Peruvian TV show finds the mothers of men who catcall women, do makeovers on said moms, then have them walk by their sons so they can firsthand see their sons' behavior.
Peruvian TV show finds the mothers of men who catcall women, do makeovers on said moms, then have them walk by their sons so they can firsthand see their sons' behavior.
But you know that reality tv is scripted, right Ivan?
Does it matter if it really makes you think?
>catcallers are degenerates
wow what a suprise
Why don't women just ignore these people? Lust is a sin, if they're lusting for you be happy knowing that they've committed adultery with their lust and surely have sinned other times and will likely end up in hell.
I'm no feminist but to be honest it's pretty embarrassing when I hear other men whistle at women.
Don't want attention then don't advertise.
Women should learn to dress with modesty (men too but this isn't related to the topic) if you look like a whore like in OP's picture men will talk to you like you're a whore.
In peru?
Neat. But brown chics are a ehole different breed than facist feminazi females.
I work a construction site and been doing it for years. Ive heard one retard catcall a female one time and he didnt even do it at the jobsite.....i dont know how they do it back east but cat calling isnt a thing unless its in the ghetto parts of town.
I don't dress like a whore at all and get cat calls once in awhile (not at all as often as feminists act like they hear it), I just ignore them and I've never once had anyone pursue anything further. It's very simple. I don't know why feminists whine so much about this.
Tits or gtfo
seriously though good on you for not dressing like a whore and not being a whiny bitch about dipshits saying stupid things
stay strong femanon.
>tfw you will never have a hot mom
Lust is a sin
If you burn her corpse you will
guys that catcall mainly just do it to fuck around
everyone knows that shit isn't supposed to work
you ignorant kike see
>watching the flickering jew
Sounds like the premise of a JAV video I watched once.
wud marry/10
kek'd hard.
You´re right Mo, they should wear a burka, fucking degenerates showing skin, inshallah brother.
if it does work, you need to run as fast as you can.
How is OP's pic related a whore??? For the current year, she's modest.
I could argue that your pic related is slutty in comparison to, say, the Ginghams.
Maybe when you're like "dolled up" and especially when you're dressed a bit like a slut, men are trying to hit on you more, but I've never once seen a person act like that in real life, I've never once heard comments like the ones in OP's pic directed at me or anyone else, it always seems super obvious because the people yelling are in groups of their friends, it just seems like they're fucking around and trying to make the people they're with laugh. Leftist girls are delusional...
Last night my girlfriend walked home from work for the first time, and someone followed her 10 minutes down the road telling her she was beautiful and how "if she ever needed accomodation she could stay with him free of charge", and that "they should really hang out sometime".
>implying girls that dress like that are the ones getting catcalled
They absolve themselves of guilt
desu I dont believe u
give us an illuminati triangle to confirm
Good for you though, in all sincerity.
sure, she was "only followed" and did nothing with him, kek
The Ginghams look like they're children so of course they don't have a "feminine form" to dress for. You know the girl in OP's pic is supposed to be like pic related, tell me that's not objectively slutty.
I wasn't, burger.
The only time women get this kind of talk is when they go to a degenerate fucking black out drunk party with sex and drugs.
Never does this shit happen elsewhere, I am referring to picture.
When did this meme start? I'm a Christian not a Muslim. You guys are so against degeneracy well the bible preaches against it but you hate the bible. If you don't want to accept Christianity then you should learn to accept degeneracy.
She has a short skirt, short sleeves and showing her cleavage.
I'd say you're in the minority, every single one of my female friends can give multiple stories of scary creepers
Thats so clown they get caught cat calling thier mom lol
Well, they are children, but my focal point is the length, and general non-form-hugging shapes of their dresses.
I just checked your link, I agree those dresses should be the ideal. My picture was just an example that I believe is good for the bare minimum but you should always strive to go beyond the bare minimum.
The lower on the socio-economic ladder, the more aggressive with women.
Ever see a bunch of white guys in suits standing around yelling at any woman who walks by? Not likely.
Ever see a nigger in a dirty shirt get "all up in" a woman's face and then get mad when she spurns his advances? Almost certainly.
>catcalling is a sexual offense
do women routinely willingly fuck strangers on the street where you come from?
Well that sounds like a particularly creepy person- I've encountered a person or two like that, but even then, it's just a matter of being safe. Like, you're girlfriend I'm sure had no choice but to walk home but obviously she shouldn't be walking alone at night. Maybe next time you should offer to meet her and walk with her or something. Or she could start carrying a knife or a gun.
Don't believe which part?
Maybe it's just different here in America, or maybe the girls that you know are naive and don't bother trying to keep themselves out of sketchy situations.
That's how they make little girls dresses, even today. The pic you replied to is likely how young women in the Gingham's world would dress- the dresses might be more old-fashioned, but they'd probably have similar cut and lenght.
Yeah. my residence in birmingham is full of sluts
Yes it is, lust is a sin that is just as bad as adultery. It's a sexual offence you have committed against yourself because you've done something sexually immoral
fake af
please be my gf
that's not a catcaller that's a rapist building himself up to actually do it
This is totally scripted and fake, but these days people would believe anything that is presented in front of their stupid faces
A cute desu.
Living in Japan for a while where women still dress like that before returning to the UK has been really jarring for me. What the hell happened to white women in the past 50 years?
>Does it matter if it really makes you think?
That really makes me think.
girls on Sup Forums
also that you dont get catcalled. Its usually low class guys that do it but theres a lot of low class guys out there.
I live in an orthodox Jewish area, all the girls dress like that. I went downtown recently and saw some blue haired girl walking around without a top or bra on, makes me sick seeing these whores
What if she had stopped and talked to him and told him she was not really that kind of girl? Do you think the man would have changed his behavior?
