What's your take on this guy Sup Forums?
Steven Anderson
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I like the guy.
Great preacher.
His films are great too.
Marching to Zion was a real eye-opener.
Good man. The homophiles here hate him
He's awesome.
>hates gays with a passion
>has a really obvious gay lisp
this guy's probably fucking rent boys in gas station bathrooms
>Angry homo detected
>if you say anything about muh gay you're gay
fuck off faggot
If he put as much energy into loving his neighbor as he puts into this circus act he'd be a good Christian.
Im not even Christian (or anything) but I tend to agree with him
>Supports race mixing
Probably going to cause a revolution within Christianity in the next 20 years. I showed all of my friends and family him, and now they ALL watch him on a daily basis.
He's basically the trump of Christianity in my opinion.
Closeted homosexual.
Based as fuck.
No user, the gays are the real problem! Not jerking off to your wife getting plowed by blacks is degenerate!
There is literally nothing wrong with race mixing from a religious perspective.
But genetically speaking, having an offspring with an inbred blonde white trash woman is as bad as having a kid with an average niggeress.
If you like him check out chuck missler. Chuck is more history based but he is extremely knowledgeable.
Depends on how you'd define 'supports.'
He did a sermon on it.
His position is the Bible's: it doesn't matter either way, whether your have preference toward your own kind or end up with someone of a different race, it's not a Biblical issue.
Closet must have a pretty strong door, dude has 9 kids.
It's called a beard.
God bless his family
even inbred blondes have better genes and more potential for high intelligence than niggies
fuck off
>he has kids
Confirmed for being completely heterosexual!
Probably one of the biggest badasses in America. Dude is not afraid of ANYTHING and BTFOs degenerate heathens on the daily
Oy vey! Very antisemitic Jew hater
Ill say it again.
Based as fuck.
>Hates Jews
>Worships a kike
You can't make this shit up.
Jesus was killed for BTFOing jews too hard.
Yeah I love this guy.
Has some real great values and his channel is like a 'How to articulate great points in order to defend Christianity"
Also, helped me understand the Holohaux.
The man deserves heaven.
He doesnt hate them for their race, he hates the jews who practice the religion, the jews who deny they killed christ etc.
He hates them because the bible tells him to hate them, and Jesus is actually god in the flesh if you didnt know, hes not just the son of god, he is actually god himself at the same time.
Modern Zionist Jews aren't ancient Judeans you clueless shit
That's good. That means they didn't kill Jesus?
Also, he doesn't even say you need to love jesus or worship him Im pretty sure, I mean I dont hang off his every word, but if I recall he said all you need to do is BELIEVE in jesus, and you will be saved, even if youre a sinner.
He says at one point you dont even need to repent for your sins, and does a whole sermon on it actually.
>old jews are the same as modern jews
old jews are god's people
new jews are the devil's people
Also, of course, he supports these claims with passages, its not just things hes saying that he pulled out of his ass.. and he gives full context.
Someone brought up part of Romans as if it Trumped this guy, and then I looked him up and he breaks down the entire romans segment, start to finish, already having replied the criticism.
When did this shift occur? Which jews killed Jesus?
The Scofield Reference Bible sparked the birth of the modern day Christian Zionist movement. Fake Christians
Jews = Idumeans, Edomites, Canaanites. Edom means Red, like in Rothschild/Red-Shield, the Edom color of bloody revolution, Red Army, Red Terror.
Simply Based
Sad most protestant preachers are literally just advertisers for Israel
interdenominational shitstorm, BEGIN
Pros -
>anti jew
>anti gay
>pro family
cons -
>supports new testament pauline doctrine
>doesnt recognize covenants with god
>thinks KJ bible is literal correct translation
he's a good starting point imho. i respect the guy but for political reasons and not spiritual
>Also, he doesn't even say you need to love jesus or worship him Im pretty sure, I mean I dont hang off his every word, but if I recall he said all you need to do is BELIEVE in jesus, and you will be saved, even if youre a sinner.
Wait so i can believe that Jesus was just a fraud kike who instead of being crucified died while choking on a cock and still be saved? That sounds awesome!
Stay based Poland.
I dont think so, no.
Dunno who he is, but I would fuck him.
Absolute fanatic, and paranoid. He also believes that the King James is the only accurate translation of the Bible, that anyone who doesn't believe in 6 day creationism, 6,000 year old earth is a heretic etc. He's way too opinionated and immature.
>Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.
10/10 bantz. Puts the faggots in their place.
little creepy
>t. reprobate
This is sound evangelical Christian advice for preventing your son from catching a case of the gays. You some kind of faggot?
Hebrew roots huh?
There is nothing creepy about playing naked oil wrestling and penis sword fighting with your dad. Are you some kind of a gay faggot or something?
Are you like the one faggot in Poland or something?
He's doing more than his fair part for the white race, Sup Forums should like him in theory...
This. Basically this.
