Did he really say this? The democrats are done after this one

Did he really say this? The democrats are done after this one.

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that just cant be real

Someone tell me it's fake. If it's not, this needs to be national news RIGHT NOW

Fox News tweeted it so I think it is

That old bark face fuck wants to treat us like mushrooms; keep us in the dark and feed us shit every day.

Pretty par for the course for liberals though.

Mfw it's real

Nice trip-dubs.

I think what this subhuman piece of trash is getting at is that if we didn't report terrorist attacks as much, there'd be fewer lone wolfs willing to declare themselves to Islam and hurt westerners.

But the problem lies in the fact that this is just liberal nonsense.

Thats legit from a presser yesterday. Through the looking glass bois.

How's Reviewbrah doing? Has he named the Jew yet?

>if goyim doesn't know goyim doesn't care
chairman of ARD (one of Germanistans biggest tax-funded public broadcasting tv channels) literally said the same just a few days ago

He's quite.

Media sensationalizing terrorism and fear-mongering only creates further incentive for more terrorism.

By talking about it over and over agin in the news.
Publishing the face/name and all the ideology of the perpetrators.
It gives ideas to weak people that want to suicide to do it by comitting a terrorist-like attack to have some days of fame.

Why do you think people kill themselves by jumping in front of a train ?
Or why do they kill themselves by proxy with police help ?
It's all about the attention it gets.

So by talking and talking about it, you allow people with nothing to lose easy attention.

I disagree with not talking about it.
But talking about it like the media do right now is wrong.

> increasingly nervous alt-right drumpf-baby says "democrats are done" 7th time this year

He's right*

Can you translate what he said to English please?

Oh boy Canada cuck strikes again. Don't you have a gender studies class to attend soon?

Nice dubs. Unfortunately, the people do have the right to know.

Why are the americans not on the streets already?
You guys need to start a revolution before gun laws come.

Fuck this guy. Glad American choose Dubya over this shill.

Why the fuck does german always post fucking pics or article in german without any translation ???
Do the germans really think anyone except them talk their retard language ???

I think the leaf has a sensual massage booked with one of his clients, bro.

He has black stalkers , my guess is that he is currently applying for a concealed carry license

Justin!! You have to sell canada to chinks, stop wasting time shitposting on mongolian origami forum

The world would be a much better place if we just annexed Canada and marched people like you into the artic.

>Be assured we only do this for ethical reasons and responsibility towards society

Haha what the fuck man

Yeah, I can't believe so many people are skeptical.

Our political elites have been making these kinds of statements and showing this level of arrogance for a long, long time.

If you're surprised by this at all, you're really stupid and uninformed. Even if you're only surprised that he would say this openly, you're really dumb.

They ALL say shit exactly like this, ALL the time. Pay the fuck attention, you fucking retards.

When did we find out they were black? I heard he was being stalked, but I didn't hear who they were.

my deepest apology Ahmed

You know I'm right. The aim of terrorism is to inflict terror on a civilian populace to accomplish a political goal. Disproportional media coverage helps the terrorists more than anything.

Democrats say shit like this because it doesn't fall under there agenda, retard.

So you would rather people be uninformed about terrorism and have people go about there life without worrying about the #1 issue in the world? Gtfo this board Canuck

then by your logic they will do more terror attacks if they dont get enough media coverage...

>people go about there [sic] life without worrying about the #1 issue in the world?
lmao @ you if you think terrorism is the biggest problem the world faces right now. Low information voter.

"ignore our incompetence and the true nature of the cult of islam" -John Kerry

Can anybody understand what this idiot was TRYING to communicate?

I want to defeat his argument, not just his pathetic language skills, But his language skills are SO nonexistent, I don't even know what his argument was supposed to be.

This guy can't even write ONE SENTENCE in his OWN LANGUAGE!

What's the biggest problem then?

Nah, give it moderate media coverage and take direct action against them that doesn't play into their hands

If you blow it out of proportion you get retards like who think terrorism is the most important issue in the world.

Attack my grammar because you have no argument; Typical shillary supporter.

Probably climate change and sustainability.

Kerry: Refrigerator chemicals are just as bad as ISIS
>Air conditioners and refrigerators pose as big a threat to "life on the planet" as the threat of terrorism, Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday.


Wouldn't they commit more attacks then?

Lmao if you actually think climate change is the biggest threat. The temperature raising .00001 percent every 10 years is not a threat. The world gets hot and cold, it's just the way the world works. It has been doing this throughout its entire existence. You Canadians are such fucking retards it's amazing to me.

What is then, cancuck?

He said it was climate change. Topkek indeed.

>Air conditioners are just as bad as an army of terrorists who rape, torture, and kill people every day.
I can't until Trump becomes Pres so we can wake up from the madness.