This is a leggit question, I think these kind of men enjoy feeling the fear from their victims, they might lose all interest if they come across a woman who is not afraid of stopping and telling them to go away
>makes me sick seeing these whores
Calm down, John Doe. Wrath is a sin too!
>walk past woman
>look at her butt
>almost get run over
what did they mean by this?
Interacting at all with that kind of person could be extremely dangerous. For all anyone knows he might just be following a girl just once, but if he gets any kind of interaction it's possible that it could escalate.
Best thing to do would just be to ignore it, prep the mace, and get ready to call the cops if it keeps up.
>Wrath (Latin, ira) can be defined as uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred, often revealing itself in the wish to seek vengeance.
When did I ever say I get these feelings?
Im from peru and that video is fake
Well, I live in a small all-white town where most of the people are under the poverty level so I definitely have plenty of trash around.
It's self-evident that you're full of rage. Shameful!
I stand corrected.
I live in negro central sconnie USA so theres plenty of trash.
So when I say it makes me sick someone acting like a whore? I'm full of rage? Do people in Russia normally get full of rage when they see something that makes them sick? When my cat pukes I don't go into a rage because it's gross...
I imagine having black people around must make things ten times worse. I get a little nervous every time I see one randomly around town. All of our trash luckily tends to stick to the forests, and you only see one or two people come out at a time- the people that yell at me usually seem to be slightly better off, driving around in cars and hanging out with their friends, usually younger people.
Yes, instead of expressing your disgust and wishing hell upon them you should pray for them. Let me tell you, you're not a good Christian!
This would be a good thing to advise women about- I have no clue how to handle these situations and don't know what I would do if someone actually approached me and insisted that I react. My husband hates that I just ignore people, he wants me to call people that bug me faggots and tell them to fuck off, but I just don't have the attitude for it- he hates it.
>intentionally dress up to be noticed.
>get offended when noticed.
>tell feminazi dyke with a tv show of your plight.
>dress up mothers provocatively
>mothers are noticed
>family bonds are weakened, men are emasculated, mothers are angered and dissapointed.
>femenazi dyke thinks its great.
I bet theres a fucking jew behind this somewhere.
Surprisingly its more of a proxy affect. They keep to themselves by and large and everyone else just kinda seems more trash by proximity.
Course Milwaukee is segregated af
Oh I see, it's just someone making things up to say you're not a good Christian on Sup Forums. You guys always try to play "gotcha" and point to someone they're not a good Christian.
Show me where I ever said I wish hell upon someone
Here And don't say "I just stated it", it's a wishful thinking alright!
You're not a good Christian, just a wriggling worm now! Everyone sees through your preachy facade.
There doesn't have to be any jewish conspiracy for this to happen. It's simply a shitty ideology and people try to one-up eachother by being more and more progressive. They probably even think that they are making the world a better place.
If I were a woman I'd throw a hand grenade at these motherfuckers. I find catcalling incredibly unpleasant and rude.
That's some next level shit right there Ivan
That's the appropriate response. The crime surely matches the punishment. Death for an obnoxious compliment.
Yes, if you commit sin you will go to hell. Do you belong to one of those feel good churches that say you can sin all you want just believe in Jesus and you'll go to heaven?
Call me whatever names you want I don't really care
I had this hilarious joke lined up involving ladyboys in Pattaya catcalling white guys with phrases like "hey white boy! you American? you want suck?" but then I realised the flag colours are the other way around.
Way to ruin a perfectly good shitpost, user. Bloody spics.
No, I belong to one of these churches that says you should not use churches and God to rationalize your latent hatefulness!
If they go to hell anyway what's the point of thinking about it?
Those women will burn in hell for bringing up lust in those men. Bogomils were right, this is why jews made catholics kill them.
Can you just stop shitposting please? Maybe you want to see women walk around topless but I don't, it's sick. And they can redeem themselves you only go to hell because you know you sin and refuse to try and stop
Here's a solution, look away.
>Maybe you want to see women walk around topless but I don't, it's sick.
You should make a petition to make middle eastern men walk around with their dicks out just for your viewing pleasure canuck
jew or no jew its an admitted fake.
That doesn't solve anything you faggot.
>And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
>White men
Literally the only people I ever see catcalling are not white. if girls respond then they expect sex and will lash out if the girl refuses, if she responds negatively or ignores them then they will lash out anyway.
I was having a drink with my girlfriend in the middle of the day and as soon as I went to the bathroom a group of niggers came up to her and started asking her if I treat her good.
I once walked away from her during an argument and as soon as I was around the corner some Arab looking guys started shouting to her to come and drink with them etc.
A girl could walk through a middle class white neighbourhood in a bikini and would literally get no response except maybe a concerned person asking if she's okay.
I'm not a homo
But it IS Jewish, see The company is from New York, started by a Jew, currently run by a Jew. It's literally a Jewish conspiracy LIKE IT ALWAYS IS.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen
>Maybe you want to see women walk around topless but I don't, it's sick.
Oh boy, oh boy! They make you sick! Move in some better place then or try to fix it! Silly bitchy!
I've been cat called, my town is all white, every one I've been cat called or "sexually harassed" by has been white. It's not always about race but money as well.
If YOUR eye causes you to sin, are you purposefully looking at these women? Then you're the problem
Just stop replying to me, I don't care about your shitposts.
>Walking down the street
>Hot girl walks by
>Say nothing
>Men are misogynist
>No one is paying attention to me
>Men have no balls
>Walking down the street
>Hot girl walks by
>Tell her she is pretty
>Men are misogynist
>Men are paying attention to me
>Men are rapists
Can't win
White people "stare rape" instead. It's harder to catch on video than catcalling, but Hollaback is determined to try.
Ofc, you can't be a homo if you identify as a sissy girl right?