This is inarguably the most perfect map of Europe. Everyone should be okay with this.
Perfect Europe
>istanbul is greece
Ayy lmao
I'm ok with this
>including turkey
>at all
>Turkey still exist
IT's a No from me.
>perfect europe
Pick one, The finns shall rise again
Scrub turkroach and I'm happy
Pretty sure Portugal wouldn't want to be part of Spain.
>Not giving us Budjak and Cernauti from Russia.
>Not giving us southern dobruja from Bulgaria.
It's shit
Just give Romania to Hungary, I think they would do a better job at keeping the country relevant and economically stable. Also remove kebab.
>t. Romanian
>Mann part of the UK
>Not Greater Mann and the Isles
Shit map.
>Uniting with Sweden and Denmark
No. Can we stop it with this meme?
give the croats to germany
give israel more land
nice bants.
they can't have a equal relaccion with Spain less pib less people
>give israel more land
Do you happen to be Jewish?
Yes, but I guess that in this case Spain is synonym of Hispania. In fact I think Spain is its correct translation in English, and has nothing to do with the current spanish kingdom, at least in this context.
>The motherland is still divided.
You fucking traitor.
last time was Iberian union, I think would be better
You fucking cunt
if romanians get back moldova
then we get back Erdély ,Aka Ardeal
A federal union is pretty much possible, but it has no point. Or we become a whole new nation or we stay as we are today.
Turkey still exists 0/10
In you fucking dreams Orban.
This is perfect
needs grossmagyariums desu lad
You're literally living off of Merkel's handouts. Perhaps we can buy you off when your country is worth scraps.
>Ireland being part of the United Kingdom
>no Austria
3/10 bait
Just rename Yugoslavia to Serbia and delete Israel and map is good..
fuck off mohammed accept that Bismarck fucked you
Roaches can't buy anything
literally perfect
this map supposes ataturk level turkey
>USA thinking he understands
Do you want to explain why it is so perfect OP? Because I certainly don't see how.
>"Lets unite Yugoslavia because it went so well last time guyz xD"
>Germany is OP as fuck
>"Lets unite Czecho-Slovakia because it went so well last time guyz xD"
>Allowing the Russian horde to creep further into mother Europa
>"Lets give Ireland to UK because it went so well last time guyz xD"
Pants on head retarded map OP and you should be ashamed.
Austria is German as fuck. They had fucking three referenda on joining Germnay in the 20th century.
Nobody can steal my country! we will blow up the dykes
Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia are memes which should not exist
I'm a frenchman on a business trip faggot.
>Turkey still exists
>Big Arabia
Still, not bad
cheeky lithuanian
>uniting scandinavia
fuck off
iceland should become a Norwegian county, though
Now this is a good map
still should be its own country
remove kebabs is done
Butifel. But give us back Alsace-Lorraine instead of sacrificing it
>Catalonian and Basques
>not spaniards
Good goy.
>the alpine federation
lol wtf
besides that it's pretty good
>lets keep yugoslavia balkanised and irrelevant like right now xD
>lets balkanise the czechs and slovaks who are exactly the same except one adds an -e to the endings of words, oh yeah i love small irrelevant landlocked countries who get cucked by larger neighbours xD
>yeah lets pretend russians ukrainians and belarussians are all different even though they are all orthodox and an ukrainian from lvov can understand a russian from vladivostok xD CRIMEA IS UKRAINIAN!!!!!
>i love ireland even though their language has been dead for hundreds of years and the only part of their culture that's still alive is st patricks day oh boy they're not british at all xD
i didn't wrote any country because i assume it's simple to understand
i created that because some days ago there was a thread about that... People around Alps, instead different languages, could like a federation
Whoops I forgot to separate it from Germany
You forgot Laps
They're also still alive
i would give it 7 days till colapse
didnt you learn anything from previous multinational countrys
We dont want Albanians
>Großgermania does not control Preußen
Give Hungarians back their land.
Moldova has Romanians living in it. Ardeal doesn't have Hungarians
Just get rid of the Bosnians and get a Tito who names a proper successor, and you will last for a long time.
>Hungary doesn't control the balkans
>Germany doesn't control Prussia
>Greece doesn't control Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt
>Finland isn't part of Scandinavia
>Russia going that far west
>Poland doesn't control historical Lithuania and Latvia
what a bunch of absolute horseshit
ye at least give croatia and bosnia to germany when you wont give us independance
and here we go with the Lega Nord map, Garibaldi must be turning over in his grave
Checking post
The moment you paint it with other colors outside the national borders you give them an hypothetical separation. Catalonia and the Basques are spaniards. Every region in Spain has its own dialects, linguistic modalitys and their own customs. Spain was something much more metaphysical than that.
>Russia exists
>Turkey exists
>Romania exists
>linguistic modalitys
Also I forget to say that racially everyone is the same, even the south that was heavily repopulated by the northern people.
>alpine federation
Tyrol independence fag spotted. Go home and slave for italy cuck
Just because a group of people speak the same language as another people, it doesn't mean they should all be lumped into the same country you ignoramus.
Get rid of Poland and you are right.
garibaldi was a fuckin idiot, who ruined our future. I am from Lombardy and i wish my region was under Austria, not Shitaly, because in the north we have habits and thought more similar to Austria/Germany than Italy
>Finland isn't part of Scandinavia
Because Finland is not a part of the Scandinavia you weedcunt.
>italy doesn't have istria, fiume, and dalmatia
fuck this joke map
stop posting Rose goddammit, she died many years ago, she was raped to death by pakis, now let her fade into obscurity
so we have been able to live with Magyars for 800yrs(first in Hungarian-Croatian kingodm leater in Austrian.Hungarian monarchy and empire) and with serbs 20 first time and 45 nex mb this time it would last 55?
you think your history is relevant how about you bow to Austians, Magyars,Croats,Germans and Poles for saveing your ass
dobbiamo espellere tutti voi nemici della nazione, siete peggio dei cinesi
Since when Finland is not scandinavian?
still perfect.
ma siamo veramente una nazione? poi ho levato solo le regioni italiane adiacenti alle alpi, il resto del paese è integro.
SPQR, byzantium, austria hungary, yugoslavia
again with the stale memes
>Finland is not a part of the Scandinavia
nigger pls, you were Sweden for centuries, stop being retarded
since always
Please, nigga.
>Lithuania and Latvia
>With Finland
I'm pretty sure most portugese have a comfy place in brazil by now.
>Being a dissident this hard.
>give the croats to germany
The croats,bosnians and serb have pretty much 100% same genetics and language. Don't be idiotic now.
Too many countries in the ossetia region, Proposed solution:
Give Georgia to Russia,
Give Azerbaijan to Persia
Give Armenia to Turkey.
How about asia and africa? How should those maps look like. Please include world map OP.
diciamoci la verità: la Lombardia fa comodo perchè mantiene un apparato statale altrimenti troppo pesante.
>removes half of the territory were the iberians lived
>Galicia under Portugal control
>Galicia the same as Portugal
>SPQR without Baetica, one of the most important senatorial provices in the whole empire
You obviously knows shit on the iberian peninsula
Scandinavian is nordic central, finland is a mongel-causcasion half breed race. they are clearly different
Explain this to me, please.
Eat shit dirty pollack.
Scandinavian is nordic central, finland is a mongel-causcasion half breed race. they are clearly different
its Rijeka
altho i would give it to you in a second have all those cucks everything that is liberal comes from Istira and Rijeka
What the hell is that. Why Germany have netherlands but dont have their rightfull lands in East?