Well, Sup Forums?
Getting people to like you is as simple as not looking like a slob and saying a single, simple sentence.
Why aren't you improving your social skills RIGHT NOW, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
Getting people to like you is as simple as not looking like a slob and saying a single, simple sentence.
Why aren't you improving your social skills RIGHT NOW, Sup Forums?
I dont like being very social to be honest
I have crippling anxiety
but I'm working on it
The girl in the photo is gorgeous, go figure in the actual video she gets the guy's number even though she already has a boyfriend. Fucking whore.
Oh, I should have been a tall aryan man all this time. I'll get right on that
Attractiveness is all that matters.
>super tall
>low body fat %
>nice facial structure
>"Gee guys, all I have to say is "I like you" and it works!"
>"It's just that easy =D"
Go fuck yourself
he's a fucking spic.
personally, i like the girl in yellow shirt.
>wew lad
look at his nose m8
He's not exactly a walking paragon of male attractiveness
>talks about improving social lives.
>shit posting on Sup Forums
The thing is we have been teach to do the oposite by gay and female teachers.
Everything is sexual assault.
>Paid sluts for a jewtube video
Guys, it's very easy to get girls
I don't think about them. I avoid them.
Do you own a dingo
What the fuck are you talking about?
Jesus fucking christ, that's literally all it takes is being taller than everyone else and suddenly all the pussy is folding inwards like prolapse for your dick.
Get this shit thread out of Sup Forums.
There are two,and only two types of people.
Type 1:Fags who make excuses Type 2:Jealous fags
Talk to shorter girls then you mong
>Improving social skills
What's there to improve for me? Still the same eccentric talker I was when I was a teen. I can talk to most people just fine, however college is a different story. People take a lot of things too literal, easily offended, can't take a joke, or just afraid to truly express themselves. But going back to college, my experience is that some people couldn't comprehend a black guy doing/saying this or that.
Either way I'll strike a conversation with anyone if something catches my attention.
Short girls also like tall guys not just tallER guys.
Show me a video of a short chubby guy pulling in tail like this and I'll agree that "CONFIDENCE" is the difference maker.
If I looked like him sure, for know I have to stay in my range which is regular white girls and black girls at my job. Beggars can't be choosers.
>Talk to shorter girls then you mong
Hahahahaha... I really need to kill myself
but he's a super handsome and tall Chad
I didn't start out this way chucklefucks
I have always had a de-facto beta build, but I improved myself
I weighed like 150 pounds in high school, 5'9"
Still had the hottest date to prom. She didn't go to my school. All the popular bitches were so jealous.
Worked out really hard in end of high school and college, got built, got a good job, now I have a good career, saving for a house, fucking a model.
I am holding it down for all the fucking white males
Just look at the first few clips and then tell me that confidence (or lack if it) isn't extremely important
>Still had the hottest date to prom, she didn't go to my school.
Hired an escort confirmed.
this is good to see actually
Damn why didn't I think of that! I went to mines alone and still had fun(was high) but I would have did that for a good laugh
>Extras 26:51
>OP 4:47
Really makes you think dunnit?
>tfw you are fine around people there are just no people to be around
If you don't like bars as an adult you are basically SOL for casual social interactions outside of work.
looks white to me.
Don't do it frog-san, being tall alone doesn't mean shit when you're a mess in every other department
t. 195cm walking disaster
>tall blonde blue eyes handsome guy
"lel It's just a single, simple sentence! Go do the same and improving your social skills!"
yeah ok
Was thinking that the whole time
Im sure his height has something to do with it too.
He isn't great looking or particularly muscular, just tall and not a sperg.
Because I'm an anxious and severely depressed virgin.
I look fine on the outside, probably above average, I just feel pathetic around others.
Meh I like the mentally ill unstable artist thing I've got going on right now.
Goddamn shitskins taking our women!
Getting a girl isn't as hard as people think and it does require you to put yourself out there, but keep in mind that these videos are edited together. They don't show the failures.
Even Simple Pickup (who has done these videos for years) says that they strike out way more than they don't.
>but keep in mind that these videos are edited together. They don't show the failures.
yeah, see He completely spergs it several times
I was recently diagnosed with having either mild asbergers or schizoid personality. I just don't find any value in relationships. It sucks and I know I should, I just don't.
Thanks, I know those justbeyourself videos won't help anyone, just another hit in the feels.
Still, those people can really be fascinating at times
I love ucla I pickup girls there all
The time but it's sad to know these girls are soulless she is such a little slut she gave up her for like that. Trust no bitch
I can't handle rejection. I don't have the heart to ask tons of girls out desperately hoping one treats me as a human being.
Even if I got a gf I'd be clueless and she'd soon learn how pathetic and depressed I'm.
This doesn't work if you're a manlet and you have rounded ugly pasty Irish face
>tfw the only things needed to pickup girls is being tall, the only thing that you cannot improve
Being a manlet is suffering.
Acting like this guy isn't more attractive than average is just silly.
Never. People are ridiculously easy, and I could be fucking some chick right now if I wasn't too depressed/low energy
I'd be really creeped out if a guy approached me like that. I mean I can appreciate skipping the small talk but jesus man, you're being kinda bossy.
> simple sentence
and simply be a slim, tall and attractive jew in america
it's simple
>hurr guys its easy just be tall and good looking
oh ok nice advise idiot
*into the garbage it goes*
its really not. being confident, funny and outgoing makes someone a lot more attractive.
the problem with finding a woman isn't even getting to talk to them, its the part where all women are absolute fucking trash
youre totally right dude
im 6'4 and i can just walk up to any bitch and she will instantly like me
You've met all women?
