I dont consider my self white and i am proud of it. White guys are feminized degenerates being friendzoned and cucked from girls. Every tourist girl i have fucked tells me that the natives in her country are sissies.This not a joke or bate thread , i want to be called an brown or mediterranean arab or whatever , but i hate all whites and consider them beta as fuck
Whites are betas
bump , i see about greeks not being white all the time
i see post *
posts * , whaatever i guess you betas dont want to talk about this
>> be greek
>> greek women get uglier every year
>> go to America to bang hot white super model
>> ends up getting jerked off in club restroom by 300lb white whale
>> Mfw
If we're beta, what is the joke of a people indebted to us?
>not a joke or bate thread
You fucked up darkie
> I guess you betas dont wanna talk about this
What is there to talk about exactly? The fact that youre not just incredibly stupid but incredibly deluded aswell?
you dont understand that brown guys from mediterranean , or american-italian-greeks-spanish etc guys are considered white in this charts.
you betas would cry if white-males was only for scandinavia uk and the tards in us
>are considered white
Thats because "white" isn't a race you fucking mongoloid, its just the short hand we used to describe Caucasian. What box do you check on forms for ethnicity? Caucasian.
All whites are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians look white. Spaniards have had some nigger / arab admixture, and are darker featured as a result. But they are still Cacuasians.
Caucasians have a very large and diverse range of phenotypes, from pale white skin and blue eyes, to brown skin and dark hair.
where did i said anything about caucasians , this white master race boulshit should stop . Most of the whites are beta degenerates and mediterraneans shouldnt be in the same group with you fags
>Most of whites are beta degenerates
Citation needed.
I'd suck that guy's dick tbqfhwy
Steady now lad
Ok how do we fix "beta degenerate" whites
What is the difference between your people and "whites"
white sissy boy craving brown meat . this is how women sees you guys
+1, im from turkey swedish women crave the dick
Caucasians? You mean like chechens? What kind of shitty description of european is that?
until a white man knocks your teeth in then all we hear is
bu bu bu .. you can't do that, being racist is bad.
why are white people so oppressive.
we are not into femdom , we are not getting friendzoned , woman knows there place , there is no such thing as feminists here and greece is the most sexually active country in the world ( i can find link )
we are also not ugly white blondes
I'm actually a girl
Lol You look like a nu-male
kek another Greek who links he's a direct descendant of Aristotle or some shit. But you're right about the saving "white" race fallacy. Only the British, Germans (including Dutch), French, Scandinavians and Northern Italians are worth saving.
Caucasian is a term born of bullshit racial theories of the past. That Whites originated in the Caucus and then migrated outward, including Aryans invading India. That's ALL been disproved.
That term (along with Mongoloid and Negroid) are only currently used in forensic anthropology.
Greek women are way hot.
You hate whites but you fuck white women? That's a bit strange.
I hate nigs and muds, I wouldn't want to stick my dick in one.
I'll admit, that there is a problem with beta faggot white males though. It's like a really subversive undercurrent of degeneracy is poisoning our society. I think the problem is made worse by multiculturalism, dumbing down the educational system and media pushing the diversity is strength meme to the point where it's deemed bad taste to promote traditional family values.
i dont give a fuck about how aristotle looks . i only care about fucking usa tourists biatches
The fact that white men are so self-loathing and weak is a disappointment. A loathsome sort of creature.
dont rly hate , just pity :P . and white girls are super hot because white colour on skin and blond hair makes them more feminine
i've lived in spain and italy. meds are literally no different to other westerners except talking more. the most alpha europeans are eastern europeans by far.
Greece got raped by actual brown Turkish. Now the rape babies claim themselves brown.
>Modern greek, all-time victim
>Develop a cognitive dissonance to escape reality of his country being the bitch of Europe.
You do realise though, that if white males were like they were last century, we would have completely removed kebab and all the niggers would be back in Africa working the fields.
You look pretty baked in that photo btw, how many marijuanas have you injected?
stop dreaming of what your ancestors did in 40's
you are a degenerated race now full of cucks homosexuals and betas
I'm not sure if you've heard, but the NAZI ideal is getting popular here in the States. If you stop shooting your mouth off I'll put in a good word with Trumpenfuhror and have your DEBTS FORGIVEN. Otherwise you'll be put in the untermensch pile where, quite frankly, you really belong.
so are you. meds are the exact same shit. maybe greeks and southern italians are 10 years behind because of your poverty but youre all on the same path. only slavs, balts, maygars and romanians are uncucked culturally.
