Oh boy I can't wait to land in Europe and murder millions of working and breeding age white males to necessitate the...

>oh boy I can't wait to land in Europe and murder millions of working and breeding age white males to necessitate the importation of third world shitskin labour to bring about a permanent and irreversible change in the demographics of my country
>this is exactly what my ancestors would have wanted

Other urls found in this thread:


Germany started the war.
We finnished it.

>actually believing nazis were the bad guys

The war was unavoidable.

If by some miracle Germany avoided the wrath of the west, following its economic boom and the overthrow of merchant banks, the war would have probably been against Russia instead.

So pack your bravado away, because we were all fucked thanks to subversive tactics and general manipulation.

>good guys/bad guys morality

America. Anglos. Jews.

All to blame. All to be destroyed.

Gas the Kikes
Nuke Israel
Save the World

Soon after they built a puppet state in central europe that exist until today.

true, they started it
however, if it wasnt for russia you would have to nuke berlin or something ;^)

does anyone have that image with the screencaps from the movie "Kingdom of heaven" where the one guy says "the jews told me you're hear to slaughter us, pillage, and rape our women" and then the other guy says "That's funny, they told me the same thing about you"

that's basically what happened.

So why did you Brits do it?

And why was Germany cuckin' dumb enough to declare war on us?

> Almost 1500 years of tradition and culture
> gave the world parliamentary democracy, property rights, capitalism, common law, the industrial revolution, the steam engine, railroads
> Largest, first and sustainable global empire
> along come some charlatans with a blend of socialism and racial theory, Germans no less

no, Roosevelt provoked it, hitler said so himself

Because all the success got to Hitler's head, the British Empire had all but collapsed, Russia was only a few months from losing (if Hitler hadn't personally taken over direct management of the Eastern front it was all but assured) according to every expert, and every sign from the US was that we were tired of intervening in the rest of the world

Basically if Hitler had just sat back and not micromanaged everything or gotten cocky he would have won.



Germany did not declare war on us. Redpill your self cuck

Germany was right. Hitler was right. You're a traitor

>gave the world jewplague
go back to your mountain vault gnomeboy

Some of Hitler's actions remind me of a compulsive gambler.

>Germany did not declare war on us
On medics? No.
But on the US? Yes.

Germany was right though

Britain was failing and dying while US/Germany were rising because of their superior economic ideology


It was inevitable that one day Germany of the US was going to knock off Britain as world hegemon, or possibly Russia.

Britains outsourcing/globalist and financial bullshit was weakening the country, much like what is happening in teh west today.

I don't know if you are Swiss but if you are, please don't vote and move to Germany or Austria. People have died for us to not live under German and Austrian domination and you are spitting on their graves.

Okay, if we're gonna live in fuckin fairytale land, then the Central Powers should have won World War I.

Then we'd not have to deal with retard communists OR fascists.

>blaming declining white populations on war rather than fertility

learn your shit

But the Swiss declared neutrality to avoid domination by France and Venice....


On US. Germany did not declare war on hamburgerstan.

Irrelevant. Hitler did not want Switzerland. Now because the Jews manipulated the world we're going to die under an invasion of niggers and immigrants while the SVP is forced to ignore our voices about closing the borders

America would have joined the war regardless of whether or not Germany actually declared war. That cuck Churchill was crying like a baby back bitch for Amurican support from day one. He'd mention America in every one of his speeches and try and tie it in to the whole ordeal.

Either way America was gettin in while the gettin was good

>Germany did not declare war on hamburgerstan.
Germany did declare war on the US.

>Germany did not declare war on hamburgerstan.

They did, retard, less than a week after we declared war on Japan.

America and the British Empire would still be around if Germany won WW1 and they were very nationalistic at the time.

It's just that a very nationalist and economically successful Germany would control Continental Europe.

The only nationalism a German WW1 victory would quash would be French/Russian nationalism

Hitler was probably doomed fighting the USSR but it was still an incredibly dumb move to bring the US in so early.

Germany was rising economically because it was confiscating rich peoples wealth and because the state took huge loans and bought war equipment.
The United States was a economical basket case before WW2 because of trade unions and regulations that killed off any economic drive. By supplying and funding Britains defendse of Europe the US got rich, see lend/lease. To say Hitler was right in any regard is frankly ridiculous.