>spergs focussing on the man's appearance
>not the fact that these heavily edited videos don't show the hundreds of times they just told him to fuck off or ignored him
I don't understand why have have trouble with girls, just bee yourself!
(This is what Chads actually believe)
The actual method to getting a girl is this:
1. Be Handsome
2. Be Attractive
3. Don't Be Unattractive
And then there's Croatians.
Whats impressive here, it's his ability to put himself in embarrassing situation again and again.
>i look pretty similar to this guy
>i have 1/10th of the confidence
Works for me, stay mad you basement dwelling neckbeard manlets
Give me your number and/or kik.
This is true as long as you are 'fighting in your own weight class.' You aren't going to get a super model that way, but can pull a normal girl. Most guys come off as creepy, so just don't do that.
Technique: clear mind. Think happy warm thoughts about something. So your inner warmth shows on your face. Say hello and smile.
Source: guy who has dated more women than all of you put together.
Once I approached a girl on the street she gave me her number even though she got together with her boyfriend the day before. She even asked me to hang out with her before her work shift (45min) but I was eith a friend so I said no. Never called her :-D
My social skills are above average. I just am not that social.
>Mfw people tell me to "be myself"
Thanks for the totally original tip, I'm sure my confidence will get that girl to ignore the fact that I could fit in as an extra in The Hobbit.
ioooohh... thats such a cute thing you posted there OP
>you're still a faggot
Fags, he has the failures right here: youtube.com
fucking cringe
i lack empathy
Show the un-shopped version you faggot.
Nice cherry-pick.
Oops here it is:
A super tall, white guy telling people that they're overthinking social situations is like a super rich guy telling poor people to stop being poor.
Kid is going places
If you tried this in Britain I'd imagine you'd be told to fuck off a lot.
This. Fucking Chad genetics.
>Why aren't you improving your social skills RIGHT NOW, Sup Forums?
Kek those comments
>Juan: "hey I like you"
>Girl: "awe"
>Me: "hey I like you"
>gets charged with harassment
I had to work at the job with a girl for half a year to ask her for a date.
Sup Forums and /r9k/ might as well just merge at this point
Exactly. Now imagine how many failures a non-Chad would have.
But in the end, it's all a numbers game. Even if you are a hideous Nostradamus guy, if you ask out thousands of girls one will eventually say yes.
Rejection IS the end goal.
You pick up girl to e rejected and toughen your hide.
Don't become like my black friend who didn't fuck a non prostitute in a decade.
>tfw tried this shit just once, tried not to be autistic
>go talk to her
>goes way better than expected
>"hm i have a boyfriend :/"
>don't know what to do, spaghetti kicks in
>y-you have a boyfriend ? well ok i..okay, okay
get out without saying anything like a schoolshooter sperglord
welp i guess with some training even an autist like me could score some, who could have known ?
Im so social i get friends even if im a douche but i don't want them i want to keep em away but they won't stop coming and talking with me
>approach woman
>ask her out
>she agrees
Okay, great. Now what?
>take her on date
>find out she's a whore and a boring ass person with a lot of faults
>hate her
>or alternatively she hates me
Even better
>ask woman out
>she says yes
>wants to fuck on first date
>fucking grossed out by this whores behavior that I don't want to see her again
Women aren't even worth speaking to. They're just as boring in real life as they are online.
I once answered something unrelated to anything to that rebuttal.
And followed by telling her that he didn't matter to us, and wasn't there but we were.
There wasn't no boyfriend, she was meh and a trainwreck.
It's often just a defensive barrier, a shitty reflex trained by the shitskin invasion.
>tfw actually pretty good looking with nice facial structure but have a bad mumble and can't look anyone in the eye when I talk to them because childhood abuse
Yeah guys. Why not be like this guy?
okay. Keep spreading "just be confident meme".
>sitting in library studying cyber security
>Girl sits at my table
>I say hey :)
>she says hi awkwardly
>follows up with "please don't talk to me, you're really not my type".
>y-you to
>peer down back into my book
I think she meant "there's another guy superior to you in appearance that I like and I don't want him to see me talking to another guy".
Thing is, i have confidence but evidently, no luck.
lmao shit thread
It works for this guy because he is attractive. If you're attractive and tall then you can do this and get girls. Also, have some confidence
t. attractive, tall, and /fit/ man
*seriously, I am
indeed i see that a a lot, i also see women who can't stand 2 days being single and just change for whatever beta orbiter or failed chad they have under their hands waiting for a real chad. At 15-16 yo i would understand but adults are doing that shit at 20+ 25+.
absolutely disgusting and i see more and more of these every year.
Is this the same bullshit where the guy is in Utah and every one is friendly already and live in a small city?
Those are excuses because youre too comfy user. Get up and go explore something, ain't got no confidence in yourself. Sell your computer, throw away your phone and go do something you're afraid of.
I'm like legit autistic, so trying to improve my social skills has been one uphill battle for my whole life. If I don't overthink it, I'll end up rambling on about potentially disturbing topics.
>tfw I've been told by most girls that I'm a 7/10.
>tfw most girls think I'm gay because of my jawline and eyelashes.
She goes to a different school, user. You wouldn't know her.
>"please don't talk to me, you're really not my type"
I think she might been autistic or something.
Ableist mentality. Stop being afraid
I've met an attractive girl that's autistic though.
This, look at Sam Hyde