I think the pendulum is swinging back though, people are starting to see through the leftist propaganda.
The influx of scum from north Africa and the middle East flooding into Europe is forcing the native population to consider voting for more right wing politicians because we don't want them polluting our clay.
When the EU falls there will be a backlash against the mudslime communities across the EU, especially eastern Europe.
With more right wing governments in power being a degenerate cuck homo will no longer be viewed as cool, and with an absence of leftist propaganda it will be a while at least before that shit starts happening again.
Literally any guy could go to your shitty little country and bang a Greek woman for a sandwich.
>White guys are feminized degenerates
What's wrong with that? It's just the natural pecking order, beneath us real men and serving us ;3
Oh look it's the gay roach
gay implies between two men, not a man and an effeminate bitch silly
Can you fuck off faggot?!
>being this triggered
kek, no wonder we buried you in gallipolli, you are way too emotional and sensitive to be called men. you'd definitely make a good maid and bitch for real men though.
pls dont shart on me
I am Welsh and I feel the same. To call me white is basically calling me a fucking faggot.
Yeah, I'm caucasian, blue eyed, physically strong, but I'm not fucking white.
>get rekt
>respond with a meme
I see, americans are rubbing off on you?
lmao x
top lel your retarded army all froze to death in the allahuakbar mountains, fuck you
Mighty ottoman soldiers doing what they do best
>fuck you
wow, you british faggots sure move fast, you gotta take me to dinner first
and one frozen mountain batallion < thousands of anzac and brit faggots being killed by roaches with single shot guns
But you are not white.
I consider Mediterranean whites to be superior to Germanics... interestingly, so did the Fascists, and so did the Nazis - the idea of Nordic superiority was just an effective propaganda campaign, the actual documents and communication within the regime indicates that they thought the Mediterranean and Asiatic races were more capable of building and maintaining a civilization
There is a cuck gene, and it's somewhere in the Germanic gene pool.
>bitch about how whites took everything from other races and rose to the top because of it
>call whites beta and talk about how cucked they are
One or the other, champ. Can't be both.
>Greek kebab makes a post sounding like a whiny faggot
>Gets ignored for 10 minutes while crying and selfbumping his shitty thread
Yea, you sure showed us betas with your tumblr tier blogging pish
all of this is made up
>the actual documents and communication within the regime indicates that they thought the Mediterranean and Asiatic races were more capable of building and maintaining a civilization
i mean, this is just bullshit. you literally sat there and made this up.
dunno why the untraveled betas of Sup Forums think meds are remotely different aside from talking more. you seem to confuse meds with some macho latino stereotype from the 70's. they aren't any more masculine they are just a bit less likely to be autistic. slavs/easterners are "white" and have way more of a masculine aura about them, more so then any short brown people, only niggers can compete.
mediterraneans are the real master race , you are just cucks
you sound butthurt. i like meds but you really aren't more masculine then other westerners. you talk more and are warmer and more friendly, but you aren't imposing or dominant in anyway.
Why haven't you become a first world country then, mudblood?
i dont rly care this place is cancer and i am having fun
"The fact that the Mediterranean race is responsible for the most important of ancient western civilisations was a problem for the promoters of Nordic superiority. According to Giuseppe Sergi, the Mediterranean race was the "greatest race of the world" and was singularly responsible for the most accomplished civilisations of ancient times, including those of Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Phoenicia, Carthage, and Rome. The Mediterranean race was also a major influence to the outside world in the modern era: Portugal established the first global empire in history, during the 16th century, followed contemporary by Spain, setting both nations in the highest dominion of political and economics powers in Europe. Portugal and Spain are also responsible for being the first nations in discovering and colonising the Americas by its conquistadors."
So how am I supposed to shitpost this Greek nigger exactly?
Uhh, damn right you Greeks aren't white. Because reasons. I've got the data to prove it. Just look at this shitskin Greek athlete, does he look white to you? I didn't think so. Yup.
Also, stop posting your cousin's pictures on Sup Forums, Kosta. That's not nice. I can guarantee you're a fucking landwhale in actuality.
here is one more ,i look more brown here ;)
Who would ever think you are white? Is this the white majority you fucks brag about? Kek fuck outta here...
You look so fucking Albanian it hurts
If that's you, I seriously doubt you're pure ethnic Greek. You've definitely got something else in you. Are you a Cypriot? Greek Cypriots are not really Greeks and have basically 30-40% MENA admixture. Honestly, you look like you have fucking Paki in you or some weird shit.
