has congregated to absurd proportions.
Eliminate welfare