ITT: Redpilled/alt-right fictional characters
ITT: Redpilled/alt-right fictional characters
Who is that
>Not knowing the true path of enlightenment is the way of the Cabbage.
>you will never fuck the rarest Pepe
feels bad man
frogs have no vaginas you know?
they copulate via hugs (amplexus)
I am in day one on my no fap session. Why do you do this to me.
wtf is this fucking shit
im done with this board
>Implying she won't be browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums in a year or so, now that she dropped her need of pupularity and will slowly learn engrish
God, you frog fags are delusional as ever. I'm glad you're here and not on Sup Forums.
Stop saying alt-right. It's not a real term.
> ughhh i am SO DONE btw i suck dick xd
To be fair snufkin is pretty awesome.
>travels the world knowing full well its full of dangerous shit.
>only stays in town during summer.
>refuses money saying he has no need for it
>preaches and practices self reliance
>removes gremlin kebab.
I'm sorry.
Definitely don't click this one
by which I mean this one
sup, heretics
Everyone on Sup Forums
>they copulate via hugs
>that thread
I hadnt seen that level of autism in a while
>What the fuck? Literally what's the need for a condom in this image? It's a fucking drawing, there's absolutely zero risk of any sort of disease or pregnancy. I thought the point of hentai was for it to be idealised, yet you have an item that's purely utilitarian and the only reason I can think of that it would be included in this image is to distract from the center focus (the dick) and why would anyone in their right mind want that? You have an object designed to restrict the flow of bodily fluids at the expense of pleasure, so what's the cause for it to be included in a scenario where it's unnecessary? I'm sorry, I just don't understand, maybe you could enlighten me on this matter. If it's some sort of fetish (which I still can't see) that would be at least understandable, but adding this amount of unnecessary realism to a drawing like this just boggles me. Maybe you could give this a think for a bit and get back to me, because I sure would like to know.
you definitely want to avoid this kind of lewd thing
What's with you queers getting triggered lately?
> uggghhh normies are inflitrating my SUPER SECRET BOARD GTFO *sucks cock menacingly*
winner, hands down
>Asserts collective will is dumb and more detrimental to the world than individuals with free will even if those people disagree
>Destroys a politician using mass media to control and brainwash the people
>Punches a jew
>Recognizes evil is necessary for the world to keep turning even if the fight against it is endless
>Perfectly capable of telling that the line between justice and stupidity is paper thin, but will keep riding it anyways.
I'll have to draw her now thanks Nippon.
Blackjack is pretty fucking based. Especially in his adult years.
Nah. Gendo is just a depressed father who wants to see his waifu again and would kill his son to do so.
Get out.
Don't you have be a triggered little shit somewhere else?
where is source faggot-senpai!
hold your horses Poland
It's on that page in several languages with some other frogtits comics
>manlet that cares for nothing but muh gains
I don't see how he could be red pilled. Because he knew about how much of an asshole Frieza was? Everyone did.
What's an alt right?
Newspeak faggotry.
Nigga did nothing wrong
>dresses as a nazi
>off his meds
>probably autistic
>can't actually fight for shit
Sup Forums, the character.
Nofap is a ZOG meme. Here, I'll help you break the conditioning.
I just started watching it. How is the frog redpilled?
I've seen this show before, is it called Moomin or something like that? Is it worth watching?
You'll find out, eventualy
>this thread
>not posting Trump's hentai
Her pussy became legitimately alt right
>all these major faggets posting waifu bait instead of actual Sup Forums tier characters
shiemfu desupurei
It's pretty cool. Mostly comfy sol-esque stuff with the occasional adventure thrown into the mix. The adventures are really varied too, ranging from wild western to castaway and from ghost ships to ancient temples full of traps.
Fuck off paco
Literally controlled oposition characters.
Ulfric's victory is against Thalmor goals, they want a prolonged civil war that nobody wins.
She just wants to make Gameindustri great again.
He literally took the red pill.
>I was perfectly content, but when you decided to throw away your honor as a homunculus you forced me to step in. You speak of your precious pride, that quality for which you were named. But then you suddenly find yourself in grave danger and you seek to escape into the body of a human, a lower life form you so despise. It's pathetic. You're a disgrace.
A funny fact is that Ulfric got rekt in every other circumstance that not involves the dragonborn
>Is a fucking traitor (Spilled everything to the Thalmore due torture)
>Bad strategist (loses at the beginning of the game)
>Nords actually fought the Thalmor in the war, with other races and got rekt collectively
I can't see him winning if not by the power of a god that fights for him in a literal way.
> ummm EXCUSE me but im fascistfaggotkin respect muh politics
Stark was redpilled
Why is she always mentioned in these threads? Does she actually do some redpill stuff in the manga or is it just because of kek/pepe/frog memes?
I've only seen the anime and she hasn't really done too much so far.
I did not asked for this.
"Has a great hatred for private property"
Really marx you think
Literally the only good character in this godawful game.
>Tay will never be ur gf
Someone on another thread said that in the manga its heavily implied that she thinks that Japan should have wiped off Russians instead of the Chinese in WW2 and that the wrong side won
I could have been rused though
Or shes just a meme, like how Harambe is considered an alt-right mascot