ITT we post the hypocrisy, hate and violence of Black Lives Matter
Best of BLM
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Theyre black and say their lives matter
Fuck these animals.
I was actually tolerant of blacks until BLM.
This one always gets me... it's niggers summed up in 1 image.
They are subhuman savage animals that our forefathers mistakenly tried to domesticate
Blacks are still the number one killer of blacks.
I can't decide whether the blind tolerance/endorsement of this behaviour by great swathes of whites is worse than the behaviour itself, t b h.
Niggers are completely devoid of empathy. The fact that one of them talks about how France isn't his problem because he "aint neva been" to Paris, or he doesn't "kno nobody out dare" clearly states that he lacks any ability to see how situations can affect other people.
This is the basis for all ghetto black crime.
And they wonder why nobody likes them.
How am I supposed not to fall in the extremes "all niggers should be hanged" with that ? Fuck.
The former leads to the latter. The monkeys got out of the cage because the zookeeper is jacked up on Effexor.
I feel your pain Frenchie. Wish I could help
Just focus on shilling Trump and get him elected, if he's in the White House in 2017, the FN will win here.
But thanks, Ameribro.
Blacks are literally the most unintelligent race on the planet. It doesn't mean all of them are, just the average. It works on a bell curve.
So when they 'chimp out' or make terrible decisions it's the sum result of their intelligence to handle the issue.
That's why they think it's a personal matter when little Deon has a 32 round clip running out of a stolen car and gets shot.
The least civilized countries in Africa have IQ's on par with chimps.
wew good parenting
The French started bombing Syria a month before some Syrians bombed the French back.
The tweets are correct, the French got what was coming to them.
France isn't part of the war in Afghanistan, so the nigger is wrong faggot.
It's like that saying about a few bad apples, with blacks you have to sift through rotten apples to find a few good ones.
>Cop shootings only make up 2.5% of black homicides
>Black lives matter
Pick one
BLM please stand in the middle of the road near my house.
honestly i'd expect similar displays and levels of mindless hatred for racial others from people on Sup Forums.
Fucking wow.
We should rig search results for Jewgle so BLM hypocrisy and hate comes up
If I'm not mistaken, in those "hacked" nude photos she was taking some white dick up the ass. I'm not going to double-check because seeing those pictures once was enough.
>work a call center temporarily to make some extra money
>Every time a black person calls in, they shout, cannot comprehend simple instructions, and become angry almost immediately over simple mundane things
I have this woman call in, she's like "MUH NAME IS NGBUMTUNU SMITH I WANNA CANCUL MUH ACCOUNT"
And I ask
Ma'am can you please spell your name
And she shouts
I hung up. Quit that day, couldn't take it anymore.
it's quite different doing it here under anonymity than on the largest public platform there is.
at least people saying shit here know it can't really be said in public
these dumbies literally don't see what they're saying as wrong in the least bit, that kinda mindset is actually troubling
Well you know it's poverty and education largely because of institutional racism you privileged white cishet fuck.
thats mainly due to circumstance, the left coddles them whereas it shits on the right. but the principle and psychological aspects are easily comparable
We need to lynch these chimps
Well meme'd my friend
Am I the only one that's noticed that it has that same tweet twice?
No white man would touch that disgusting tranny gorilla
>Sup Forums is always shitting about niggers and gassing kikes and all that
>when blacks say it about whites theyre barbarians and animals
We want niggers dead because of the barbaric shit they do