Movie is against racism

>movie is against racism
>everyone gets murdered by niggers

i'm sorry what

Black the most racist race

iirc the movie originally ended with ed norton shaving his head again after john connor from terminator gets shot
but for some reason there was some cuckery and it became just a sad ending

this seems much more realistic desu

enjoy your ban, racist pos

this isn't facebook, bitch

Oh, I'm sorry, so just because you're anonymous you think it's ok to just spew your toxic racism all over the forum? Fuck you, asshole! You're on the wrong side of history, mate.

Kek, banned for fucking what? This is an on topic thread about a film, a fucking good one at that. What the rule against racism means is that you can't go on long Sup Forums rants about off topic shit, not that you're not allowed to say certain words, nigger.

You're far more obnoxious than the people you're pretending to be.

>taking this shit tier bate
This movies a subtle redpill.

>movie is against racism
Movie is about the cycle of violence and hate and how it just makes more of it

Don't you people ever consider the hard you're doing to potential people of colour who may be browsing this forum? Just casually throwing the N word around doesn't seem like a good way to make everyone feel welcome.

Please consider this next time before you post this racist content.

People should just watch naruto to learn about that.

It's far better.

Fuck off nigger lover.

I swear to fucking god this is the ending I've seen. Were there alternate versions released or something?

no words anymore

just fists

Oh god. This is the worst bait I've seen since your mummy was dangling her saggy tits out your window for a quick shag in your bed.

>sucker punch and then run from the fash

C'mon, man, you don't really feel this way do you? I truly hope you're just doing it in an attempt to fit in here. If you aren't, I suggest hanging out with some people of colour in an attempt to give yourself a new perspective.

>implying you neckbeard cunts can do anything to us

ANTIFA STRONG, fucker, we are ready, you are bitch-made


I honestly would have ended without the shooting and just had it be a lot more uplifting as a "no matter what, people can change" ending message instead of the redundant "actions have consequences" ending message.



you just got merged into our timeline

>some guy blows smoke in your face when you're acting like a cunt
>think it's appropriate to shoot him because of this

The movie highlights why you should never relax around blacks really. Their impulsiveness and lack of understanding of the concept of consequences make them a danger to both themselves and especially everyone else around them. I mean there were other things I took away from the movie but it's one that the director didn't think of.

>we beat up residents from the liberal state of berkley

>this obvious bait
if not then its pretty fun watching nazis beat up pinko faggots like you

Fuck off already



>Fighting for the Koch bros immigration policy