Has any race suffered as much as the african american? Slavery, segregation, police brutality.... when will it end?
Has any race suffered as much as the african american? Slavery, segregation, police brutality.... when will it end?
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I've had to filter your country, stop spamming
We'll pay reparations within the next generation
the only friend niggers have in this world are whites
no one else is stupid enough to pretend that they can be saved
>give niggers shiny things
>they try to eat them
>Has any race suffered as much as the african american?
You don't see a lot of south american natives around do you?
I'm a ginger we've had a bad time too
Ur a big fag boi
Africans in africa suffered the most
because of other africans
I think USA niggers have it much better than Brazil niggers.
It is sad how majority of medals for the US was won by Caucasians but a handful of medals won by dindus are getting such an immense coverage.
Also, why can't dindus refrain from using the words 'king' and 'queen' whenever they talk?
The juice
underrated post.
Does everyone try to eat the medallions?
The Native Americans got it worse. Also, Tasmanian abbos are extinct.
The countless ethnicities that have been exterminated
Hey pajeet i need help with some manuals, can you help out.
Its a thing photographers say to do because they can't think of more original things to do.
So many fuckers of every race did that bite the medal photo op. People are so fucking unoriginal.
sure bruh :3
Noone cares about them also they should of fought to death if they didn't want to be enslaved, now they live with the shame of not fighting to death for their freedom, I had to put up with muslims, Russians and now gypsies and I'm still here, fuck niggers fucking whiny pieces of subsaharan snakeshit
yeah, if you want civil war 2: electric boogaloo
(which i do)
Chinese immigrants had it pretty rough at first. Hell, we threw a bunch of Japanese into internment camps early last century. How come those groups have bounced back?
t. former Portuguese colonial
Go back to Angola you mud monkey
>blacks consume the most welfare in the US
>They need reparations
Top jej
Why do niggers keep putting gold and money in their mouths?
Has any race set themselves at odds with themselves so often?
absolutely not
My friend just got here and he´s the one that deals with that stuff, thanks my kind user. much appretiated.
Way more than North American natives. You bred with their women to a far greater extent than Murricans and Leaves.
Maybe the Americans who have to put up with them?
The plague eradicated half of the population of Europe. In some part of Southern France, italy and Spain there was up to 90% casualty rate.
White people suffered war, famine, disease and many things like every people on earth.
And surely I don't think the dirt poor farmer from central europe had a much better life a hundred year ago than the current nigger in "racist america".
Fucking cunts always centering suffering on Africa like Europe didn't have its share of suffering.
I believe it has something to do with not having the requisite neural architecture to understand abstractions.
Historically? The white race.
The Irish , chinese , japanese and hispanic americans . /thread
what a very fast moving twingo
>when will it end
when they stop doing it to themselves.
Mostly self-inflicted wounds.
dude they look like literal shit. their lives are literal shit. just let them call themselves kings if it keeps them from stealing and raping for just a few moments
underrated sushi
>implying whites were never slaves in America or anywhere else
>implying segregation wasn't net positive for both whites and blacks and eliminating the need for black specialists in black communities didn't directly lead to their financial ruin
>implying blacks are killed by police at a greater rate per capita than whites
Honestly they have maybe suffered the least compared to most races. While enslaved they were never slaughtered in a genocide. In fact if you go back and read the history books many slaves did not want to leave the plantations when slavery was lifted. It is exaggerated how bad plantation life was, in fact. But to be sure it was not as good as freedom.
THe fact of the matter is there was a fucking WAR fought over black peoples freedom and more Americans died in that war than any other war in human history. It's sort of insane to me how the still clamor for more, we've already given them everything. Millions of black people are on welfare because of democrats. They are still slaves of the state, thanks to democrats. What has really changed? Dems are the racist ones
The White race.
Now only 8% of Planet Earth
Millions of Irish brought forcefully to the US and Caribbean in the 1600's. Average life span 4 years.
Millions of White woman sold in the Barbary Slave trade. Millions of White men Castrated and sold.
50% of Europe died in the Black Plague.
600,000 + White men died to free the Black American Slaves.
300,000 Black Slaves brought to the US...
This story is not about who suffered more. This is just about who is the loudest.
Jews had it worst. God hates them.
Am I the only one who looks at the ape on the left and gets disgusted for just looking at her?
>Has any race suffered as much as the african american? Slavery, segregation, police brutality.... when will it end?
The Jews.
Chinks killed more chinks than something something, they undeniably suffered the most altough most of that suffering was self-inflicted.
Yes whites.
>besieged by Muslim Armies for 1.400 years (among many others)
>uncountable lives of combatants and non-combatants lost in repelling muslims
>2.000.000 by muslims enslaved Europeans (and those were only the abducted ones)
Then after our ancestors stared counter-imperialism and finally brought those bastards to their heels, they set everyone free in an act of foolish mercy and even declared that they have the same rights as they themselves.
And what did white people get out of it? Not even a fucking "thank you, guys".
We are portrayed as the most evil mosters ever in existance, get chained by indoctrinated political correctness while they are working on white genocide.
Oh yes, we are besieged again.
Fuck me. Noone ever has been nicer to Blacks than White people. Not even their kind - they enslave and torture each other to this very day.
>1 post by this ID
Also the Mori-ori for starters
"The invaders ritually killed some 10% of the population, a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days. The Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them.[21]
After the invasion, Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori, or to have children with each other. All became slaves of the Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga invaders. Many Moriori women had children by their Māori masters. A small number of Moriori women eventually married either Māori or European men. Some were taken from the Chathams and never returned. In 1842 a small party of Māori and their Moriori slaves migrated to the subantarctic Auckland Islands, surviving for some 20 years on sealing and flax growing.[22] Only 101 Moriori out of a population of about 2,000 were left alive by 1862.[23]"
The last Moriori died in 1933.
But while we're at it I can happily start listing self identified ethnic groups who have been oppressed for longer than the african americans.
Spain (Uamyid Caliphate), Portugal (Uamyid Caliphate), Catalonia (Spain), Astures (Spain) Aragon (Spain), Gibralta (Uamyid Caliphate), Egyptian Copts (Just about everyone since 500AD), Scotland (England), Ireland (England), Wales(England), Cornwall (England), France (Rome, Franks, English, Germans), England (Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Normans), All non Swedish Scandinavian states by Sweden, the Sami people by all Scandinavian states, the Balkans by the slavs, the romans, the ottomans and the greeks, the greeks by the romans and ottomans, the slavs by the scythians, huns and germans, the balts by the scandinavians, finns and russians, the finns by the russians and scandinavians, the russians by the Scandinavians, the peoples of turkey by the greeks and the romans...
Well no shit man
>has any race suffered as much as this race that is currently overpopulating the world?!