Let's talk cinematic universes
Why does some don't while others do?
Marvel and Monsterverse work
but DC and Dark Universe suck
Let's talk cinematic universes
Why does some don't while others do?
Marvel and Monsterverse work
but DC and Dark Universe suck
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Monsterverse has precedent, it worked just fine back in the day. Plus, you need multiple monsters to make a series about any one of them work, who would watch a bunch of movies about Godzilla destroying cities over and over again without any other monsters?
I'd watch the shit out of a Dark Souls cinematic universe, but it'll never happen.
Monsterverse is too early to say if it actually works yet.
Blizzard cinematic universe. Diablo movie (following the hunt for the dark wanderer), continuation of warcraft and/or jumping straight to frozen throne, starcraft ghost movie
>Evangelion, Gamera, Ultraman, and Patlabor all become part of the monsterverse
What do you do?
The monsterverse has had two mediocre movies and neither has grossed even $600 million. I wouldn't call it a success yet
I could see a dark fantasy series in the same vein working, though I seriously doubt a legit dark souls film series would be plausible.
There is hardly any dialog in the games and most of the story and lore is told through item descriptions.
>marvel works
>DC sucks
Is this a bait thread? Nice job