This is just embarassing
> Italian coastguards
> rescued off Libya coast
> saved 6,500 migrants
> hoping to make it at least 15-20 miles out to sea and reach awaiting rescuers
This is just embarassing
> Italian coastguards
> rescued off Libya coast
> saved 6,500 migrants
> hoping to make it at least 15-20 miles out to sea and reach awaiting rescuers
>be swedish / italian
>both my countries are cucked
>Just cuck my shit up why won't you
Dammit Italy just let Neptune do his job.
so this is how many migrants are coming to Europe every day? 6500 per day just in one area? is it safe to say that number is more like 9,000 or higher when you include alternate routes?
6500*365 = 2,372,500
do you fucking retards realize that what you are doing is irreversible? your countries will NEVER be the same
It's not a day, there are some conspiracy theories right now about the fact that we didn't receive any the days after the earthquake and we got 6500 in one day shortly after, they think Renzi made a deal to delay them so that people wouldn't be confronted with the fact that niggers get a better treatment than people who just lost their house to an earthquake
>do you fucking retards realize that what you are doing is irreversible
A great many of us realize that what is being done is irreversible. It's not us doing it though, it's criminal leaders brainwashing populations for decades and then forcing the downfall onto us. Get that into your head because you are facing the exact same problem at home my friend.
they have to have some sort of safety harness on her.
Sometimes I want to enter the military
Then I think about this
This it how it works.
>look out to the sea
>is it quiet today?
>yes -> send out the boats, as small as possible with as many people on it as possible, call frontex (the official africa-EU ferry corporation), watch them get picked up
>no -> wait another day until conditions are favourable
This is why some days you see nothing, some days you suddenly see thousands.
I didnt know Italians were this cucked.
I wonder how the whole Mafia aspect plays out in this situation...
>it's another Italian turncoat episode
It's not Italians its the EU
>Monday's operations involved vessels from Italy as well as the EU's border agency Frontex and the NGOs Proactiva Open Arms and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)
If the EU didn't want them rescued they wouldn't be rescued.
They make billions.
No, not millions. Billions. A good number of the migrants are later sold into prostitution or forced labour, as they don't want to be registered in Italy. They are promised a place to stay and a way into France/Austria, and then get told they have some insurmountable debt that they have to pay off. It's basically the modern slave trade.
She is really laying with her stomach facing down.
Good able bodied man are enslaved until the end of the summer without IDs to pick fruits or work in construction, they get released around October with IDs and run to north europe.
The rest of them get permanent ID on the spot (with temporary IDs we would be forced to keep them). Meanwhile since the refugee centers are all mafia owned (usually using some politician as a front owner) they funnel EU's refugee funds. Some of them """""""accidentally"""""" escape but they tend to stay on the record as still in the center so we keep taking money.
The enslaved ones sometimes get a nice pair of concrete shoes as example to the others.
tl:dr: Fuck you Germany, that'll teach you to give us fines for turning back the boats hope you enjoy cultural enrichment
You can see the street down below.
She either has a harness or there's some kind of ledge and she's a rock climber who knows how to do that.
>you are facing the exact same problem at home
do you not realize that I, along with Canada, NZ, and Australia are just colony experiments? It's inevitable that these countries will end up with a mongrel race of people split between some variation of asian, black, hispanic, and/or native. There won't be another Europe, there won't be another Germany. If Germany ceases to exist, German people cease to exist.
just look at what happened to my country, we are now 50% brown, there is no going back. Realistically no one is going to wake up tomorrow and put these people on a boat back to their respective continent and send them to a land they know nothing about .we are stuck with them.
And once your Somalians or Arabs have children, those people will believe that they are now German and you will be stuck with them.
Every single day that goes by is another step in an irreversible direction
here's why you faggots are doomed, all you can do is point the finger at someone else. you're a fucking coward.
everyone in these major participating countries are pointing the finger at someone else.
