What do you think Sup Forums?

What do you think Sup Forums?

Despite The Force Awakens and (to a lesser degree) Rogue One being garbage fires, I'm impressed that Mark was able to shed some points.

i want to believe this guy.
he seems know his shit.

*tweets about Drumpf*

fuck off "ryan", no one here likes you and you should gargle fucking draino

Looper was decent.

We got greay luke. So jedi are bad sith are bad,
I am sad and don't like this.

*Tweets about Blumdpf*

3 years ago he was a fat shit and picking used cig buds out of trash cans. now he gets paid millions to wear a fucking black robe and try to look intimating.

what a loser. if Disney didn't want their jewish noses to sniff even more money this fuck would be dead.

This picture doesn't give off any emotional weight. It just looks like Mark Hamill cynically standing in front of a greenscreen for Disney. Star Wars is dead.

His influences on making TLJ
>Twelve O’Clock High
>To Catch a Thief
>Three Outlaw Samurai


We could be getting an onscreen Kreia.

That's a good thing.

Oh man it's Mark Hamil as Luke Skywalker doing a Stan Lee impersonation of Count Cooku

Starlord's dad's got a brother????

remember when luke trained ON A FARM

Hoping for this.
Also if Luke dies I'm fucking done with this series.

Does any Jedi have a cooler outfit then Luke wore in Return of the Jedi?

Obi-Wan wearing clone trooper armor with a cape in that Samurai Jack guy's Clone Wars cartoons.

where the fuck is his saber and why is he wearing a tarp?

that shit should stop being a neverending story

You know he will.

>Kylo Ren bursts into hut
>Luke gets awesomeley blasted by dark side power that goes BVVVTTTTZGRAHH
>He's down
>Rey runs to his crippled body
>"Luke Skywalker don't die please"
>Luke grabs Rey by her shoulders
>"I-It's you... you're The Last Jedi™"

how is a character you love getting the nu-Star Wars disney treatment a good thing at all? You'd have to be retarded to want it.

In any case this is literally just being done for the purpose of classic Jewish rejection of moral certainties. It's propaganda at best. Nothing is real, everything is subjective, moral relativity, the good and bad side are the same, the classic heroic and villainous archetypes are outdated, we're too cynical and enlightened for those.

"It's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life until there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness, nothing without end."

>yfw Luke is Sheev

Never said Kreia was right. She's an interesting character. I'm not a postmodernist and I never will be.

That doesn't mean that everything has to be milquetoast.

Why is literally no one excited for this??

Grow the fuck up.

>literally mfw this happens.

Because it's probably going to be shit. Jar-Jar Abrams pretty much set up Rebels vs Empire 2: Electric Boogaloo and literally no one wanted that. This is a sequel to a trilogy that is already off to a bad start.

These fags and their obsession with Trump is ridiculous. Dance for me monkey, I don't care about American politics.