
WTF is going on with genders these days?

Are there suddenly more people without a dick or vagina between there legs? Are there suddenly more people with mental illness?

Why is it such a big issue

Redpill me on genders in america. Its starting to anger me

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My left arm identifies as a woman so I lost my virginity at 16.

>what gender do you identify as
>none are straight male or female
I guess normal is no longer normal...

This shit is fucking retarded and encouraged en mass. Websites like Twitter, Imgur and Reddit are to blame for these precious snowflake echo chamber breeding centers.

The issue is that social media is giving a voice to the mentally ill. They rally together, the progressives blindly support anything that's not the status quo because they have to fight conservatives on literally every issue and are, in result, not only enabling but encouraging mental illness.

>tfw uncle died and cousin from other part of the family decides to come out as transgender during his ceremony.

These things also require a large amount of attention.

Don't think about it so much

First day?
A mental wound both in mental people and teens has been completely propagated by (((people))) in order to fuck shit up.
This nice gentleman who has defected from the kgb explains much:

Those crazy bastards are useful idiots and victims.

Some people have gender dysphoria, where their neural pathways don't "match up" with their physical body. They have a penis, but it doesn't feel "right" to them. There is a similar condition where peoples brains can't recognise limbs as their own, and it causes them such distress they seek surgical amputation for relief (and will DIY it if doctors refuse).

Some biological males have gender dysphoria, and it can vary in severity. By dressing and acting like a girl, for some this is enough to lessen the feeling of wrongness and they live normally. For others they transition entirely and actively hate their penis because it doesn't "belong" to them.

Since there is no cure for this conditon at the moment, other than very heavy anti psychotic (forget the name) that leave you a zombie, the currently accepted standard is to transition to the gender you feel comfortable as.

Now, all of these people only represent a tiny fraction of society. But the idea has been co-opted by larger groups of people, the absolute lowest tier losers and degenerates, the dregs of society. They confuse their lack of masculine identity with believing that being a female will somehow be better. Copper cap is a good example of this, so is chris chan. Both fat, pathetic losers that aren't real men - thus they go by the logic that if they aren't men, they must be women.

>dat venom snake gender

God I hate our society. Can't we worry about real problems instead of mentally ill people and what bathroom they use. Jesus christ.

Gender dysphoria is a real thing; what you're seeing now is a fallout of sorts following an ego-coddling education system telling kids, "You can be whatever you want to be in life," and media exploitation of an actual problem via Bruce Jenner.

In other words, this is simply a fad with irreversible consequences.

The transgender suicide rate post-op sits at somewhere near 40%. That said, people mutilating their genitals is not solving the real underlying problem in 40% of cases.

There are only 2 genders: male and female. Anything else is pure delusion.


>Can't we worry about real problems

No, because our culture has literally been subverted to the point that this kind of degeneracy is normal and mainstream. The white family has been more or less destroyed, and each generation of children is raised less well than the prior one because of it.

Hence the rise of nu-males - men who don't know how to behave like men.

Are there suddenly more people with mental illness?YES

Its called gender dsyphoira (or something) like telling a nutter than the voices in their . and should believe it.

Wait I Have an image for this.

user, you win this time

Never skip leg day.

At least balance that shit out


>most of my body is male, but my right arm and left leg is female
literally why is that a thing?


Yes, it is a mental illness, and it is shit, I have it.

I won't transgender or anything, but it is horrible.

It is really dysphoric a constant, no stop, mind numbing dysphoria, the more you get older the more you become apathic and annoyed to anything.

The thing is, most dysphoric people don't feel like a girl, or a boy, it is kind of mixed, it is horrible.

Maybe they've put something in the water or something. Or maybe, people are being more opened to it.

>The issue is that social media is giving a voice to the mentally ill.
Like 4channers

Reddit's a lot more politically incorrect than it used to be since /r/the_donald half took over the site, it was amazing to see when the majority of the posts on the front page were pro-trump posts. Too bad the admins corrected their record.


Yuri Bezmenov was a fucking prophet

this started as liberal arts gone wrong. the goal was to actively lie to people to their face with something they knew was a lie but pressure them into accepting it if necessary using only liberal bullshit

this was picked up by some trolls who took it further and thought it was funny to screw with tumblrs fragile hold on reality

tumblr thought it was real and lobbied for shit to be counted as real in newyork. newyork is fucking retarded. they cant handle a few nigs because of liberal faggotry and shit gets broke but SC can have the rebel flag up for generations no chimp outs and when they show up they diffuse it by taking it down then moving it back later because fuckyou thats why and still no chimp outs

Humans do not have a gender, they have a sex. Romance language nouns have a gender.

South Carolina doesn't have chimpouts because white people can shoot back.

it's the water, Rodigo

drink only bottled and smoke only homegrown hash.

everyone wants to be a special snowflake
thats all it is. thats all it ever was.

yeah, and any idiot can voice his opinions on the site.

people are gonna give him shit, but he can still say he likes fucking niggers.

