>post yfw you realize the kikes jewed the USA out of the world's most powerful weapon
Post yfw you realize the kikes jewed the USA out of the world's most powerful weapon
what do you mean
you can't go back in time to un-kike yourself, burger.
jews stole nuke technology from the USA and now have a nuclear monopoly in the region
Well to be fair, jews made nuclear technology to begin with.
It was just a matter of time anyways.
>Marxist (and later Nobel Prize-winning) existentialist philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre called the trial "a legal lynching which smears with blood a whole nation. By killing the Rosenbergs, you have quite simply tried to halt the progress of science by human sacrifice. Magic, witch-hunts, autos-da-fé, sacrifices – we are here getting to the point: your country is sick with fear ... you are afraid of the shadow of your own bomb."[40] Others, including non-Communists such as Jean Cocteau, Albert Einstein and Nobel Prize–winning physical chemist Harold Urey,[41] as well as Communists or left-leaning artists such as Nelson Algren, Bertolt Brecht, Dashiell Hammett, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, protested the position of the American government in what the French termed US Dreyfus affair.[42] In May 1951, Pablo Picasso wrote for the communist French newspaper L'Humanité, "The hours count. The minutes count. Do not let this crime against humanity take place."[43] The all-black labor union International Longshoremen's Association Local 968 stopped working for a day in protest.[44] Cinema artists such as Fritz Lang registered their protest.[45] Pope Pius XII appealed to President Dwight D. Eisenhower to spare the couple, but Eisenhower refused on February 11, 1953, and all other appeals were also unsuccessful.
The Rosenbergs saw one country having a monopoly on nuclear weapons was a bad idea, especially when that country already used two. Sure the USSR was a dangerous nation too, but there was no alternative.
Even with the USSR armed with nuclear weapons men like MacArthur discussed using them on China and North Korea. The USSR also had plans to nuke China in the late 60s, but both of these were kept in check with MADD.
Hell, the USA tried to rip the fucking atmosphere apart with Starfish Prime. Just, because it thought it was losing the arms race!
"Rogue States" have nothing on Super Powers.
>country having a monopoly on nuclear weapons was a bad idea
yet the kikes are the nuclear monopoly in the region, which is why they want the USA to attack Iran, so that it stays that way.
I agree.
A nation with nuclear weapons has significantly more negotiating power than one that doesn't. They gain legitimacy based only on their ability to kill a lot of people. Regardless of how horrible a state they are, the west will avoid diplomatic actions which might help the people because of the risk the nukes pose.
The Rosenjews and you are making a terrible but familiar liberal sin of saying the United States and the Soviet Union were morally equal. They weren't. Any more than the United States and north Korea are morally equal now. Both communist regimes operate (d) concentration camps, murder dissidents and commit horrendous human rights abuses.
Do you think it's a good thing north korea has the bomb?
there were actually even more important traitors that leaked nuclear secrets than the Rosenbergs
(and they were also all Jewish)
is was also in one of the leaked hillary emails. Some CIA of Department of Defense guy or something telling her exactly that
Lel, tell that to Fermi.
Kikes who were spies for the Soviet. They stole nuclear secrets.
We should have nuked USSR like Patton wanted to do and free Europe from the Marxist virus.
The Kike virus spread here though....Neo Conservatism is a by-product of Jews that were purged by Stalin and arrived here.
I never once said the USSR and USA are morally equal. I said there was no alternative. Who else could the Rosenbergs arm with Nuclear weapons to deter the USA?
Well her entire AIPAC speech was as much.
is she anti-Iran? because the cuck'd thing is that Trump fell for the jewish "Iran is bad" meme
You didn't have enough manpower in Europe after the end of WWII. The only thing starting a war with the USSR would have accomplished is giving them all of Europe.
they were Canadian
Why didn't they just disable the atoms?
