Does Sup Forums think so too?
Karpernick is a dumbcunt
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I do. He's a materialistic no talent fuck who is reaching for attention by being an idiot.
At least he's willing to call out Hillary's bullshit too though.
Plus, is he just a dirty jew or a goat fucking desert roach?
Hes a nigger
and even worse hes a muslim
so pretty much not even human
fuck this niggerfaggot
krapondick is a dirty muslim piece of pig shit
Thought so. I say Goodell fires his ass
Why do grown up niggers with millions of dollars still dress like children?
And fuck Tom Brady too!
They really can't thought because that would feed into the shitstorm he's trying to cause. Let him have his dogshit opinions and don't give him any attention for it.
Only people who ever helped him were white.
His nigger dad was out the door before his fly was zipped.
Adopted by a white family who cared for him, giving him the chance to make millions playing niggerball.
And he STILL does this shit.
Dating a head BLM activist, recent convert to Islam.
He's just one more stupid, radicalized nigger that has no reason to spout the shit that he does.
You know he got buttfucked by a trashy fake-everything looking tranny right?
No wonder i have Latin fever
Because their moms dressed them like thr nigger that left them.
>During the off-season Colin Kaepernick converted to Islam. Colin Kaepernick is also engaged to Black Lives Matter activist and hip-hop radio personality DJ Nessa Diab. Black Lives Matter as an activist group is synonymous with promotion of authentic Islam.
Well whats his face head coach should cut him then
My friend is a Niners fan and he liked him right as they drafted him but like halfway through his rookie year he had already dropped him. I'm like the Niners but they aren't my team and I've like Kap longer, but this preseason bullshit made me drop him too. He's getting worse at football and then he goes and does that shit. That mullato half breed can fuck and get injured this year with his scrambling he does.
He still ass sore from the Ravens Super Bowl win? Yeah, im still smug about that
Chip Kelly! Thats his name. I hope he cuts him from the roster
fuck you
Kek I dunno, probably. Like I said, I like the Niners a little, but they aren't my team so I was admittedly rooting for them in that game. Oh well, I wasn't devastated or anything.
Like I said, it would feed his bullshit narrative. He would be given another soapbox to stand on and spout this nonsense.
The best thing is to just ignore him in my opinion. I'd prefer he just disappear altogether but firing him/cutting him would only add to the fire given the MSM's stance on these issues.
Personally I think the free market might fix it. I don't enough people won't buy tickets because of his antics but enough people will distance themselves from the franchise that they'll feel it in their bank accounts and are forced to act.
He's still ass pained from getting buttfucked by mia isabella.
>land of the free
>get bullied when you refuse to sing the anthem
They can still cut him for lack of performance
Well he called out Hillary so hes alright in my book
Think about it like this.
America has so much freedom that you can desecrate your own flag. You should be proud of that.
You don't have to agree with the statement, but you should be proud to live in a country like that.
One good deed doesn't make up for years of stupidity
Ill be proud when patriotism isn't shunned
And I'll be proud when police and soldiers are respected and not discriminated
What exactly was he protesting?
He's dating a George Soros controlled drone so he's protesting against liberty and America
What fucking cuckery!
So shut the hell up you fucking leaf
I agree, but
is what pisses people off. It's a double standard.
Fuck off, Brady's the best quarterback that ever played the damn game.
I think he's protesting a country where mothers have to worry about their child's safety every time they rob a liquor store.
Brady is a cheating bastard
Proof?? Deflate gate is load of horseshit
I can tell you're a Patsfag
Read my lips: Raiders will win a Super Bowl this year.
Krapperdick is a terrible QB.
Everyone knows he's a retarded swagfag that worships Beats headphones. The guy is an utter moron. He is so mentally incompetent, that's why this whole "protesting" thing is a joke. He probably doesn't even know how to multiply two numbers together.
Thats why you cut his ass for performance
He only does so, because Hillary's not black. Notice how Kaperdick never talks shit about King Nigger.
>it's a "football fan who's only knock on Brady is that he may or may not of been aware that the footballs he was using had a few less iotas of air that a regulation football has thus is a cheater" episode
Bold statement for a post lacking dubs
Barry Sotoro isn't black, he's a desert roach.
Reports are saying that he's getting cut. Dude isn't officially registered to them, he's fucked.
Bold words from someone whos off by one. Faggot
It was already confirmed that the Pats both knew and caused the deflated balls, senpai.
Kek knows the truth
Your lack of dubs, contradicts that. Also it will be the Seahawks.
The team should be fined for letting him out of the dressing room.
My trips say Raiders
Kek does not will it. Sorry raidersbro.
Fuck you MOOK, i would've had Satanic trips had it not stalled
WTF?! Daddy Trump is on The Herd?!?!
Citation needed
On a side note, i vote to make desert roach the newest racial slur for mudslimes
>No wonder i have Latin fever
My father is a lifelong Niners fan and also a marine vet. He says if Kaepernick ever starts a game for the Niners ever again, he'll drop the Niners forever. He says if they can support a person like Kaepernick, he can't support them.
They play in San Diego next, and i bet he'll do it to piss people off
I don't know. I don't really watch baseball.
So he's a terrorist.
The only baseball i watch is Texas Rangers baseball. And they will win the World Series this year
10 years ago the player would be cut without question before he knew what hit him.
The NFL is a non-profit organization. It cannot tolerate this kind of behavior.
>NFL is non profit
What the fuck are you smoking m8?
Of course
Whats the next part of his plan?
the madman did it again
Nothing terrorist related? I'm disappointed Zyklon Ben
there's 'BLM' tattooed on his right arm
But i expected him to use the fact that kaepernick converted to Islam
This is nothing compared to the Hillary one. The one where he used meme magic