It looks like Trump will be the next president. Hillary BTFO

It looks like Trump will be the next president. Hillary BTFO.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump will never be the president.

UK will never leave the EU - no Article 50.

>a fucking leaf

No honestly, you can't stop the elites. Why would they let go of a century-old plan to control the population and lose to two businessmen?

All of this doesn't mean shit. Let's look at it when they debate thats when the real polls are.

Im gonna be at school until 3 o'clock feels bad man

Well looks like I'm moving to Canada

Shit. The odds against Trump were like 200:1 at some book makers a few weeks back.
I should have put a cheeky $100 on him to win.

Why swallow the black pill
When you already swallowed gallon of semen

Underage B&

>Massive liberal MSM campaign against Trump
>Virtually every "Snark News" Host railing against trump
>Trump Supporters pelted with accusations of racism
>Only recently have there even been TV ads for Trump, Hillary's spent tens of millions on ads
>Trump still keeping up in polls

God I can't wait to see the debates. I'll have my cock lubed up and a box of tissues. It'll be like legal rape porn. I hope she doesn't sperg out and seizure too early...

You mean 52 weeks ago?

>Based on 2.500 respondents


How is this even possible when he's spent nothing on advertising while Hillary has spent hundreds of millions?

What will happen once Trump does start spending on advertising (if he ever does)?

God I hate poll threads so fucking much, fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU OP

And there's no way to filter this shit

I wish everyone who keeps making these garbage threads would get a perma-ban

In Los Angeles California.

They break them down for things like age, race, wealth, education

>>How is this even possible when he's spent nothing on advertising while Hillary has spent hundreds of millions?
Hillary is fundamentally unlikable as a person, that's how.

>>What will happen once Trump does start spending on advertising (if he ever does)?
TV is dying and internet promotions are the future, and Trump has people doing his promotions for free.

Literally below C- rated poll detected. Trump is finished, face it. Also friendly reminder that it's about state polls, and Trump is trailing badly in them. Especially Penny and Florida.

>5x what the democratic polls normally use


On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations.[5] The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition and sentenced with terms ranging from 35 to 105 years in prison. Congress, however, recognizes that the FALN is responsible for "6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials." Clinton offered clemency on the condition that the prisoners renounce violence, seeing as none of the 16 had been convicted of harming anyone and they had already served 19 years in prison. This action was lobbied for by ten Nobel Laureates and the Archbishop of Puerto Rico.[6] The commutation was opposed by the U.S. Attorney's Office, the FBI, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons and was criticized by many, including former victims of FALN terrorist activities and the Fraternal Order of Police.[7] Hillary Clinton, then campaigning for her first term in the Senate, initially supported the commutation,[8] but later withdrew her support.[9]

>Congress condemned this action by President Clinton, with votes of 95–2 in the Senate and 311–41 in the House.[10][11] The U.S. House Committee on Government Reform held an investigation on the matter, but the Justice Department prevented FBI officials from testifying.[12] President Clinton cited executive privilege for his refusal to turn over some documents to Congress related to his decision to offer clemency to members of the FALN terrorist group.

>Hillary Clinton, then campaigning for her first term in the Senate... supported the commutation

So you're just a bad person and you love terrorism on US soil.

Among those who accepted clemency are:

Edwin Cortes, sentenced to 35 years in prison.
Elizam Escobar, sentenced to 60 years in prison.
Ricardo Jimenez, sentenced to 90 years in prison.
Adolfo Matos, sentenced to 70 years in prison.
Dylcia Noemi Pagan, sentenced to 55 years in prison.
Alicia Rodríguez, sentenced to 55 years in prison.
Ida Luz Rodriguez, sentenced to 75 years in prison.
Luis Rosa, sentenced to 75 years in prison.
Carmen Valentin, sentenced to 90 years in prison.
Alberto Rodriguez, sentenced to 35 years in prison.
Alejandrina Torres, sentenced to 35 years in prison.

Those who rejected clemency include:

Juan Enrique Segarra-Palmer, sentenced to 55 years in prison; released on 25 January 2004.[13]
Oscar López Rivera, sentenced to 70 years in prison refused clemency and remains incarcerated.

Polls are meaningless until after the debates.

Trumpfags always bring up some retarded non-sequitur when you BTFO them with data and facts.


Its all cap spam and memes when a 300 person poll from mexican gang territory says Hillary is 1% ahead.


Whether they favor or unfavorable Trump, stop the armchair QBing. Americans get your asses to the voting booths. Take confrontational debates to Kikebook, against their cherrypicked, trending topics.


Who here /MAGA/ hat?

Watch him tank in the polls soon after they "tweak" their polling methods again.

eighth post best post


>How is this even possible when he's spent nothing on advertising while Hillary has spent hundreds of millions?

Same reason Jeb Bush lost. TV advertising isn't at all understood or utilized well because we lack the fundamentals on how to make TV advertising work.