Well I'm sure it has nothing to do with trying to crash the birth rate of racial undesirables.

Yes, that is it.

I think it should be treated as a mental illness, it will help the medicine to find a cure for it.

Normie here. This shit doesn't really exist anywhere where normal people work or gather. It's a function of social media and the internet and we all know that the people who can dedicate the most time to social media and the internet are people who have nothing else going on.

I work in finance. If someone walked into the office claiming to be a non-cis bi-queer demisexual otherkin or some shit, I'd probably be the only dude there who would even know what the fuck they were trying to say thanks to Sup Forums; normies would be completely fucking lost and the person would be marginalised. Normal people have too much shit going on to be worried about this nonsense. Ignore it.

I hate leftists, communists, nu males, all the left shit, but the mental illness really exists.

It is horrible.

Thinking about suicide is a trivial thing for me at this point.

Basically 8th grade syndrome that (((they))) are encouraging. In the past you got bullied and/or grew up.

So what does it manifest itself as? Do you not like your own body, or male genitalia? Or is it something more subtle, a general feeling of wrongness?

I don't know.

My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it.

Three genders: Man, woman and retard


There are only 2 genders.

I like how there's not even a normal one.

Well my right nipple has fewer hairs around it than my left, so I guess I'm female on my right nipple.

Why the fuck isn't that on the chart??HELP I'm being oppressed!!

If my arm is female, masturbation counts as getting laid.



Checks out

>not posting the full chart

There's absolutely nothing else to say.

Can't find attack helicopter.

People like you are so out of touch with basic statistics that you don't understand that these beliefs are held by

no symbol for 68 camaro

All the way to the left, third row up from the bottom.

Here's the deal. There's always been weirdos and wackos in the world. Men have been dressing up as women for ages, mostly as a gag. This isn't even the problem really. The real problem is the massive rise in sexual degeneracy, and where this comes from is easy to explain.

It used to be that women would abstain or mostly abstain from sex untill marriage. It also used to be that you only interacted with people in a pretty small radius around where you lived. This pretty much guaranteed a mate in your league in your lifetime. Sure there were weirdos, but they got bullied out of it. Sure there were gays, but they were not accepted and just got married, had kids and kept their homosexuality on the DL.

All that changed. The sexual revolution pretty much made it so 80% of men never ever get laid. Women are more promiscuous than ever, and everyone accepts this. If you don't accept this, you're wrong. The invention of the internet made everyone realise how hot everyone outside their town was. Hot girls move away to the city to ride the cock carousel for ten years then settle down with some beta guy.

that 80% of men who don't get laid spend most of their time online masturbating. Dopamine desensitization drives them deeper and deeper into the fetish hole. Degeneracy becomes the norm and they soon find themselves in communities where they can actually find sex. Homosexuality becomes sort of a last resort sexual strategy. If you're not gonna reproduce with a woman, may as well have fun with some dudes.

Ask yourself this. Why are there so many gays and so few lesbians. Why are there so many MTF trannies and so few FTM. Even the ugliest women get tons of dick nowadays. Only the hottest guys get pussy.

tl;dr: Transgenderism is a last resort 'reproductive' strategy for sexually rejected beta males.

t. Chad

3 up from bottem left.

Worse than any LGBTQWTFBBQLMAO person are the people who enable them for the precious attention and virtual pats on the back they get on social media.

I think a lot of the problem lies in narcissism and liberals needing to feel validating by getting likes and comments on facebook and twitter. These people perpetuate this shit and egg it on so they can look like righteous do gooders.

It's the internets fault.
The retarded wannabe trannies can talk freely with others anonymously.
They can egg each other on and develop their twisted fetishes safely on internet forums.
In the past these whims were kept quiet and secret and quashed with shame and prolonged thought.
Now you can go online and find any forum to cater to any whim your mind conjures up.
It's only going to get worse, but at least trannies can't really breed.

You're either male or female. Until you chop off or mutilate your shit then you are allowed to """""""""genderswap"""""""""

We opened a can of worms by not keeping the lid on fags, now we're slipping down the soapy slippery slope and it's not meant to stop until you can't recognise your society or language anymore.

>Everyone wants to be special
>Achieving anything notable is hard work
>I'll invent a reason I'm a special snowflake instead


This should have been the first post, everybody would have replied FPBP and this thread could have been over with.

>dick or vagina

Why does society use slang words for penis way more than slang vagina terms. If you're going to say dick you should say pussy or something along those lines.

It's the rise of cultural Marxism in western society. Liberal college students are being taught that, almost everything they know to be true, is a product of oppression by straight white men. In response to this, they've now started to take everything that is normal and flipped it upside down as a protest. You say I'm born a woman? Fuck you I'm a man now. It's really incredible how much they've bought into the hype. They redefine words and do mental gymnastics daily to make their delusions reality. And as other people have already mentioned, they are enabling people with serious mental illness and using that as a rally point.