The United States taking the strong moral stand of wiping the Soviet regime off the planet would have been better for mankind than the cold war. Under the shield of nuclear weapons the soviets committed routine atrocities or supported other groups to do the same. You cannot even use the actions of the west in Nicaragua to the Khmer Rouge , the many purges and slaughters. The Hungarian insurrection, the list goes on.
We should have stopped them and saved a generation of people from having to suffer thanks to a few self righteous spies.
those commies were all jewish
And the US never did anything similar.
LOL no...they were severely weakened. Most WWII casualties were Russian while US did not sustain any significant damage.
That would have been the perfect time to strike. USSR even had to call it truce with a smaller country like Finland due to their high casualty rates.
>we are the destroyers
>Implying the US would have committed to a total war where they would have sustained actual casualties
The USSR had a 4:1 men and 2:1 tanks advantage at the end of the war compared to all the rest of the allies in Europe.
Fermi was Jewish, that's why he left fascist Italy.
Anyway the Rosenbergs did for the best, a single superpower possessing the most powerful weapon ever invented would be a very bad thing for the world.
>Fermi was Jewish
you're retarded
Hey retard. What did I say in the above post? Judging from your responses you have a bias against America.
Let me make myself perfectly clear so that you can understand. At the end of WWII the US could have wiped out ANY nation on earth regardless of forces due to nuclear capabilities. Moscow and Stalingrad would have been nothing but a wasteland if Patton had gotten his way,.
JFK's death opened the door for Israeli nukes...
Never saw the video before
Fuck you.
Upgraded version
I trust Patton over you
Interesting shit
>Communist Canadian politician
>gets elected
>becomes ringleader for soviet spy ring in Canada
>is Jewish
Of fucking course.
And since that time not a single commie has ever been elected to parliment.
Many lessons to learn
Canada is now the capital for western marxism/feminism
>Fermi was Jewish
ur a retard m8
cultural marxism and feminism are cancers, but aren't necessarily communist.
At any rate Sweden still has us beat. Few Canadians actually agree with Trudeau. We just tend to swap Cons for Libs every decade.
>aren't necessarily communist
>cultural marxism
>economic marxism
>same thing
I'm not saying we aren't fucked, I'm saying there's no one in parliament openly attempting to destroy the free market and replace it with sweeping government oversight
Do you think one dominoe falls and just ignores the other one it knocks down?
>commie jew cucks getting fucked
Feels good man. These are the worst of the worst. Being a commie means that you have no value in the sexual market. It literally means you are a parasitic waste of human life.
I think you're missing the point entirely
Yeah, and Einstein wasn't just a kleptomaniac patent clerk, oh wait.
If you embrace cultural marxism, you must eventually embrace economic marxism.
If all humans are equal, you cannot have the black trannies paid less than the white soldiers or else you are a racist misogynist (which is cause for arrest and execution)
the soviet union is incapable of fighting a war
t. hitler 5 year earlier
The Soviet Union got overall stomped by a relatively tiny German invasion until Stalingrad turned it around
Combine that with the fact that the US manufacturing/industry remained unharmed during the war and moral had never been higher, the Russians notoriously weak supply lines were about to get destroyed by an American push
Having a first world military is useless when you race to Berlin and ignore supply lines. Russians just raped and pillaged the land they conquered to sustain their advance because they were counting on never having to hold it. The western front treated their conquest much more like reclaiming European territory and maintained it.
Yeah wtf why did they support stalin after the anti Jew pogroms
Play both sides of every conflict = guaranteed victory
Do you have more bibi memes?
Israel doesn't wish for extermination of Persians and Arabs. Same can't be said about Israel's enemies. Stupid aquafresh
His fear mongering is so good I had a dream about getting nuked
>Israel doesn't wish for extermination of Persians and Arabs.
If Iran has no nuclear bomb in 2016 think about
why. You can thank BiBi later.
>when you jew so hard you manipulate the jews with jewish tricks
Im curious if this is a jewish bluff or not
On one hand, never trust the jews, but on the other hand: those selfish kikes would gladly kill any non-jews
We are just their minions