Poland outright refused to help with the migrants. Hungary is barricading their border. They are actually doing something about it instead of crying about someone else. this is why you're a fucking faggot, all you can do is blame someone else instead of taking responsibility.
Uhhhh. Ficki ficki?
>Good able bodied man are enslaved until the end of the summer without IDs to pick fruits or work in construction
So far, so good...
>they get released around October with IDs and run to north europe.
But this! This is an outrage!! ITALY!!!
>so we keep taking money.
Sounds reasonable.
>concrete shoes
Get fucked burger, Germany can have all the black cocks they want or else we're called racists.
When they will become a 60% white country like you we'll just build a wall and keep not giving a fuck
>colony experiments
I wonder who's in charge of these nowadays.
Murrika education everybody!
near libya coast? you mean they went and picked up some rapefugees from the middle east
damn you must have an 80 IQ to not see how this is damaging to not only Germany but the entire continent.
like I said, stop pointing the finger at someone else and take responsibility. man up.
you are 62% white
what the fuck Italy
I've been explaining all day how we can't do anything about it but it's no use, every retard will still come here and blame us
wait, movies aren't real? how sure are you about this?
and the best part was when greece couldn't afford to take immigrants so people bashed them too
Glue or probably something like it.
Anyone know what movie this from?
Borders? None of our business. As if we were a real country or something.
I don't think it's from a movie because it's too dangerous.
It might be footage from WTC on 911?
ask mehmerkel, mr shish and mr frenchman about them, oh and israel too
Anyone else remembers when arriving ships have been put in 40 days quarantine first?
Good times.
>borderhoppers are literally shot on sight
>people who dont even make it a dozen miles from their home country are "rescued" and brought here in their millions
Merkel is going to burn in hell.
Go form some street gangs and fight these migrants in the street you fucking pussy. Me and my friends used to get in fights using bats and we didn't even have a history or culture to defend, we just did it for fun. Here you are just bending over and taking it like a coward. It's not like he migrants aren't confrontational either, theyd probably start a fight with you over nothing. Man up you faggot
>It's not like he migrants aren't confrontational either, theyd probably start a fight with you over nothing
Yeah that's what I'm talking about. That's what every Italian male youth should be doing to get rid of migrants. Yourself included.
Said the cuck in the 60% white (hispanics are counted in lel) with the half black muslim president with a kenyan father
>You can see the street down below.
What is a green screen?
>omgerd u-u dew reliz wot hapen rite XD
If it wasn't for Trump, America would be dead if it isn't already. Fucking faggot.
>Italian coastguards import 6500 migrants from Libya coast
>coast """""""guard""""""
Rename it to 'free taxi service into germany for third worlders' and all is good. Just don't pretend you actually are guarding anything, fucking pasta niggers.
I understand why Napoleon choose France
Italians have more in common with North Africans than with Northern Europeans. All Meds have closer ties with North Africa than the rest of Europe and it's partly the reason why there is a movement in the EU to allow North Africa into the EU, especially ex-colonial countries like Algeria and Tunisia.
The boat rescued JUST off the coast off Libya today had 90% women
You know, the boat that happened to have a film crew nearby
You know, the one that the Italian navy had gone waaay out of its way to rescue
This is coordinated action between the EU and the smugglers
That boat alone will cost the EU at least a quarter billion over 20 years
Letting them all drown would stop thousands of rapes and assaults.
Damn our white empathy. It's our downfall.
>>borderhoppers are literally shot on sight
How fucking autistic are you kiddo.
They are.
You'll find out if you make a dash for that fence, Pedro.
even on a boat fighting for their lives, they were able to maintain a justice system and lashes a culprit (pic related)
And that's the best video pro-migrants MSM could find.
So much culture, I can't wait.
what? playing protection money is part of Italian culture.
I need this in YT format ... Please
Err... No, not even close.
funny. apparently they deported 48 back to sudan yesterday. make up your mind italy.
holy shit guys
not even done with the cpr and they have already begun to prep the bulls
I like it when Eurocucks squirm
You shouldn't have killed Qaddafi.