Basically, you're not Greek. Please stop calling yourself one. It makes the rest of us cringe a bit.
You aren't white if that's you in the pic, so nothing to worry.
stfu pederakis no one cares
I am Persian and look Whiter than you, but I know have a distant Arab in my lineage and it gnaws at my soul. Northern Europeans are superior to us, for they have done assortative mating within their socioeconomic class for a long time, which is heavily correlated with increased intelligence. I have no issue acknowledging Northern Europeans are genetically superior to us because they were able to do this for a longer time.
I'm not White, and I am a LITTLE melancholic about. Granted, I just won't breed and will continue contributing to the economy and doing the things I enjoy. I respect the Northern Europeans for giving me a place to stay, and I hope you guys can fight off the liberal bullshit, for the benefit of your future progeny.
However, to all Whites, REMEMBER that both assortative mating (that is mixing within your race) WITHIN socieoeconomic class are important. Break down EITHER your class structure or mixing with non-Whites will destroy you.
Also, Southern and Northern Europeans are different races.
>I know have
I know I have*
>iam fucking ugly landwhales tourists because i can't score any aryan beauties
go pay debts or i will come over and make your nose even bigger
>WITHIN socioeconomic class
AND socioeconomic class
Please ignore typos
>editing your selfie
>posting more than one pic of yourself
>trying to portray deep soulful face
Faggot detected....
You look like a less hygienic version of me, OP
>Break down
Breaking down*
its the lighting and its summer , i am having contrast from the white bed
check this one , but its older
this photo is not edited , also narcissism is a greek word
>Manlet beta detected
Literally inch and a half taller then female beside you kek
>only argues with the editing part of my post
> recognizes the fact he is a beta selfie editor
You're like a woman seeking attention
lel , i am 182 cm , a girl in 165 with 12 heels is half head beneath me , i guess you have never seen a girl in heels
i dont even know what deep soulful is
everyone is a beta compared to the bankers. They own even their own mothers
Alright, I guess you might be Greek if this picture is a more accurate depiction. There's still something about your face though (not skin color) that is tripping me up. There's some "not-Greek" qualities to it that I can't really pinpoint. Could be some Slav heritage maybe or something.
Have you used genotyping services like 23andme by any chance? And what part of Greece are you from ancestrally (I don't care if you live in Athens now, where is your family from)?
any more proof serbro?
Instead of inslutling Greece about denbts, you should do the same, takeout millions from the bankers and enjoy your life, white sissy
if i am cucked from something its slav, mother is from north greece , father is native athenian
>I dont consider myself white
Then you'll be happy to know that it was never an option for you to begin with
>mother is from north greece
This is what it has to be. Northern Greeks just do not look Greek to me. I'm willing to bet good money you have some kind of Slav in you.
Sorry mate, Peloponnisos is the real Greece.
You're rigt, sadly a lot of my white brethren are whiny demonized little cucks. I exclusively date non white women and I always have to show them I'm not some pussy little metrosexual white faggot.
tl;dr: Masculine Canadian country boy wants his fellow whites to stop acting like cucks
How cute that a Greek thinks the world cares about the opinion of broke goat herders who haven't been relevant in 3000 years.
Sorry we can't be bros OP I'd like for you to have a proper white friend who isn't some lil bitch
>I'm not some pussy little metrosexual white faggot
Yes you are. I've never met a white Canadian boy who wasn't also a little metrosexual fag. You guys are all limp-wristed up there.
So blacks and natives put out, good to know
that doesnt change the fact that mediterraneans are the master race
will never find out
If you were truly 100% confident that you're mediterranean and not white, why did you start out your post clearing up that you're infact not white?
You're in the closet I think.
"I don't consider myself white"
"White guys are feminised degenerates"
>clearly white
>doesn't know how to shave
True dat I'm about to get into a relationship with a greek girl, and I have to say the chick is HOT. Everything I wanted in a chick. I was like
>wtf I love greeks now after she blew me
Haha I know exactly what you mean, most are a bunch of little PC Harper loving faggots. I also know that pure tryna make me mad, but I'm confident enough in my masculinity, in fact I think masculinity should be celebrated and respected.
Just don't let her borrow any money
You can't blame a Mediterranean shitskin for coveting White civilization and feeling inferior by comparison. It's in their nature. Nietzsche had a term for it: Ressentiment.
Why don't you come down here and show me how masculine you really are, Canadian boy. ;)