Developments August 30 >SAA recaptures Palmyra Gain Silos >Russian Army convoy arrives in Aleppo >10 Free Syrian Army groups condemn Turkey’s incursion into Syria >Syrian Army, Hezbollah advance in southern Aleppo >Turkish-backed rebels attempt to hijack Kurdish gains against ISIS >Houthi delegation travel to Iraq and Iran >‘Boycott Bing!’ Riyadh furious after search engine translates 'Daesh' as 'Saudi Arabia' >Obama to meet with Erdogan regime on Sept 4 >US calls on Turkey and Kurdish forces in Syria to fight ISIL, not each other >48 hour ceasefire established in Homs City >Largest Syrian Christian city(Mhardeh, Homs) in danger as jihadist rebels enter neighboring town >9,000 refugee children disappear without a trace in Germany
mhp is a nationalist party who follows atatürk's way
Ethan Jones
i dont get this meme about turkey and russia buddying up, they've been enemies and have had opposed interests for centuries now
Brandon Barnes
not a bad idea
kek, you are joking right? mhp doesnt follow atatürks way. they couldnt even hang apo. atatürk would be dissappointed.
Cameron Cox
and suddenly we have similar interests and a big reason to be friends :^)
you americans fucked up big with failing that coup.
Luis Perry
Iranian authorities talking about that Russia should continue use of Iranian airbase.
Samuel Brooks
so what, are you guys going to let russia use the dardanelles, give up on your rebels and fuck around in your sphere of influnce? this alliance of convenience wont last forever
Grayson Flores
it can last for quite good time though. in fact russia, turkey, iran, iraq, syria, pretty much no one in the region wants a kurdish state hence we became allies.
also that coup attempt pretty much made turkey hate usa. its off the charts according to the polls lately, about 85% of the population hates usa in turkey. this is pretty huge man and pushes turkey to the russia.
if usa loses turkey everything regarding to the middle east is done for. you lose all your influence hence biden came to turkey and said "sorry" like 10000 times etc.