Bourgeoisie scum will defend this

>Bourgeoisie scum will defend this
Capitalists deserve to die. The rich will share, whether they like it or not.



>once again portraying republicans as the evil socio-economic force

Yeah because democrats are the people's saints, who never take kickbacks or act in their own interests...

This is only a point of "moral outrage" to the leftist faggots because there is a pie at all.

what they're not showing is how the rich bought the ingredients, gave the middle class a piece for baking the pie, and gave the poor sustenance because they're not inhuman.

Also not portrayed are the pie-making ingredients granted to the poor which the middle class don't receive.

If they were so inclined, (and not so lazy) the niggers on the bottom could bake their own fucking pie and horde it.

So you see, the middle class figures are the only ones who survive on effort alone.

And off to the side we see the portrayal of the GOP offering tax cuts to the super wealthy. And I agree, that is immoral. In fact, the immorality of that action is what demonstrates the entire cartoon is flawed. That an electorate can propose tax cuts at all is anti-capitalist.

>whites as rich and handsome

>blacks are poor and hunchbacked

what did he mean by this?

Find me one society in history where a wealth gap did not exist
>you cant

Yeah, the feudal version of this would be nobility eating the whole pie while the middle class would be a knight robbing the poor.

>posting the edit

So Horsey is saying Trump is going to make America wealthy again?

> German poster
> economically illiterate

Why am I not surprised..

toasting in ebin bread

B-b-but m-muh socialism

Where are the fathers?

>Corpertists deserve to die. The rich will share, whether they like it or not.

Fixed it for you

>This shit again
Capitalism is great, but it needs slight Socialism tendencys. Before anyone bitches about that
>Great Depression, no safety net
Keyword is SLIGHT, not much.
Once you weed out those who Never worked and payed in, there would be plenty for people, forcing those without to go and get work.
>I knew a nigger who has never worked, gets SS and bitches about how much he gets
>Mom worked for years and owned her own business, was dick her entire life and finally had to go on SS
Someone who worked all there life's is but on par with someone who hasn't worked a single day.
THAT'S what's wrong.

>the rich magically have a stockpile of tangible consumer goods they are hiding from us

This is false

Kill yourself

Marxists deserve to die


>The rich will share, whether they like it or not.
Oh no we're so scared

>implying wealth is finite

God you faggots are fucking retarded.



Capitalists have perpetually exploited labor. Paying them tiny portions of the revenue those laborers generate.

The capitalists have gone to great lengths to destroy education, so that the uneducated will not realize the extent to which they are exploited.

The capitalists have monopolized political power, literally stealing our social democracy away from us. They turn our attentions towards cultural differences and ignite petty squabbles about skin color, religion, and hobbies.

The capitalists have distorted the reality of crime to perpetuate fear and uncertainty which promotes workers feeling disparate and compliant.

The capitalists, in their own greed move to automate production, removing the worker altogether thus collapsing the economy altogether and their own ability to conduct business.

The capitalists are parasites. The capitalists are a sickness. The capitalists are a blight robbing humanity of self fulfillment, happiness, and freedom.

The capitalists will be brought to their knees.

gtfo kike

>Democrats hate whipped cream
Why do they get triggered over everything?

>Capitalists have perpetually exploited labor. Paying them tiny portions of the revenue those laborers generate.

And so the system you propose necessarily rejects personal property.

I know you commies like to say

>"nuh-uh there's personal property, just not private property."


That's as true for human beings as it is for material goods.

Even art is an appreciating good with a function.

Would you say the owner of a painting is exploiting the work of the painter?

>The capitalists are parasites

You're just too retarded. History shows capitalism succeeds because of the compounding of the function of capital.

If a starving man asked a communist for food, the communist would get morally indignant and refuse because he doesn't want to exploit the poor starving man.