In Babylon many jews turned from traditional Judaism these became the pharisees Jesus preached against, these people then killed him for BTFOing them and then the Romans sacked Jerusalem as Jesus predicted, then about ~200AD the accursed Talmud's first book was codified beggining modern "Judaism" which I call Talmudism, then the Khazarian Empire converted to Talmudism which most Ashkenazi jews are descended from and many of these corrupt bastards moved West and eventually gained political, media and financial control and that's where we are today.
((( )))
I think he was pointing out the fact that he has 9 white kids.
It's interesting that you're bashing the guy over his ideology and overlooking his genetic contribution.
Maybe you'd be able to further hwhite's darwinian fitness if you'd drop the atheist meme too.
Amen and he died for us yet while were in our sins.
wew lad
why is he so mad?
i bet hes a closet fag who hates himself lmao
I'm not even a sort of race-orientated person, but much like Anderson displays historically Christianity is responsible for the large birthrate of white people and our strong, orderly societies; As such I would had thought Sup Forums should support him.
I've never ever met a woman that doesn't believe in God. They may voice it but they sure don't act on it and they'll hint at it daily.
>genetic contribution
Good goy. We need more low IQ whites following semitic religion.
>Civilization didn't exist before Jews gifted us Christianity
Kill yourself
>1 post by this kike
I've always been surprised that Sup Forums doesn't rally around Anderson. Probably because he strictly condemns degenerate neet lifestyle
It's his branch of christianity is responisble for the mess west is in the first place. He isn't the medieval monk preserving ancient knowlege type of christian, he is the desert dindu burning down libraries between rendezvous with his goat type christian.
Truthbomb right there.
((( )))
>we need more [...] whites
(((Steven Anderson)))
Not true. He encourages his congregation to be educated and read all types of science and literature, so that they are able to argue against it.
Anderson's brand of Christianity is like a new hybrid. It has the angry testosterone of old fashioned fire and brimstone style, but it also has an element of intellect and acadamia.
KJV-only anti-intellectual faggot
Of course! Romans were just a bunch of goat herders while ancient judeans (which aren't jews but actualy true aryans™) were building marble palaces and building stargates to travel to distant worlds. But then the jews who are actualy hungarians creatred poganism in their attempt to destroy the whites.
>. He encourages his congregation to be educated and read all types of science and literature
I've watched many of his videos. He absolutely does not, particularly for women.
Yeah he does. He has an entire sermon on "being educated", and saying that he reads 1 book per week.
Yeah idk who cares about women.
>argue against science
That is some civilisation buildier right there. Maybe he should also set fire to library of congress becouse If those books are in agreement with the Bible, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Bible, destroy them.
Evolutionary science, faggot.
Never said that but pagan religions were pretty degenerate generally in regards to their promotion of strange sexual practices, but if you wanna go sodomise Marcus Gaius Romulus be my guest.
Actually he studied the bible for many many years including original sources, heavily researches history and constantly bangs on about how it's important to read books and be educated to his congregation.
Oh, you are one of those. You know that even church fathers saw creation story as a metaphor, right? But i'm sure that it's you and your cock-aficionado preacher is in the right. There must been days before God created the Sun afterall!
>church fathers
You mean Catholic faggots who are probably burning in hell as we speak? Why am I not surprised
Yeah I like his little sort of brand with the traditionalist hymns, zealousness and sternness of traditional Catholicism and Orthodoxy but clear focus on evangelising and sticking to biblical principles of Protestantism.
If you think the problem is people fucking each other in the ass then you haven't been paying attention.
Based, did he get given that by a fag thinking he wouldn't love it?
It's a symptom of the problem not the root cause.
Is there ANYONE who is not burning in hell aside of Luther? By now i'm pretty sure that even Jesus himself ended up there for his unforgivable sin of not being our lord and savior Luther.
That is going to be pretty damn hilarious in few years when his haggarding will get out.
Mirin family. How many children are the Athiest neckbeards and pagans on Sup Forums contributing to the white race? Zero.
Pretty much this.
>Not realising Christianity is a pro-nationalist anti-globalist religion.
Like him. Gotta fight fire with fire.
Dindus and muslims breed like rabbits too. Why aren't you worshiping them yet?
Just kidding, i know that you already do.
With pope slobbering over muslim feet? With american religious right being a storefront for Israel? There is neither Jew nor Greek user.
Anderson is great because he speaks about the interesting things in the bible, not just the fake hippy stuff everyones talked about since the 70's.
>Not realising Christianity is a pro-nationalist anti-globalist religion.
What's the Christian theological basis of turning away a shitskin Christian?
Fact. Pagans are especially funny because they're supposed to be honoring the traditions of their ancestors or whatever bullshit they make up to justifying larping as pirates, but they never actually do any of it. It's like wicca but even less historically accurate. What makes it especially funny is that the only written record we have of Norse paganism is what Christians wrote down about it. Being a modern "pagan" based off of these writings is like religious blackface.
When this guy was first posted on /christian/ I was wondering, how long it would take for Sup Forums to finally notice him.
He is pretty good.