What does Sup Forums think of this cuckold "totally not at all" Marxist, quarter-black, basement-dwelling yellow-teethed manchild loser?
Sargon of Akkad
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He may be a marxist fool but at least he's more rational than the radical leftists
I despise his content
Not even researching the topic and just turning on the camera and spouting his uneducated by the most part bullshit
Or just reading articles
he at least is a family man.
I like him and yes he is all of those things you just said but he did get BTFO so maybe he will learn.
Literal cuck and attention whore, his only good video is the one where he makes fun of that crazy feminist mice lady.
>literal cuck
I keep hearing this, is he really raising a son that's not his or is that a meme?