Thank you for correcting the record.
Now about all that gold you collected, you've paid all that back with interest, yeah?

>On 11 December 1941, four days after the >Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the >United States declaration of war against the >Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war >against the United States, in response to what >was claimed to be a series of provocations by >the United States government. The decision to >declare war was made by Adolf Hitler

>The only nationalism a German WW1 victory would quash would be French/Russian nationalism

And Italian, dude, remember? They joined the Allies.

Italy is where we got Fascism. Russia is where we got Communism.

A Central Powers Victory would have stomped both of these retarded Socialist movements in their cribs.

False. US aggression declared war on Europe.

Prove we took any gold. You can't. And Jewish have no rights to gold. They're subhuman. Get fucked leaf.

Nope. Leaf - Ignored

The germans, italians and japanese had a pact that If any of them get attacked the others would came in their aid.

"No". The Jews turned a regional conflict into a world one.


>False. US aggression declared war on Europe.

Y'all are almost as delusional as Hillary supporters, holy shit.

The US declared on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Supplying arms and ammo to the countries that can best afford it isn't aggression, it's good business sense.

>gold, what gold?
>I know I'll make fun of his flag, that'll throw him off the trail
>t. Mountain Jew

>The US declared on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

False. Pearl Harbor was a false flag. You are a subsidiary of the Jew

>US aggression declared war

Can't roll my eyes hard enough at your disingenuous attempt to play word games.

Legally speaking, and in the eyes of Germany itself, it was Germany that officially declared war first. Anything else is you playing the deceitful Jew, like you money-grubbing mountain kikes always do.

That's not how their pact worked. Japan did the attacking, so Germany was not obligated to join in.

>Pearl Harbor was a false flag.

you can stop RPing with your anime pics now, it's old.

>Actually believing that the Americans finished the war

Really correcting the record here

Hitler wanted Switzerland just as much as any other land in the world, it was just that our military was prepared and trained (not equipped) to handle an assault. Remember we allowed them to use the Gotthard tunnels, bought their gold and sold them weapons and made ourselves far more useful that way. If he had won any of his battles, we would have been next.
> Le joos
Wtf is it with this meme? We are getting swamped with niggers and dunecoons because we allow it and reelect politicians that want it. Large swaths of the population are for it, this is entirely the fault of "whites". The reason is precisely because you stormcucks ran over to the conservatives and use them as meatshields for your ridiculous facial hair fetish, which in turn allows the socialists to dicredit us both. The SVP is the best shot we have right now to stop mass immigration and asylum abuse, and if you just shut up about national socialism and just vote quietly we'll maybe win.

no one cares anymore, weaboo-kike

either you're just roleplaying as a retard or you are one

Your countrymen did the same. Fuck off.

>Japan did the attacking, so Germany was not obligated to join in.
The US would retaliate Japan anyway, so germans would need to declare war sooner or later.

The US involvement was inevitable. They were already giving cheap resources to the commies in Soviet Union.

>Pearl Harbor was a false flag
Yeah, sinking and damaging every battleship in the Pacific Fleet in order to spark the war with Japan was obviously what FDR wanted to happen...

Not memeing, but didn't the Japs take responsibility? Why didn't they refuse to take responsibility and provide evidence supporting their non-involvement in the operation? It's sketchy, the fleet and air carriers were out of the base itself before the attack. Maybe Frank got intel and let it happen? I want to be RP'd on this subject.

stopping Hitler from destroying Bolshevism was a crime against the Western world

No.Because we have laws, you need to show some documentation before we open our vaults. Now go suck some syrian refugees cock.

Will you people quit blaming WW2 soldiers for outcomes they couldn't have known about at the time?

>because we allow it and reelect politicians that want it. Large swaths of the population are for it

>Conveniently ignores that our referendum to limit immigration got delayed due to threats from brussels to enact sanctions against us

You being a kike shill is so fucking obvious at this point

>The US would retaliate Japan anyway
Without popular support? No.

>so germans would need to declare war sooner or later.
That doesn't even make sense. Americans weren't interested in another European war. Hitler did an incredibly dumb thing that his own government and generals told him was dumb.

