Here's a little redpill for the faggots:
I've passed through christian conversion therapy. You don't get tortured or shocked until you're hetero again. You don't get traumatized or anything. It's literally just talking about it, and it works. Catholics saved me from the influx of degenerate fetishes the LGBT community spews out.
The (((media))) is constantly reminding you what "conversion therapy survivors" went through as though there was some kind of holocaust in christian camps.
At the end of the therapy, I learnt that homosexuality and bisexuality are nothing but fetishes.
You weren't "born that way", faggot. You were exposed to it and too mentally weak to resist or to even understand it.
Here's a little redpill for the faggots:
>pray your gay away
oy vey, duh bible is h8 speech
Didn't a lot of those programs actually get shut down by the left for being hateful or some stupid shit?
>$0.05 has been deposited in your paypal account, thank you for Focusing On The Family
>-- Jerry Falwell Jr
i've always thought of it like an alcoholics anonymous type thing.
it annoys the shit out of me when atheists say "it never works," "they always end up being gay again."
it would be beyond fucked up if a person were to say that to someone trying to overcome alcohol/narcotic addiction through treatment like that, there's not much of a difference.
good luck, man (assuming this is a serious post.)
Like with all things, I'm sure there are some good conversion therapies out there as well as some bad ones. Don't expect the good ones to be shown off in the media. The media has it's agenda and is sticking to it.
I've been exposed to violent movies and video games and homosexuality my whole life
I've never killed anybody, and i'm not a fag. So explain to me again how exposure makes you a fag or a killer.
The difference is that alcoholism is treated as a disease. Can you imagine the shit storm that would erupt if you started treating (or even talking about) homosexuality as a disease?
The left doesn't see anything wrong with homosexuality, therefore there is nothing to "fix" other than the bigoted viewpoints of strait white males.
Good job, ex-faggot. Don't mind the atheists they are most likely faggots themselves.
Except that tons of research shows they don't work and plenty of gay people have committed suicide after doing them or spiraled into a life of drugs/alcohol. I know this is bait/troll but nobody should take this seriously.
exposure to faggotry makes you tolerant of it to others and yourself. it can turn you gay but just because the brainwashing didn't work on you doesn't mean it isn't coverting other people. homos and trannies have higher incidences of mental health problems. people are just looking out for your mental wellbeing, being a homo is a red flag