>Denying AGW
>calling anyone else retarded
also it's much more than ".00001 percent every 10 years"

justin fuck off

> refrigerator chemicals
He can't even say Freon.
I wonder how he spells potato

What part of Canada do you live in?

probably all the heart disease and diabetes that you thicko burgermeisters are subjecting yourselves to

You can't even tell the difference between 'their' and 'there'. you're obviously a 14-year-old memer or a retarded high-school dropout (aka Trump's base)

Brain yourself.

Fucking leafs, man.

Can you imagine Hillary throwing out the first pitch? Wouldn't make it half way to home plate.

Again, attack me on my grammar because you have no argument. You climate change activists are a stupid bunch. Im in college btw while you live on welfare.

i bet hes from toronto

>muh climate change is not real
just stop

What kind of shit ass DeVry-tier college do you go to where you regularly confuse homophones? That isn't a case of grammar, it's a case of retardation.

How is it real? I have yet to hear an answer from you lmao

>missing the point this much
He's saying that Americans freak out more and more about ISIS due to sensationalized news coverage, despite the fact that there is effectively a 0% chance you'll be affected by them. The purpose of terrorism is to instill fear, and media coverage exacerbates this.

He's not saying that the media should stop covering Islamic terrorism due to general cuckoldry and liberal weakness or whatever. He's saying that a media culture promoting distress and fear doesn't help anyone.

leave him alone, he's just a simple american burger

This has to be one of the most unitelligent responses I've ever seen. Atleast you tried.


if you cover terrorism, they win

oh the irony

OP here, for all the retards who are agreeing with Kerry let me ask you something. If your wife was cheating on you, would it be better that you didn't know? Something to ponder on.

>news, please stop reporting the news
John Cuckerry

>"People wouldn't know what's going on"
You're the one who missed the point.

But he's right. When's the last time a terrorist group perpetrated a direct attack on US soil? 9/11. Since then its only been terrorist 'inspired' attacks, which are usually caused by extremely easy access to guns rather than any sophisticated terror plot. Regardless, terrorism only accounts for a very small number of homicides each year in america. You're simply using terrorism as a scapegoat to ignore the real issues

>Amerilard can't stop thinking about cuckoldry and tries to force inept cuckoldry analogies into everything he discusses
Really makes electrochemical activity surge in your prefrontal cortex.

he's just trying to speak your language

Well meme'd my friend

>i-i only brought up cuckoldry because I t-thought y-you liked it too


Isn't this a standard left-wing opinion though. "Facts that are inconvienient or destroy our narrative, should be hidden and barred from pbulic discourse"

Actually the most recent one was the shooting at Pulse Night Club in Orlando and the one before that was San Bernardino. But hey, atleast you tied!

Just like they don't report much the massacre Kerry ordered when he was in Vietnam.

They dwell on certain people and subjects, and are blasé about others for whatever reason.

I agree with horse faced Kerry, less talking more killing

Except we don't do that. US barely attacks ISIS and the reason he doesn't want people to know is because Islamic Terrorism doesn't fall with the liberal agenda.

you're the only one talking about liking it

>Actually the most recent one was the shooting at Pulse Night Club in Orlando and the one before that was San Bernardino

Did you not see

>Since then its only been terrorist 'inspired' attacks,

As in, people who weren't affiliated, trained by, or even in contact with any terrorist group. They simply decided to do it on their own initiative, and were able to carry out their attacks because of extremely easy access to guns. Hence why I said you're simply scapegoating terrorism in order to draw attention away from the real issue which is gun laws. But I guess thats a bit too difficult for your tiny brain to comprehend

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>tfw we are experiencing the beginning of an Orwellian nightmare

The Dems want the media to treat Muslim terror like they do black crime in other words.





those were the good days. if hillary wins this election and makes every spic and sand nigger a citizen we may not ever have another republican president

I'll take the rare shooter over losing the unalienable right to protect myself any day of the week, Leaf. And when Ahmed comes to break down your door behead and rape your MTF "wife" you'll be wishing you had that right too.

American Civil War 2: Mass Graves Jigaboo

We still have easy access to crossbows

I didn't even care for dubya that much but he was 10 times better than kang nigger

instead of ignoring them we should be strafing them

You mispelled SHART

Oh it's real, better get this spreading lads.

I remember being angry that Kerry lost the election and thought Bush rigged it.

Nowadays I know better and thank Dubuya for it.

Yeah I wonder which is the safer, better country to live in. The one with gun nuts, or the one without them

>And when Ahmed comes to break down your door behead and rape your MTF "wife"

That's a hilarious maymay coming from a faggot whos country is literally 60% white and dropping, and who has elected a nigger as president for 2 terms

We have decimated Isis and we kill terrorist scum everyday. Their last stronghold is in Syria, which we don't want to touch because of Assad

I think Dubya was great desu... was comfy as fuck watching American and British troops roflstomp sandniggers, even if it was obvious the three by twos did 9/11.