A medical article once said that enabling someone with transgender illness is the equivalent of telling a schizophrenic that the voices are real and calling it treatment. When you look at it that way, you realize just how fucked up the whole situation is.


>Fullmetal Activitst - Sisterhood

Feelling like you are in the wrong body, don't take pictures because the person you see on the photograph doesn't "feel" like you.

Compare yourself to other girls, wish you had "softer" bones, constant anxiety, feeling love brings anxiety, because you feel there is something wrong but you can't point it.

You feel your body very tense all the time, specially on the scalp.

The feeling of being "wrong" is somewhat related to feeling "dirty" and doing nothing to clean yourself, but it is about your body. It is not exactly this feeling, but something like it.

Constant need to change your body, trying to rationalize that your hips are "expanding".

Daydream about having slim waist, large hips, and big breast.

Can't talk to people without feeling there is something wrong with the way you act.

I don't know how to react as a male, provoking and being provoked, act like a male, fight and stuff.

Can't play games as a male, because I wish I was the girl.

I need to act "tough" all the time, but in reality I'd like to buy some really girly clothes and use make up.

With time, the more you aware of this the more you start to avoid people, because people start to question and stuff.

But at the same time not feeling like a complete woman.

Love penis, but not man.

Feeling apathy for almost everything, don't want to work hard towards a carreer, don't want to build a family.

The dysphoria varies with people, I feel like I'm more of a mix than anything, since I like the "logic" way I normally think, most girls are more emotive.

If there was a pill that would fix it, I would take it without hesitation.

Just take a seat and let the world burn. Keep your family safe and let everyone else get fucked. Let natural selection happen to the weak

Sex = gender. They are the same thing. Sexuality is different and can be fluid.

You can be male, female, or intersex (an extremely rare and usually physically dysfunctional freak of nature, one in many tens of thousands of births).

You either produce sperm or eggs, but never both. There never has been and never will be any human who could both ejaculate sperm and impregnate someone else AND receive sperm and become pregnant.

Gender fluidity is literally nothing other than mind control to confuse impressionable youths, prevent them frpm reproducing, expose them to diseases, and distort their minds. This is deliberate and malevolent perversion of children on the most massive scale that the world has ever seen.

Tell us about your relationship with your mother.

This might be true in YOUR generation, but go ahead and talk to some 17 year old kids. They ALL think that they're some kind of genderqueer turbokink polygendered semi-double bi-spirited faggotkin.

It's not us we need to be worried about, it's the kids.

Gender is how people define themselves. Gender used to be rooted in reality in that it was the same thing as sex, but now people use the word to define themselves as whatever they want, while falsely believing it is still rooted in reality. It is a consequence of mental illness caused by kids being exposed to the degeneracy and stupidity of the internet from a young age.

>Redpill me on genders in america.

A fringe movement made up of young progressives brought up by aging hippies are pushing identity politics to the point where they want to normalize things that were considered mental illnesses years ago.

This movement stresses the notion that people must accept others in the way that they choose to present themselves, no matter how outlandish, disgusting, or deceitful that such presentations may be.

Politicians and public officials seeking to appear virtuous have latched onto this movement in an attempt to push inclusivity at the expense of social integrity, scientific findings, and common decency.

It is okay, normal. Nothing wrong with my dad neither, which has passed away when I was 19.

Live in a okay house, okay food, normal education, religious family. Nothing wrong. Except to live in this shithole country.

Feeling like this since I was thirteen/fourteen. It is getting worse and worse with time. I'm in my late 20's.

I can't properly function anymore, I need to create fantasies in my head and I look at the mirror as little as possible so I won't trigger the dysphoria.

I have a long hair since teenager years, because it makes more girly, but I pass as someone who likes rock.

I never had a meaniful relationship neither. But I really loved some girls, and had a good chance with them, with one of them saying that she really likes me. But I always though that there was something wrong.

It was for the best, since she was my best friend, and I knew it was really import for her to raise a family. We ended fighting, because I couldn't act the way a man should act in the situation, she use to imply I was gay all the time. She wasn't right but she wasn't completly wrong neither.

Oh ok then, you should totally chop your dick off and grow tits it will make you feel better and probably won't lead to suicide.
Although a religious family decimated by a fathers death would dissolve in interesting ways.

It's just a new way of being edgy when you make up your own gender.

is it possible to disassociate your own body from yourself?
are you able to just stop caring about your body?


Nah, I would never be "passable".

It is better this way, it would only cause me more problems.

Yes, if you sexually identify as not-body.

There are only three genders: male, female and mental disorder.

No, that is why I daydream a lot.

It is more like I'm repressing it.



No that's two genders and an illness.

I hope someone at least beat the shit out of the faggot.