YASSS QUEEN SLAY Littlefinger BTFO by Sansa!



>defending this shitty writing

For shame, Sophie.

>Sansa would rather be dead than raped and alive

I guess retarded decision making is truly a staple of the Starks

The Boltons were nothing but good people who took Sansa in and saved her.

i can hear her dumb slag voice drawling this shit out. women were a mistake.

Is this human being capable of separating her character from her actual person? Does she really have to go out of her way to justify the actions of a fictional character she plays? What a retard.

> "He gave Winterfell to the Starks"

wow, asking for something to be done gives you the credit for DOING it now does it? If I ask you to make some food and you cook it then I get credit for it do I? Fucking socialist education rotting minds

Anyone who watches this shit has no taste.

so passive aggressive. christ. I actually genuinely hate her now