
> conservashits

nice thread you got here OP

Does Hillary supporters care?

It would be a shame if something bad happened to it.


r o ll ing


The worst part about Shillary isn't that she's the world's biggest political prostitute that sells favors against the interest of Americans, believes children should be raised by the state and that she is really not for women and children. It's that her supporters are more concerned for their gibsmedats.



gimmie artyom my nigga

>the worst part about trump is that not everyone shares my exaggerated and purely feelings-based opinions about him



We're sick of politically correct agendas being shoved down our throat. Trump 2016 motherfucker.

Id give a chance to Victoria, maybe half a chance to ashley, christy, Kristin, Juliana, gonna need to know more details on Renee, Tarran, Aspecia, Raquel, Linda, and Russell

>reverse image search


Sup Forums BTFO

There is no proof he's racist or any of that shit . Jews literally made that up just because he's a white guy running for office. So fuck off or get pics of him at the klang rally but you wont. Batches always cry sexism when there losing. It's funny how Democrats want equality for everyone except whites fuck them lol . We need a white revolution like right the fuck now seig heil

The woest part about Trump isn't that he's not a racist, sexist, ignorant, bigot. It's that his supporters think he is

The worst is that he's still mad and unstable, while he should be presidential. The guy's just fucking insane.

Trump is a huge hitler tier racist you deluded twat

>There is no proof he's racist or any of that shit.
You don't need to prove that someone is racist! Being accused of it is a proof enough. Why would someone who isn't racist be accused of being racist? It's 2016 cryong out loud!
Sup Forums undeniably and eternally btfo.


>hitler tier
No, Trump is only David Duke tier.


Never seen this one. Neat!

Can you give me that in a measurement of microhitlers?

Conservashits are Dindus

Artyom is cutest

>30 years of being called a racist, sexist, ignorant bigot

Dima plz


> be lib
> have to steal memes
> #imwithherpderp


thats right so stop shit posting OP. we know your a faggot. you know your a faggot. we know that you know your a faggot

omg trump is literally hitler? i've never heard that before wtf i hate trump i'm with seizure twat now.

Lets say all of those things are true -

hillary is a felon and has committed multiple counts of treason and then perjury in lying about those crimes.

you still support a criminal over someone who may be a bigot?


Are you using a proxy to post "roll" images in your own thread, provoking everyone to bump your thread by "rolling" in it?

Are you being paid per reply to your thread because your disingenuous OP image is anti-Trump, the agenda of your master?

Will Sup Forums ever learn how to ignore shills?


Rebekah pls

Rolling pls

Wtf i hate Sup Forums now?

shieeeeeet get me a white gurl

Rolling again


lets do this one too fuck it

wow you're a cuck. if you aren't racist you should probably kill yourself.

rolling in a bad thread

so my bitch fights hardcore too lets roll again

this thread is full of cuckolds who think racism is bad somehow. hahah, fucking libtards.

ro l

>mean person vs corrupt politician
>somehow worse to vote for mean person


rolling, fuck OP

whats this

Literally every one of those shitslings can be leveed at Hillary and are of a much worse caliber e.g Robert Byrd being Hillary's Mentor, Bill saying you had be in the Klan to get anywhere in the Democratic Party before. Hillary covering for Bills sex scandals, the list goes.

Makes it even funnier is libs will accuse right wingers of being oblivious or not caring about their candidates and parties racism when they support the Democratic Party, the party of racism, slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, anti-womens rights etc

uit's not mean to be racist you fucking cuck, it's common fucking sense. anyone with balls stomps niggers into the dirt daily and deports spics weekly.

Come on dmt

Please nothing gross, please nothing gross...

>real men who have no fucks to give and want to take part in the return fire against the ultra liberal elite

roll for a qt


roll for slavbro


roll for both i guess

OP is a Conservative false-flagging to make you late liberals by lying about his political allegiance.

Trump builds shit.
Hillary destroys shit.

Who are you going to vote for? Personally, I like to build shit too.

> libtards

>the return of the occupy demoshill threads

reminder to sage and ignore

demoshills plz go and stay go

Didn't Hillary refer to niggers as "super predators?"