7th in line at a Trump rally AMA
Why did you upload the picture sideways?
Holy shit, Trump's rallies are really as empty as they said.
how early did you get there? (as in time before the rally starts)
How long do you have to wait until the rally starts?
People get there early for "best view"
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Are there any vendors selling shirts, hats etc around there?
so you got there like 11 hours before it starts?
Does your wife prefer sucking black or Mexican dicks while you're out of the house?
Who the fuck gave this homeless dude a phone?
Yeah I'm no lifting it waiting 13 hours so I have a nice picture
No vendors yet
*No lifing
I was so sad to hear trump wasnt coming to portland; i cant take the time off from work to goto seattle.
Is this a Trump rally or a snoozefest aka a Pence rally? I really wish Trump had picked someone other than Pence, Pence is so low energy he makes Jeb! look like he's on crack.
I bet they're all a friendly bunch of blokes. Not very bright, but friendly.
That guy with the wild grey hair to the the far left in the brown sweatshirt looks a bit unhinged.
Think he's a protester?
Everybody is super nice, local senator brought Trump shirts and donuts for us
lol nice turnout
It is Liberal Seattle after all.
The last trump rally in Washington I went to had a total of five protesters
It's Everett, a lot different then Seattle
Why is he going to Seatlle, isn't that wasted time? Washington isn't going red. Why isn't he spending his time in much needed key battleground states?
Why go to Washington at all? He should be in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Florida. Places that he needs to win and are battlegrounds.
>why isn't trump trying to actually win the election?
No idea.
>you actually think he wants to win
How qt
Because he is there to take it all not just swing states. Losers wouldn't understand and settle for just "getting by".
He is getting buttfucked, he needs swing states. A real winner knows strategy
all i see is a bunch of white trash
But he won't win Washington, that would be like Hillary Clinton campaigning in Alabama, it doesn't make any damn sense.
>that nose on the redhead in the chair
Will you shout "PEPE!" ?
this from a country who lost part of its land mass in a war
Why are you wasting your time there?
That guy was a loser for only shouting it once. He apparently showed up late to because I had to watch the video more than once to understand what he was saying.
>Autistically wearing trainers.
Seriously, will you be shouting "Pepe"?
"Praise Kek" might be better though.
Completely irrelevant to the topic.
Winners aren't losers. Your country lost land in a war.
Therefore, you hail from a loser country: what do losers know about winning?
>the wall just got deeper paco
I showed up 9 hours early to the Phoenix rally in June. There were people who were there since 2am. Met a couple of Sup Forumslacks.
Be on the lookout for one mr. Mungus
record you shouting pepe
Are you over 18?
If I had donated any money to the Trump campaign, and let's get one thing straight I have never even donated a penny to any campaign as I believe it to be a waste of money, but if I had donated money to him, I would be fucking pissed because this is clearly blowing money on an unwinnable state. He might as well have posted a video on his twitter account of him flushing donor money down the toilet.
Op I past by there! Did you see me? Was on my way to work wearing black blazer and a blue tie. Hung out there for a bit until I was approached by Trump supporters. When they just saw me standing there by myself recording with my phone they start accusing me of being a reporter so I left.
i'm hugh mungus
Do you met Kek?
>13 hours
Bring any dank kush, brah?
where is hillary hiding out. lol what a peice of shit, even sarah palin was talking mad shit about her criminal cunt.
Shes fundraising.
what's with the protected card number, Eli?
Do you remember the normie invasion that CNN brought to us? we spread pic related to mess with them
and this shit happened. I have the full thread pic, but It's too big to post here
Please yell PRAISE KEK.
You will be forever remembered.
Learn to take pictures you subhuman fuck
wew lads
press the white square on your reply, and press "delete post" in the bottom of the thread.
Are you fat?
Maybe his name is Hai Phat.
oh vey
pls shout pepe when he talks about alt-right
He probably won't talk about it.