He's RPing, don't take him seriously.

simple the same reason we did it in WW1 a stupid bit of paper that said

>were friends of Poland if anyone attackes em we will come to Poland's aid

back in WW1 it was Belgium and if the Germans did not use Belgium as a shortcut we would not have joined the French

there was a high chance of us siding with the Germans

I'm gonna say it, Hitler acted like a fucking dumbass and was a horrible tactician.

The nazis were still right though.

>this entire thread

kek no

Germany had been outproducing the rest of Europe since before the Franco-Prussian War in the 1870s, the same with the US

Germany and the US had an economic model based on production, investment, technology and infrastructure which is why they began to dominate while the Brits and their allies began to adopt globalism that weakened them significantly. That one of the main reasons why it took the US entering WW1 to defeat Germany.

"fascism" is nationalism that was developed in Italy

of course nationalism would still be around, hell it already existed.

If the americans had popular support to attack Germany in WWI deapite having no reason to do it, it's obvious the people would support a retaliation agains't Japan.

Seems like I touched a nerve there Schlomo. Don't worry, I'm sure your gold is safe. Yeesh.

Germany would have won against Russia had it been one on one

You did the same shit as us.

We all made a mistake with that fucking war. I'm not proud that my great-great uncle died fighting in Okinawa. His life was wasted. I'm not proud that my great-grandfather fought in Normandy. His family was destroyed. All so the entire world could invade our countries while our intellectual, media, and political elite grin and cackle. If there's another fight, I won't be on the wrong side this time.

We knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. Not the same kind of false flag as 9/11 but it was allowed to happen for the same effect.

> send massive amounts of aid to someone's enemies (Russia)
> block his shipping routes
> shoot at uboots

yeah wow Germany so aggressive how come they declare war??

>Who is Martin Schulz

How many tall, strong, blonde men with superior DNA and jawline were killed in WW1 and WW2 combined?

>finnished it

>Actually being proud of being a Jewish slave army

Smh senpai

Not enough , that's a why if Hillary wins NATO and the like will go to war against Russis

What - do you seriously think there is some sort of spell that you can break if you incinerate enough jews? No, it's the schools that are full of socialists, the unis, the public broadcaster and even the army. It is up to us normal people to convince them otherwise. Claiming that pearl harbor or the holocaust didn't happen isn't going to solve anything, it's just making it easier for the socialists to drive their point home. How you cannot see this is beyond me. Anyway, please don't associate with right wing parties if you value your country in any way. We have too many foreigners meddling in our affairs already. The bundesrat has 5 years to present a workable solution. It is still working on it and if they don't deliver there will be consequences.

But you didn't attack the USSR

Yes, that was before WW1. This is true. But after WW1 things changed significantly. And that is the era of Hitler and his fellow socialists. You are shifting goalposts.


Hitler continued the exact same economic policies as his predecessors.

If anything the real problem was when Germany was forced to adopt self destructive economic policies by the British Empire (along with the rest of Europe) after WW1.

Hitler ended that and, unsurprisingly Germany quickly and easily recovered much like the US did during the build up to WW2.

Germany and Japan both declared war on the US, so what the fuck do you want?

This tbqh. Shit all over the governments behind it, not the ordinary folk or people born decades later.

Martin Schulz is an idiot, just like Angela, Brown, etc. He's a jew too, but so is a lot of other individuals, among others members of Hitlers inner circle. So what. He pandered to the jewish community in Germany for votes once and Stormcucks think he's now part of some conspiracy. He is a socialist and still believes in the global revolution like all of them. He thinks that the European Union is a way to achieve this and to do it he needs to have voters voting for other commies like him. What is better than importing welfare dependent shitskins. Inb4 Kalergi - I honestly believe that is a conicidence.

What did you expect?

Nationalism tends to plummet after losing a war.

Except when the winners are vindictive retards and decide to make it impossible for the losing countries to pay denbts throwing the countries into massive frightening depressions.

Would Hitler conquering Europe successfully without drawing the Americans into the conflict have ensured Europe remain white?

it was down to the treaty and the treaty said nothing about Russia attacking Poland again it stupid

No, the Jews used their influence in British and American politics to turn the war into a global one.


