What was your reaction at this scene (if you didn't know the spoilers) at the time?
Literally felt sick, a bit nauseous, was watching this series for the first time in 2015
got up and talked to my cousin in the other room "they killed everyone, they killed everyone" and started to look at the wall thinking, really couldn't believe
Samuel Williams
Luke Collins
This scene had a far less intense impact on me compared to when Ned dies.
Ned's death is still the saddest death, regardless of how naive he was.
Joshua Morris
Yeah I was mad since I really liked Robb.
Isaiah Cook
James Nguyen
I started watching this show from the beginning this month, before I thought that this show was just full of sex and incest and they wouldn't go that far. No way could they kill the guy who just died's son but they did. It got me hooked into the series because it was very different from the usual stuff I saw.But now the series is just disappointing.
John Evans
I had the same feeling reading the chapter, but watching it I was trying not to hide my laughter at everyone around me freaking out.
Andrew Wilson
the way that guy slices catelyn's throat at the end looked really awkward to me
Jayden Hall
I knew what was coming but was still horrified when Talisa got killed since Robb's wife lives in the books