ITT : tips on how to be a good father to white daughters and sons
ITT : tips on how to be a good father to white daughters and sons
>Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.
You will never have kids OP. Don't worry about it.
Don't tell them what to do. let them figure things out themselves. but give them advice if they ask for it. affirm them when they do something good.
If they do something wrong, don't get angry, but tell ask them why they think what they do was right. reason with them.
The only real thing to do, is to set an example.
if you don't behave, they won't eihter. they look up to you and copy you. so be a rolemodel.
My dad did the shower thing when I was young and I DID notice this. Also because of my dad sports was my first love. "Boys will be boys" is not an insult. Frankly it's true and we need more of it today
Tell your daughter she can accomplish anything, even become president of the most powerful country on Earth. Use real-world examples of extraordinary female accomplishment, like that in your photo.
Just be a bad father and you probably end up being a good one
>the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger
This is essential to establish dominance.
I am cruze missile now
Don't let them play with niggers.
>mfw Sup Forums disagrees with this
>taking advice from Sup Forums
you deserve whatever comes your way
>inb4 the user that recommends dads do this with daughters so they know out what gender is
Did he peg your hole with his wood too?
tell her she can be a princess like disney and never trust dark skinned people
Bad idea.
Don't tell them that they can accomplish anything they like. they will sense your lies, they will distrust you.
or they will get inflated sense of self.
All white girls become degenerate around age 15
Me and my sister used to always bathe and go to sauna with our mom and dad. Not that big of a deal desu
Daily reminder that Hillary came from a middle classish family where her father made her work to earn her own money. Which is what any American parent should make their children do.
dont forget the rape
>Not that big of a deal desu
I dont disagree, but that quote comes from a book by an evangelical psychologist in which he suggests this as a way to prevent your kid from being gay.
That kind of stuff is very normal in scadinavia and europe. not in america, they have fear of nudity.
Meh I just don't know anymore. Clearly she is one of the few women that actually has a head in her shoulders while being pretty attractive (at a younger age). If only her sociopathic personality had more paleoconservative influences, we (America) would be closer to getting out of the hole with the aid of women.