Is Sup Forums going to play the Niggerfield 1 beta tommorow?
Is Sup Forums going to play the Niggerfield 1 beta tommorow?
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no. It's just another Battlefield 3 copy that's worse than Battlefield 3.
i dont have the secret code
I've been a huge battlefield fan since Bad Company. 700 Hours in BF4 aline.
I will not support a game that wants to erase White people from history.
If its free, why not?
Definitely not going to buy though
>White people from history
But you are ok with erasing black people history? It's common knowledge that black people fought in both World Wars.
I was just playing it and 3/4 player models are black.
Fuck off, nigger.
No, because not only there is the whole diversity bullshit, lack of France, and all around totally unrealistic shit everywhere, but more than anything, Battlefield has always been an absolutely awful franchise. Expect this shit to be riddled with game ruining bugs, and enjoy your 64 players games.
Dumb Americuck, you barely where in the fucking war at all, the amount of black people in WW1 was next to none
I'm OK with erasing them from the future.
In it enough to win it for everybody else.
They should have made the nigger on the cover of bf hard line. (which was shit I only played the beta) that would have been more correct of a stereo type.
Top kek
Autism. Maximum density
Not playing this shitty game, not even if the cucks paid me! This game is a fucking disgrace to our heritage and it's taking a big shit on our ancestors who fought and died in this great country NOT by a bunch of niggers! If my great-great-great grandfather raised from the dead and saw this garbage, he would have go back to his cemetery and turn over his fucking grave in shame! What a a load of bullshit! Go fuck yourself Sweden! You cucks wasn't even involved of the great wars! Fuck you Sweden cucks! I hope your country gose to fucking hell for this shameful piece of shit game!
It's going public.
Downloading it rn cus I signed for the early code
But there was a nigger on the cover of hardline
when? cheers
what do you mean tomorrow? ive been playing it all day
Hardline wasn't based on WWI
>all the American soldiers are black
>all the British soldiers are black or Indian
>all the German soldiers are black?
>all the Australian soldiers are black?!
What the fuck?
This. The Swedes and kikes are slapping the white man in face with this shit.
If you pay for this trash you should be castrated.
Ah my bad. You're right.
Forget the Kangz shit, BF4 and the cop spinoff were embarrassments. Stop giving shekels for full price alpha releases.
You should have signed up to be a bf insider ayy lmao
got ourselves a blackie
There's nothing original in battlefield 3
Ive played it today. Its good. I dont play rush, but its 24players now instead of 32 and thst bothered me. A itsybitsy slower than bf4 but I havent played much ground or tank, I have flown a lot and its nice. The attack airplane is nice for air and ground, bomber is trash imo (for this map) and fighter plane is only for air but very low health. Well see how the future maps will be :)
Good game, niggers in uk team and I slightly raged
I'm already playing.
Ottoman Empire is confirmed as the whitest faction.
My great great grandfather would be ashamed of this game.
I just installed it and it's terrible. Not because of niggers but this is just an awful Battlefield game.
I uninstalled it after 10 minutes.
I got in and it says it's today, not tomorrow. I probably won't if I'm obligated to be black.
I really want to play it's hard to resist I know I sound bad I don't want to betray my ancestors who fought in world war 1 but I really am looking forward to the dog fighting.
Fucking franchise has degenerated with every game they release. BF used to be a good fps, now it's cod tier, fast paced, no thinking, twitch shooter.
I bet the normies are creaming their collective knickers over this shite.
No, I'm going to play Verdun like a non-retard.
I'm glad i gave up on battlefield after 3.
Tell me more.
Underrated post.
what the fuck maynge?
This. Even the German infantry are niggers. Fucking disgraceful.
>In it enough to win it for everybody else.
Literally kill yourself.
r/ing the screengrab of commie devs anti white twitter
Hardline was one of the shittiest and least enjoyable shooters I've ever played, at least of any games that were somewhat known/popular.
On the other hand I really like Bad Company 2 and the Vietnam expansion. My favorite of the BF games.
Honestly I'm not going to follow any of the hype and just see if people think it's shit when it comes out. If not and it looks cool I'll buy it. My buddy is in on the beta I might go over and check it out at some point.
DICE hasn't made a good battlefield game since Bad Company 2, so no. The only reason BF4 was good was because of Dice LA.
>the arcade spinoff with no prone was the best
I didn't say that at all, please learn to read. Though if you'd like to know I think BF4 is the best.
Why not just play verdun instead?
I do but I want to try this out too, it looks much different to Verdun. Verdun looks better though.