Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!

Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!

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Get lost you fucking creepy bitch, you don't even look Japanese, you look like a fucking ayy lmao.

I don't know why, but I look forward to the daily repost of this thread.

Konichiwa to you too boo

You won't find any larger-than-average ones in the alt-right movement though.

White pig stay away from japanese woman

speak for yourself


Is it true that Japanese women have small vaginas?

What's the story with this gookess? I saw one of her videos and she tries her hardest to sound politically knowledgeable, then in the same sentence says ridiculous shit like Rape of Nanking never happened. It reminds me of Balkan war propaganda


>All this shit starts costing three times as much

I resent your generalization as an individual who serves as an exception to your fallacious accusation

tldr; fk u nig muh dik

All our jobs start paying us 3 times more.

i want sex with her

Do normal Japanese people even speak like this?

Employers want to pay their workers LESS, not more.


It would feel good on the benis

Being a fellow gook, she won't refuse your offer.

Hory shits, you are right.
We must outsource all of our jobs to new z land if we want to survive. A no jobs USA is a successful USA

Not what I was saying, Americoon. Nice strawman though. :)

>Not what I was saying
Oh, I see. You must be talking about tax breaks for US manufacturers as an incentive to bring manufacturing and jobs back to the US.

>his women prefer to get BLEACHED, BLACKED, and BEANED
Smdh cuck tbqh


>outsource to new Zealand
>not India/syria/Africa etc

>this man has sucked so many cocks that he knows from experience what size of penis people have just by reading about them on the internet

He's a cocknipotent.

She's a big girl.

Stop shitting on randomyoko for no reason.