Jokes aside, how is your country doing after its most recent default on bonds?

>american education

Argentina is a shithole

No, once the seeds of socialism were sown this current crisis was inevitable. Maybe it would have happened later, but it was going to happen once a bunch of folks decided that stealing private property was "for the good of the state."

Importing people to cover up slowed birthrates "for the good of the state."
Building massive national debts "for the good of the state"

Socialism fucked us over and it will be a long time coming before any lasting unfuckening will happen.

lel no. He continued the economic policies of war time German empire, by having companies semi nationalized and produce war equipment. That was not the case before WW1, it was mainly a free economy with few regulations or national companies the way we have now.

The economic policies after WW1 were protectionist because the state guarantees made a lot of businesses inefficient. The first one to adopt these policies was the US, and the rest of the world followed. This resulted in the great depression. The British empire was interested in getting money out of Germany to pay back the huge loans it took during the war - starving Germany wouldn't make sense would it. Hitler didn't end the protectionism, but took huge loans, confiscated property and refused to pay back the war reparations. That is all he did, there was no magic nazi economy miracle.

American Bullets, Boots, and Beans kept the Russian war machine going.

Russia supplied the Blood.

To say either would have been successful without the other is disingenuous.

M-muh boots! Kek.

>implying SVP wants to actually solve the immigration problem
At the end of the day, they do what's best for their wallets. Why solve a problem that's a guaranteed vote winner anyway?

>Pearl Harbor was a false flag
Shitlord, if Pearl Harbor was a false fag attack then so is the Reichstag

It wasn't just that though, Germany had some 40 percent of their ground forces concentrated in italy and western europe in mid-1943.

Because here we actually have a thick strain of patriots who don't do it for their own gain. The Swiss concept of "militia politicians" guarantees that there are very few career politicians.

You mean Dresden.

His has nothing to do with career politicians. It's basic hypocrisy.
The management of the place i used to work at was almost entirely SVP voters and a few who ran for local offices as a SVP candidate. But that didn't stop them from hiring germans and croatians almost exclusively. It's all bullshit. Why didn't the SVP federal councillors take the EJPD/migration portfolio during the last reshuffle? Because they don't care to actually solve the problem. It's far easier to make noise in the opposition and blame the lefties instead. I find it unbelievable how you can fall for this bullshit.
t. a swiss on holidays

> EJPD/migration portfolio during the last reshuffle
Because the socialists run it so incompetently it will get abolished by popular demand. This is strategy.
> The management of the place i used to work at was almost entirely SVP voters
They are not stupid. They have a job to do - they cannot run a company into the ground to make a point. Remember also that the leftist meme about how xenophobic SVP voters (like me) are is bullshit. Nobody minds a well adjusted, assimilated individual coming here and contribute to society. What we are against is importing welfare recipients from the third world and Europe for no apparent reason like the other cucks want to. Currently, the SVP is the only party tackling the problems and their voter base is making sure they keep their word.

>abolished by popular demand
The people seem largely in agreement with how Sommaruga is running her department
>contribute to society
By debasing the quality of life of swiss employees? How can any swiss citizen compete with a german who crosses the border twice a day to grab swiss cash and spend it in germany?

just how high are you, friend?

> By debasing the quality of life of swiss employees? How can any swiss citizen compete with a german who crosses the border twice a day to grab swiss cash and spend it in germany?
By taxing the fuck out of him. However thanks to us sucking up excessively to the EU we can't do that. This is not the SVP's fault though. This is the fault of the people in charge of the EJPD ;)
> Running the EJPD
It's a lost cause with the Asylum laws, I don't see how people can advocate to spend the money needed in schools (at least here im Aargau) on third world leeches. The hope was that it would speed up the process and lead to deportations and cost savings, but alas - it's just more cash to the advocates and the asylum industry. The misrepresentation of the facts in the state media (watch the relevant arena if you can stomach it) contributed to it. I don't think it is a good indicator. The results of the last elections are a better indicator, and the commies and cucks lost heavily.

NEW WORLD ORDER - Communism By The Backdoor


The Greatest Story NEVER Told - The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler
