Is there a little bit of hope for Sweden ?
Even their church got cucked by leftists.
Is there a little bit of hope for Sweden ?
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Will the pendulum ever swing back?
The pope Francis trying his best to keep up with protecucks from EU.
Orthodox church, here we go
Literally noone likes this person.
It has already.
no seriously.
I'd have studied theology to become some priest in a big town.
60k a year for basically holding a 30 minute ritual three times a day in front ot the 5~6 old people that still go to church.
You get pension, private health insurance and lot's of community events that other people manage for you.
Sadly, I fell for the STEM meme
Das it mane. Sweden yes !
desu, you won't see shit like that in eastern european catholic churches like poland, hungary, croatia, slovakia, lithuania, etc.
>Even their church got cucked by leftists.
In the protestant world the Christians are the biggest cucks. They are leading the field in cuckolding.
forgot to post link
>implying you will still be allowed to be a priest in Germany in 15 years or so
That for some reason only applies to EU. In the US there are some based protestant churches.
of course, it'd take at least 50 more years for the old Germans who pay church taxes to die.
And you don't even have to get a master, reputation, projects, offshore experience and all that shit to get fucking 60k a year.
Stop your stupid memery.
Baptists are the only ones who are based. Probably because they don't receive state funding.
Ones the state starts funding the church, it's going to go to shit.
I mean, when muslims become a majority and institude shariah.
Orthodox Church was always the one true church of Christ. Cucktholocism was always an institute run by cryptokikes.
so by 2050 or something?
fine by me. I think priests are officials here aswell.
Just do it.
Is she fucking dumb? Wtf? Muslims have their Mosques!! Churches are for Christians! A FEMALE AND A LESBIAN bishop? This is pure Satanism
You do realise christians used to pray the same way the Muslims pray today? Then it was reformed to only knotting the hands and closing the eyes? Its funny how even the jews have kept the same way of prayer while christianity (some parts of it) have changed to a mere socially accepted norm.
what about Pentecostalism?
the west is the only one embracing it more and more.
why can't someone just assasinate that negro cunt from argentina.
Nah, man there are still independent churches especially in the southern states. I've seen some shit....fathers side of the family still goes to the snake churches in the mountains.
Muslims can allow christians to pray the same as mosques but it would be awkward for the christians. They can bring they're bible ofcourse and pray there. Unless its in a wahabi mosque ofcourse.
Last time the Muslims were expelled from Europe what got the ball rolling again?
Well, they turned from a imperialist nation with ambition to rule the world and a nazi supporter to a feminist shithole in few decades. Perharps they could turn from a feminist country to a nationalist country in few decades again.
I've noticed that all germanics are a people of extremes. Or they're being suicidal cucks or they're trying to enslave other peoples.
Is it genetic?
The only moderate germanic countries are the ones without resources to do anything
You'll be glad you didn't once Sharia law is fully enforced and they start beheading priests.
is french canada best canada?
There were leaders left who weren't Jews or puppets
old and bullshit news
>Tfw there will be an ideological war with Russia and we will be fighting on the side of the SJWs, who will hate us for committing acts of violence and will dodge the draft to their last breath
Let us all wash away in a sea of white phosphorus
No Ontarian. Finally someone who gets it right. Toronto is far different from the rest of us. Ottawa is pretty liberal two. But also full of racist french!
What's the deal with the bloke made out of rocks or whatever?
Nigger. If by same you mean falling to the knees before god then yes. Thats where the similarities end. In Orthodoxy you either stand or prostrate (most people just stand tho), there are no pews. Chirsitians dont face Mecca (surprise) and the prayers are completely different.
>can allow
No. Thats pretty much bullshit. Besides in Christianity you're not even allowed to go inside a Mosque, it's sin and a false religion.
Almost year old news. Did anything come of it? Did she manage to create a christian mosque?
>Well, they turned from a imperialist nation with ambition to rule the world and a nazi supporter to a feminist shithole in few decades.
Sweden hasn't been in a war for 200 years and Swedish imperialism hasn't existed for hundreds of years. Also, Sweden didn't support the Nazis. Sweden traded with the Nazis, mainly because they probably would have invaded Sweden otherwise. It is true that Sweden turned very leftist in the 70s though. Sweden had the 3rd highest GDP per capita in the world in the early 70s, after Monaco and the USA. Since then, Sweden has dropped considerably compared to the rest of the world.
planning to go sometime to visit canada. which places would you reccomend in ontario?
dunno, i saved that from a flagbearer theard. ask
stop sucking dicks of the zio christians. I am Muslim and I have been to churches since my early ages. My parents allways allowed me to go the church only when it was on christmas with the school. Tho the teachers told us in forehand that we dont have to go. But I went. But you are one dumbed down individual to believe it's a sin for Muslims to enter churces. I mean the more you talk the more I see the people you associate with. Pretty dumb bunch the lot of you.
no she got ridiculed publicly and there was recently a debate show where she participated and got completely rekt
anyways I am gonna sleep. Dont bother replying.
I would say the best areas who be the Algonquin Higlands. True Northern Ontarion with lot's and lot's of comfy towns. Haliburton probably being the best. Has everything you need, but still small and quiet so government is dumping filth into it
>reading comprehension of a newt
>calling me stupid
No shitskin. I said it is sin for US to go to a mosque because it is a place of false religion.
>i am a muslim
Yeah I fucking figured that by your shitty spelling and lack of intellect.
thanks m8
>gonna sleep
Fuck. You give these people an inch and they try and take a mile.
This triggers ISIS
>World's first
>calls for
>and to
We really aught to have a bingo/generator for this. It's literally a meme at this point.
Why is Christianity so cucked now?
I am not Christian, I've never been baptised etc but the Orthodox Church has always appealed to me. I read a book about how it was infiltrated by the Russian intelligence agencies over the years
Theres a Greek Orthodox church in my smallish(300k) town. Should I go?
>crazy fucking non denominationals and evangelical psudeo cultist pyramid schemes
Dont fall for it.
go for it m8. if you gathered enough information, talked to their priests, attended masses talked to other orthodox brothers and sisters then go for it.
if i only had the option between EU cucked protestant church and pyramid scheme cultist church then the latter seems like the lesser evil m8.
>go for it m8. if you gathered enough information, talked to their priests, attended masses talked to other orthodox brothers and sisters then go for it.
I havent stepped foot in a church since I was like 10 years old except for a wedding last year
I've gone through edgy teenage atheism to open to theism though. I just dont want to fall for some cucked modern religion thing that has kept me from fully engaging in Christianity
Fuck off heretic.
Muslims pray to their idol, the black Kabba stone in Mecca.
The stone represents Satan, as it was a meteorite that fell from the heavens to the earth.
The Haj is mandatory for all Muslims, and although they reject the divinity of Christ and that he died for our sins and say that is blasphemy... they believe dancing around the satanic black stone 7 times and kissing it will absolve them of sins. They believe the black stone is black because it absorbs their sins. It's literally Satanic.
Eat shit, new age heretic.
Ulster Presbyterian reporting in.
Absolutely fucking livid.
You know why they call it white phosphorous right?
Because they want it to work.
>implying that this is actually the majority opinion
>implying that more than a handful of people agree we should let this happen
i made dis
mfw only 10% of the people has actually ever wanted to increase immigration
He's a Muslim with taquiyaa. Or a jew with psyops. See
Thank you for sharing the wisdom of burgers with me, I will be sure to crack that one out in the right circles.
Ew, her face is so ugly.
Problem is, churches in Sweden gets funded by government, by taxpayers... Being a "state religion", The church is beholden to the state.
It's an extension of the political establishment. Most Swedes aren't religious, and rather not pay for religious services they don't use... Church functionaries see themselves more as social workers/ ceremonial officers, rather than defenders/ promoters of a faith... In Sweden, religion only exists as a traditional institution, not an ideology, so the leaders of the "industry" have no problem changing their "product" to cater to a new user base... They care more about preserving the institution, than any ideology or tradition. Like all good socialists, all they care about is preserving their cushy government jobs... In general, "the separation of church and state" is seen as a principle to protect the state from control by the church... In the case of Sweden, lack of "separation of church and state", is resulting in the complete subjugation of the church to state power...
I don't speak bjork but I'm very interested in Swedish anal beads statistics, what does this say?